More speculation about the imminent arrival of the PS5 Pro is circulating on social media, where it appears the source code for No Man’s Sky’s newest update includes a reference to the supercharged hardware. Eagle-eyed data miners spotted references to a graphics profile named ‘Trinity’, which is the rumoured codename of the new console. Sony has frequently used names from The Matrix to internally label its unannounced products.
The graphics profile doesn’t appear enormously different to the standard PS5, but some settings have been bumped from ‘High’ to ‘Ultra’, while the dynamic resolution scaling has also been increased. It’s worth noting this may not be final, and there could still be further optimisations made to No Man’s Sky prior to the PS5 Pro’s launch.
According to documentation seen by Insider Gaming, the souped-up system is targeting a November release date, and Sony’s sudden return to Tokyo Game Show has prompted speculation it’ll show off the system there in September. What are your hopes for the PS5 Pro? Are you excited to start learning more about the system? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source x.com, via twistedvoxel.com]
Comments 53
Interesting how consoles are now releasing faster than games. We don't even have a single new ND game out. And at this rate we can expect to have 2 consoles to 1 Rockstar game every gen.
Maybe the Pro can get FFXVI and DD2 to run at more than 30 frames...
I won't be spending the money to upgrade though. Sony will have to earn it.
I get the feeling MS will launch their next console first and the Pro might be held back as a stalling tactic for such a scenario. MS will be desperate for this gen to be over as they're coming in third by a wide margin.
I'll buy it day 1 in order to avoid the embarrassment when friends come over and see that I own only the base console.
My time is so limited and my backlog is so huge that i might wait for a ps7.
will be waiting for
price info
what console looks like
digital foundry on what it does
Correct if I'm wrong but isn't the FSP problem to do with Capcom rather than the hardware?
I'm looking forward to seeing the specs/price for the pro, if I'm impressed then I will double dip.
Interesting that the main difference in that code screenshot is just water quality detail changed from High to Ultra.
2025 launch year, calling it now.
@KingDazzar Good Spot! I missed that, that is another upgrade. I have edited my original comment to not give false information.
I am excited for it. I skipped on PS4 Pro so I think I am going to treat myself to the PS5 Pro! YOLO
Interesting info,yes I shall get one day 1 ,assuming can get one of course ,I really hope that Sony do pre orders via the ps store and/or the ps5 pro is also sold at retailers to a degree
I upgraded to the ps4 Pro but honestly I think I will leave this until the PS6. Currently no game has really pushed the PS5 so I'd prefer to see some new game releases rather than a new console with no new games
If the design of the thing is appealing to me then it’s in with a chance of being purchased by me
@TheArt amazing! lol
It is crazy though that they are still making PS4 games, this gen hasn’t really begun and they are pushing a Pro… with what games? I do think they need to transition from PS4 and maybe help people upgrade with incentives and actually make games. PS6 will be out with PS6, 5 & 4 ‘cross gen’ versions of every generic annual sports title. Crazy.
I bought the PS4 pro but don't think I'll be buying this there's not been enough quality games especially first party wise to justify another expensive console purchase for me.
No PS5 Pro for me. When compared to past generations, this one has really been quite awful. Looking forward to the next Nintendo, and hoping Sony & Microsoft get themselves sorted out.
Absolutely nobody should buy this. Do not encourage them. Look at the output on the PS5 and tell me that there’s any reason for this to be a thing when the base PS5 is not even close to being pushed.
I’m definitely getting one for the collection.
Just give me the preorder link. I love new gaming hardware. An absolute day one purchase.
Lmao some excited people in the comments but the improvements to the game described in the leak (if true) are negligible, it’s going from a 1300p resolution to a 1730p, and the entire focus of the machine is to increase visual quality and not what most actually want which is higher and more consistent frame rates.
Day one for me too, don't even care what it looks like. I have faith Sony will load the end of the ps5 like they did the ps4s life, and the pro seems like it could be a nice bump up in capability.
"some" is only water preset bumped to ultra from high.
To me the PS4 Pro made sense, 4K had blown up since the release of the base PS4, and the upgrade felt significant. I was in the middle of playing Horizon Zero Dawn when I switched and it was a massive difference.
There really isn't a need for a mid-generation upgrade, especially when last gen doesn't even feel over yet. It's a cash grab, and I'm not falling for it.
No, no, no, no, and no.
