Free Radical Design's seminal shooter TimeSplitters looks like it's coming to PS5 and PS4, likely as part of the next phase of PS Plus Premium's classics push. Overnight, ratings for modern platforms appeared on the Taiwanese ratings board, which is good news for fans of the now-defunct developer.
Spotted by the ever-watchful Gematsu, Koch Media is listed as the associated company, which makes sense as the current IP holder. While a launch date has yet to be approved, TimeSplitters has been rated PG-15 for violence and inappropriate language, which also checks out.
Koch Media picked up the TimeSplitters IP in 2018, along with the studio responsible for the early multiplayer hit Free Radical Design. Koch Media would ultimately join Embracer Group (as Plaion), and Free Radical Design would be closed ahead of Christmas 2023, caught up in its parent company collapse.
Are you excited to see the apparent return of TimeSplitters? Were you a fan of the original games? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source gamerating.org.tw, via x.com]
Comments 22
Oh my god, if this is true I’m going to be so happy. This is one of my favorite games. It also makes a fun cameo in Shaun of the Dead. Hopefully, the game will have a platinum trophy.
Isn't it misleading to say Timesplitters is coming to PS4/5 and then show the cover for a distinctly different game?
@MFTWrecks Sometimes it's hard to source high quality assets for older games like this. I've just spent several minutes looking for some TimeSplitters 1 art we could use, and there's not really anything at the resolution required to work here.
Will continue looking, but that's why this pic was used.
Would rather the far better sequel but sure i will take it.
Timesplitters 1 just hasn't aged very well, sorry. I can't imagine modern gamers getting much out of it.
Timesplitters 2 and 3 though. Wow. Two of the best games I have ever played. I am praying for trophies.
Hopefully the 2nd installment will follow as that was my favorite by far . Also waiting on ape escape 3 as the 2nd one was available a decade or so ago
Finally we're getting some certified bangers on Premium. Still won't make me upgrade my subscription thanks to the absurd price increase but if it's available for purchase I'll definitely check this out.
I'll hold on for timesplitters 2. 1st one didn't have a good campaign. Fun as hell in battle mode with mates though
Absolutely brilliant game, made by the people who made 007 Goldeneye and Perfect Dark and often considered their spiritual successor. As a launch title, this was my first PS2 game and experience with PS2. The game doesn't have a campaign as such but instead has a number of speed running levels with different challenges and difficulties. This game was all about the couch multiplayer. 4 player couch multiplayer with friends was especially fun. Great soundtrack too! The music for the Chinese Restaurant level is ingrained into my memory. That level and song made it into all three games, it was that good. It would be nice to have online multiplayer added in but that sadly will not happen. Still play my original copy from time to time on the same PS2 with the multi-tap adapter.
I think “retro” resolution is fine for an article on a retro game (better than showing a completely different game anyway) so don’t stress about that.
The best news here is that it makes Timesplitters 2 more likely!
Timesplitters 1 and xmen COTA both getting rereleased! What a year for retro goodness 👍🏻
Day one play for me. I was getting tired of waiting for Rewind and laughed in horror when I saw the build for the now-cancelled game from Embracer, so I'm very happy we may finally be getting TimeSplitters again - even if it is just an emulation.
The first game is some of the earliest and best memories I have getting into video games, always played it with family for hours when I was a kid
AM I DREAMING? Insta buy!
I hope we'll be getting trophies!
Just please add trophies.
Now we are talking. Need the sequel aswell though.
I’m so upset that it never got revived in the end. I want a current gen Time Splitters
I want to play those games since the PS2. Maybe now I will have the chance,
What I wouldn’t give for a remastered trilogy. I thought for sure we’d be getting one when the IP was purchased a few years ago but I guess that is over with.
This is great, hopefully we get 2 and 3 also
It's the worst of the series, but a sign of good things to come.
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