There have been some fantastic side-scrolling Metroidvania games in the last year or two, and 2025 looks like it could play host to another one. MIO: Memories in Orbit looks pretty darn good in its debut trailer, embedded above, and it's coming to both PS5 and PS4 next year.

You play as a small robot within a gigantic, technologically advanced spaceship known as the Vessel. The ship's purpose is unknown and its interior has fallen to ruin. Of course, it falls to you to explore the craft and work out the mystery of what's happened.

In typical Metroidvania fashion, you'll unlock new abilities as you progress, allowing you to explore yet more areas previously inaccessible. Additionally, you'll be fending off enemy machines and navigating through tricky platforming gauntlets.

There's no set date on the game yet, but it'll be out sometime next year. Are you interested in MIO: Memories in Orbit? Let us know in the comments section below.