Release some games that push the current console first, then I'll consider spending hundreds of dollars / euros on... whatever this is.
This is DOA for me. If they had stopped cross gen releases about two years earlier I could see it as a maybe, but only just. But they were greedy and wanted to dip into that sweet, sweet PS4 install base way longer than the normal window, devaluing the newer machine. Now they want their cake and to eat it too, by releasing this. Sony cannot have it both ways. A pro console is viable whenever they can make a case for it. What is this gonna do? 120 FPS isn't worth $600+ for me... And I've been a day one adopter for PS stuff for a long time now. I'm the target market here, and I'm not buying.
Absolute, 100% no and I'm insulted at the level of greed on display even considering this is a entity that is greedy by definition.
I'd wager this is gonna do even worse numbers than the PS4 Pro did. I bought that for its 4K capabilities, which was overdue at the time, but I felt even that was negligible overall.
@nessisonett In fairness the real problem is that the base consoles are mediocre. The SSD is the only selling point. They're not much more powerful than the "pro" previous gen consoles that came before it. They keep launching consoles for the business imperative of refreshing the brand, not because they have really compelling hardware to require upgrades. And the problem is consoles existed on generational leaps before. Now hardware has kind of stagnated with not much gains outside the extreme top end, The old rules don't work, and they don't have any new rules. Time to reinvigorate brand interest again....new console time! They advertised these as "4k consoles" but the GPU is a rough equivalent of a 3060 (actually a hair below.) In the PC world that's "a budget 1080p card". Yeah, you can squeeze more out of it on a console, but, the "powerhouse" console they market doesn't match the reality of the real hardware, and that's what we all are feeling in our up-to-30fps 1440p at best adventures. A $299 GPU isn't a 4k monster. It's not even a 2k monster. And this is the AMD version....
@Czar_Khastik Depressingly, you nailed it.
@x3King84 @TheArt At this point they really should just drop the generational pretense and come out in the open with the mobile/PC model of annual hardware refreshes with cutoffs of what generation games support. It's what they all want (Phil talked about it but hasn't done it, Jim talked about wanting to do it but didn't do it......just freaking do it already.)
@themightyant If Sony releases an "upgrade" from a 3060 to a 4060Ti for $600-700 people should riot.
Day 1 purchase. Bring it on!
The argument goes something along the lines of the hardware is not even close to being pushed, it's poor optimisation from the devs. Because they develop for the lowest common denominator and scale up. Meaning the PS4 is still the lead console they are developing for, then clumsily scaled up to the PS5. Hardly anything was natively developed for the PS5 besides hilariously enough a handful of launch games that are still the graphical pinnacle of the entire library. To this day, nothing is graphically superior or more technically impressive than two launch games, Ratchet and Clank and the Demon's Souls remake, in my humble opinion. Wow.
I don't have the technical knowledge to make the above argument. All I can say is when I see framerate drops on PS5 on an indie game like Cult of the Lamb that should be able to run on an old cellphone, I tend to believe it.
First party games historically were the titles that pushed the system to its limits, usually we saw that around mid-gen. This time, not so much.
Current one has been a waste of £500 - not going to be dropping another £500+ on a console with zero exclusives worth playing. I miss the old Sony and PS devs.
@NEStalgia Even the SSD is a bit of a hard sell if you had a PS4 Pro and upgraded the internal drive to an SSD. SATA 3 has max throughput of 6GB/s which is faster than the PS5 SSD in uncompressed mode (5.5GB/s, which might be one of the reasons why my Pro seems quicker downloading PS4 titles than the 5?).
Going to buy one but keep it in the box on a shelf, grinning smugly to myself occasionally and thinking ‘I have one of those.’
I'm not paying 600+ dollars for 120FPS or slightly higher resolution. And as an early adopter on all their stuff since PS2 with a lot of discretionary income that I can and will spend on my favorite hobby, I'm the bullseye of who they are targeting with this. And I don't want it. And to take it a step further, I'm even slightly insulted at the prospect.
The days I bought Sony products on goodwill ended this generation after the conclusion of the Jim Ryan era and all the attendant horsesh*t that has gone on during. They lost me. And, if I am the proto-typical consumer they are targeting with this - which I strongly suspect I am - they lost a lot of their "hardcore" crowd (I hate that term) this gen, who would normally go in for something like this.
