The next game from Yakuza / Like a Dragon developer Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio will be revealed at the upcoming Tokyo Game Show in September. It's currently unknown which franchise or family the title will belong to, so feel free to speculate wildly.
That's according to VGC, which reports word from the Essence of Fandom event at Anime Expo, held in LA earlier this month. The developer said that whatever the next game is, fans will be "surprised" by it, which is undeniably exciting from a studio like RGG. Fans at the event seemed to be under the impression that another Like a Dragon game was being referenced. Still, as VGC suggests, it's also possible we could see another entry in the nominally more grounded Judgement spinoff series.
What are you hoping to see out of RGG Studio? What would surprise you at this point? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 32
Remastered collection with Kenzen, Dead Souls, the two Panther games, and cutscenes from the online game???
Like a Dragon HD 1.5 Tojo Collection??
How do these guys pump out games the way they do??
@Vivisapprentice And consistently GOOD games at that!
They've been pumping these games so often that it's become Assassins creed for me. I used to love them but now I absolutely detest the series because of how over exposed it is.
I would be fine with whatever from RGG of course. If it truly is a "surprise" though, my guess would be the new Virtua Fighter. After all, RGG was behind the most recent re-release of VF5 a couple years ago so I don't think it's too far-fetched.
Judgment 3 would be wicked. I’m pumped with anything tho tbh
@Vivisapprentice Lack of full voice-acting in some activities, smart asset re-usage, and a ton of talent.
I have a feeling, and it’s just that, that they might do something with a certain down and out trio (not spoiling) who eventually come to Kiryu and the gangs aid at the Millennium Tower . Something about the conversations Kiryu had with them about helping Kasuga had me thinking that maybe they’ve got a story direction lined up featuring them. Just a hunch
Also, a number of the cast from Judgement appearing in the past two Like A Dragon games. Perhaps they’re starting to wind down Judgement stories and bringing that cast in to Like A Dragon games?
Either a possible Kiwami 3, new Judgment or another spinoff. I feel it's too soon for 9.
@Vivisapprentice they reuse tons of assets. Just look at the worlds - Lost Judgment's Ijincho and Kamurocho was from LAD. Gaiden's Sotenbori also from LAD. And Infinite Wealth once again reused Ijincho and Kamurocho.
This is not criticism btw, on the contrary. If they manage to keep the quality high and the new games fresh, I wouldn't mind yearly RGG game, be it proper LAD, spinoff or remake.
I’m hoping for Binary Domain 2 with a remaster of the first game. I think it’ll actually be Judgement 3.
Sega milked this franchise really hard huh. Y8 just came out in January while Ishin remake & Gaiden came out last year with Gaiden only had 2 months gap with Y8. Now 6 months later they're ready to announce a new game along with Tv show that will be air in October.
At this rate, i give my salute for any longtime Yakuza fans who's not yet feel burnout after bought & played every single Yakuza games for the past 5 years.
@Vivisapprentice They reused a lot of assets like character model, animation, environment etc, which cut a lot of development time and let them focus on making new contents. Also, i think RGG studios has more devs right now compare to 5 or 10 years ago.
As I mentioned before, I would love for them to adapt another classic manga/anime like they did with fist of the north star, f.e. lone wolf and cub, berserk or cowboy bebop.
Otherwise I'd also enjoy if they'd make an original sci-fi or cyberpunk title that'd launch a new series.
@personauser93 I would literally cry if that happens. Too good to be true.
@Doctor_BK BD2 would also make me joyful.
@PuppetMaster 1000% agree and couldn’t have said it better. A “surprise” from other companies can be fun, a “surprise” from Yokoyama-san and his team could be something terrifying.
It truly can’t be understated. Too much stuff.
Your salute is appreciated! I can guarantee you, 8 is what absolutely sent me. Hardest sense of burnout in over 5 years.
I would lose my f***ing mind if another Judgment game gets announced 😵💫 Absolutely love those games!
Man these guys can really pump out games. Good quality games at that.
Also, hello @Khayl ! I noticed a typo in the headline. It’s “Gotoku” with a U at the end. Not an O! Have a good day!
@PuppetMaster Only games I've ever cared to buy was Judgement because it still has the brawler style combat. Still find it such a massive shame they switched to turn based :/
I haven't finished the last two yet, they do seem to get these out fast
Cool.whathever it is.its going to be interesting.rgg studio is a amazing developers.word up son
I hope Judgment 3 comes eventually
Sincerely hoping for a Kiwami 3, but I doubt that's it since they've spoken about this in the past and they're throwing the word "surprise" around.
When will Yagami come to Hawaii to investigate a murder
Keep them coming. I don't think I'll ever burn out of this series. Gotta say whilst I did still love the newest one. Hawaii didn't have the charm of Japan
@Yousef- oh that's embarrassing, good catch
@Yousef- Welcome to the Yakuza burnout club my friend 🤝
@Nepp67 Yeah i bought Judgement and Last Judgement but not just because it still has brawler combat but i also find the idea of playing a detective / lawyer protags more interesting and fresh compare to the usual ex Yakuza guy. Judgement story also feels a lot more compeling than the usual Yakuza standard of fighting between Yakuza clan or against Triad and Korean mafia.
@PuppetMaster Yeah I just wish the dectective parts of the game weren't so tacked on. I feel like they could really expand upon these parts of the game if they didnt include stupid sections like climbing up a building in the slowest way possible.
@Khayl all good, friend. We’re all human.
@PuppetMaster Appreciate the welcome, friend. Happy be onboard, even if it’s to my dismay. I cannot handle a new game right now. I am praying a remaster (not a remake) is revealed. Out of RGG’s remaining backlog, there’s no single bad game they can remaster.
Yakuza 1-2, Kenzan, Dead Souls, Binary Domain, KH1-2, all have potential for excellency.
I’ve played both KH1 and 2 with the English patch. They are both excellent games, with excellent narratives and a fantastic protagonist. Tatsuya rules. PSP hardware limitations, be damned.
@Nepp67 Yeah i agreed the detective part has some flaws that could be more polished and not slowing down the gameplay too much, especially compare to how fun and fast the combat.
Sadly we probably wouldn't see the 3rd game where Nagoshi can try different things for detective part or even let us more involved in the lawyer part maybe like Ace Attorney.
@Yousef Bro, i don't mind if they remaster Kurohyo / Black Panther. I only played the demo of the 1st game and i frickin love the cutscenes with manga artstyle. And the combat that focus on 1v1 with plenty of fighting style to try also really fun! 🤩
Kenzan also cool since we play as Miyamoto Musashi and there's not many games where can play as him.
Only @korgon has mentioned it but I think it could be a new Virtua Fighter.
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