I could believe it's just a way to reinvigorate their brand or stay relevant, despite being wholly pointless in terms of actual hardware. But I'm assuming they want to make money on this venture. And I don't think they will do too well.
Reason being, they have alienated me with every decision they have made the last 4 years to appeal to the Fortnight / Madden / Call of Duty crowd. Because there was more money in that for them. And they did make a killing. By closing Japan Studio and Pixel Opus and many other decisions I found pretty damn deplorable, all for the pursuit of a target market that wasn't me.
Fast forward a couple years, now they want to turn around and sell me whatever this is, an item tailor designed for the hardcore crowd, for me. But they can't justify it in terms of value. Just expect us to forget they sidelined us for the easy money, until it's time to remember we exist so we can open our wallets. Get lost, Sony.
They made a choice. Alienate the hardcore crowd for easy dollars. It was a very conscious decision they made too, not something a Fortune 500 company just stumbles into. They gotta live with that choice, can't have it both ways. Not buying until first party titles that truly push the system release. So probably never. They won't recoup their R&D and marketing costs on this.
God willing, they get the message and reform themselves for the next generation.
So much for an old man writing "if it releases this year" in social media LOL.
Pro “upgrade” was cool and had a “wow factor” to it at first, but at this point it just seems like a sham and another way to nickel & dime; just get a PC at this point. the practice is gonna become dated.
1. I'm not impressed with current games' usage of PS5. This alone warrants I stick to the PS5.
2. I still don't believe it will come soon, I will however show more respect toward your 'professional' opinion. You are quite insistent without leaking anything yourselves. If you don't know for sure, and it does appear at TGS, then I have to say kudos.
3. Current trends considered I will sell my ps5 when ps6 comes and buy the PS5 pro. It will be capable of playing PS6 games waaaaaaay into the future. I might end up spending less than 200 dollars on this method for an upgrade.
@nomither6 a pc so i have to wait two years for the games I want to play? No thank you. And it has ALWAYS been about making more money, that's why the GameBoyAdvance SP and the GameBoyA SP with screen light existed, you didn't need a new SP but it folded and was cool, the light was terrible but hey it was better than nothing lol. Now you can see that with the OLED Switch, yes the screen is nice if you like the idea of only playing portable because if you use it as a console is exactly the same experience.
Smartphones are basically the same business, little to no change between generation. The practice has existed for decades and it works because it's about options, the more options out there the more sales you get if the product is popular even if those come from people who double down LOL.
That looks like 1 setting has been bumped up to ultra, the rest look the same. Except the number that says 0.6 to 0.8. not sure what that means tho.
@GymratAmarillo uhhh, who said that you had to get rid of your console(s) or something? i sure as hell didn’t get rid of mines. Kinda ironic when you mentioned having more options. you made good points though; i guess it’s just a matter of perspective and personal opinions. it just seems like you’re gimping/bottle-necking yourself when you upgrade a console of the same generation since it’s still at the mercy of the base model limitations, at least PC versions are more tailored and exclusive to get more bang for your buck
Hey don't dog on the Advance SP, that backlight changed the whole game.
I get hardware upgrades are generally iterative and incremental but I want to see something a lot more substantial for my money than 120FPS or little graphical upgrades here and there that you wouldn't be able to spot outside of a Digital Foundry analysis video.
Consoles unlike PC are these self-contained boxes and can't be freely upgraded, so there is generally this expectation of a "big" leap in the console world. Well, that's how it used to be. But yeah, smartphones exist.
I've heard that phone argument made before but was always kind of odd because phones are sort of all in one personal assistant devices that everyone more or less needs in modern society. That's where people want to have a lot of options in a device, based on their very different needs for work and life.
I tell ya what though, if they can establish a smartphone model with consoles and people buy into that, they will be rolling in the dough.
@NEStalgia I think it's more about live service than anything else. For example because of GTA Online's gigantic success, Rockstar made it that a new GTA game is now a "once in a lifetime" event. Naturally Sony's going to release new hardware nearby.
It’s going to be announced at the Tokyo show, probably with pre orders shortly after.
Day one for me.
Hopefully that really annoys all those miserable people saying no-one should buy one. 🤣🤣
@UnlimitedSevens Yeah, that's really the main thing I've seen from the post-Jimbo Playstation, and kinda saw the writing on the wall the day Kaz announced his retirement. We had a PSDoomed conversation on the NL PS thread that day. We were right. They absolutely traded their market for "a better one" with the Fortnite/CoD crowd. Financially it worked at least in the short term, but in the long term I don't see that crowd buying consoles at all when every laptop and phone will play their games.
This generation really changed the game for consoles, and it changed my whole interaction with it. I was console back in he day with Nintendo-Sega through 16-bit. Then went PCMR for a long time, didn't have a PS1, but I emulated it and (still have) a large library of PS1 games, just not the hardware. Had every PS since, multiple of some, and PSP, and Vita, and VR1, and VR2. And Eye Toy.....everything. Swore I'd never go back to the cost and hassle of PC now that consoles caught up.
And if 5Pro is anything like 4Pro, they'll launch it, make some token game boosts, then kind of ignore it and phone it in after that making it an underused product only sold a few years.
Flash forward to this gen? I got Xbox Series that was great at launch and then MS abandoned it (again) and keeps making it irritating while really indicating that Windows gaming is where their focus is (which is fair, it's where it was before Xbox and they damaged that when they launched Xbox...maybe its a good thing they're returning to roots.) I've watched Sony nickel and dime the "core" while catering to everyone else. I've bought into PSVR2 only to have it ignored and sidelined. And then we get back to the "Pro consoles' that MS wisely avoided this time but Sony is jumping into. If you end up buying both XB and PS, and then at least one of them releases a more expensive Pro, you're up to $1600+ in the gen. More next gen as all the prices will be higher, we're still living on 2019 numbers in console-land. At $1600....you're already at or above what you can get a decent PC for. Or add a little more (pretending there's 2 pro consoles) and you can get a screaming PC that curbstomps the "pro" console. After swearing off PC gaming in the '00s for good....I now find myself prepared to go fully back to the PCMR. Both Microsoft and Sony pushed me there. Lord Gaben shall have my fealty. Even Zuck will....Quest's gotta be in there after PSVR2's treatment.
Swore I'd never go back, but console seems to have picked up most of the bad traits of PC, and left behind most of the good traits of console, and if you're multiplatform console, there's even a questionable cost-advantage on the consoles so long as these pro models exist. It's almost break-even (until you get into VR kit but that's another thing.)
@Grumblevolcano There's something fundamentally wrong about buying a whole new modest upgrade GPU console just to play a "once in a lifetime" game that will run for the next decade and 6 hardware iterations on it. You're probably right, but the whole idea seems broken. This all defeats the whole point of consoles, really.
I barely play my PS5, its just dusty bones at this point. I'm mainly playing retro or indies when I can be bothered to game with the occasional bit of D2 thrown in, this gen has literally put me off gaming for the first time ever. I did not fork out almost £600 to play remasters of last gen games and bland cookie cutter cross gen sequels. Where's the innovation? the new IPs?
Hear, hear. I think I'm gonna bite the bullet and consider PC next gen and join the other Sony and Microsoft expats. It will be a much higher entry cost, and I'll have to figure out how to build one and what's what with the hardware (shouldn't be too hard). But could be a fun challenge in itself.
I do like the ease of use that a console provides, but even that is fading with day one updates.
And since you mentioned it, I'm really upset about the VR2 as well. 600 bucks for that just so they could abandon the early adopters pretty much right out of the gate. I think that was my last day one purchase of a Sony product. I'll have to look into the Quest.
After that and the VITA, I'm started to look at Sony as almost like Google, launching and then pretty much immediately abandoning hardware and software when it isn't an instant hit. I guess companies like Sony don't think beyond the next quarterly profit report when they make decisions like that. Deters future purchases, hurts the brand overall. I feel there is no Sony seal of quality anymore.
I’m currently only rocking a PS4 Slim, but feel no need to upgrade. The graphics on the PS4 are as good as I need them to be, and the PS5-only games aren’t compelling.
Faster loading is about the only feature that interests me, but it ain’t interesting enough to cost $500+
I am patiently counting the days until my PS5 Pro. Gotta get through this back catalog !
@UnlimitedSevens Haha yeah it's definitely an experience and learning curve if you've never done it before. I have both the advantage and disadvantage of not being new. Some things were a lot more "cross your fingers and hope it works" back in the 90s and 00s lol. Yet there's some more details these days too. The build becomes more the hobby than the games.
I swore I wouldn't go back. I swore I'd never give a single data point to Zuck, and now I'm looking into pcvr on quest. Microsony happened though.... What a weird circle 😂
Sony really has built a reputation of launching products just for quick cash and moving on. Its a bad look but anything other than a numbered PlayStation they just don't seem to invest in. Then again are they even investing in that anymore? 🧐
This generation is incredibly boring, underpowered and overpriced. I can name maybe two games that have genuinely impressed me so far.
Apart from the SSD, everything could have been achieved on the PS4 Pro or particularly the Xbox One X with virtually no compromise. Where's the justification of paying for another £450 system???
Some of the best PS3 games came out towards the end of that system's lifecycle. Why? Because developers had learned how to push the system for every last drop of performance.
We now have a situation where devs don't have to try to push hardware and consumers are asked to pay ridiculous sums of money, multiple times, for the privilege of playing games that actually look anything different from the previous gen.
With the PS5 PRO all games will work fine, oh wait, that already happens with the current ps5.
@UnlimitedSevens Speaking of abandoned sony hardware thrown out to die, remember Edge controller? The under-featured $200 controller with replaceable sticks? They couldn't put adjustable tension on it like EVERY other premium controller, and they can't get themselves to even sell alternate tension sticks at $20. And worse, the sticks are usually out of stock and they get more every month or two, making bare minimum so they never have any left over when they fully abandon it.
PC is extortionate, consoles are a joke, and games are exploitative. Why do we game again?
@__jamiie I think we've really hit "end game" in computing hardware in general. From 1988 to maybe 2014 we were in this era of great leaps and bounds in hardware. Today we've hit the Apple phase of hardware across all computing. Minor hardware enhancements, new software features locked behind new hardware just to sell new hardware. Hardware more or less just stopped evolving other than modest gains. The dies have shrunk as far as they can. And basically only one company makes all chips on Earth though a few companies design them.
It's not just consoles. 14th gen Intel CPUs are basically the same thing as 12th gen Intel CPUs.
AI is advancing rapidly (software) hardware to support AI is advancing fairly rapidly. Efficiency is enhancing to use less power to do the same things, even on batteries. But actual hardware performance has basically plateaued. Everywhere. Maybeforever, or at least until some "quantum computing" breakthrough happened.
It'll get better over time, sure, but if you compare GPUs from, say, 5 years ago, they're only 30% worse than the same tier of GPU now. We've gone from needing to "upgrade every 2-3 years to keep up" to, basically, run it till it breaks and then replace it with the same thing, but it might be slightly improved. We lived through an age of rapid hardware performance evolution to an age of stagnation. You don't upgrade your microwave to keep up. You replace it when it breaks. Computers have arrived at that point now. Prices don't go down, and upgrades don't replace the old parts, they just create a new higher priced tier of higher performance.
Consoles are kind of mired in this rut now. Selling new consoles for the sake of new consoles isn't financially as viable as it used to be. Even the vaunted 5090 may now be delayed to 2025, and rumors still say it's not a giant leap. Nvidia can't move on past monolithic dies and monolitic dies are expensive and are at their limits without getting huge, and the powerful ones already can't be sold in China, so what's the point other than datacenter sales? AMD's just experimenting with Chiplets. That might go somewhere, but it's very new and trial and error. I don't see how Conoles, pros or sequels either, can do much more than they're already doing at the same price point. 8-10 year generations may represent what 5-6 year generations used to.
Worse, the handful of hardware gatekeepers control supply and thus control price, and the more they seek to make high margin from hardware, and acclimate to making and selling less, the more software makers are forced to seek lowest common denominator to reach the broader market that's not in to hardware extortion lottery to make ends meet.
@NEStalgia game devs still arent pushing hardware to their limits like they used to. i remember when games used to make systems run hot, because of how much processing power they used. nowadays devs cut so many corners and half ass games that it doesn’t even matter if we’re at the “end game” with hardware. the only thing “bigger” about games is their bloated uncompressed file sizes and uncompressed prices; $70 for modern games is a joke when you had 7th generation games that were more groundbreaking with significantly less gigs and well worth the price. i’ve been playing previous generations more than ever , ever since 9th gen so-called “started”
i’ll even go as far as to say even nintendo is cutting corners and never pushed the switch to its full potential with any of their exclusives
@nomither6 Oh, the current consoles are getting pushed to their processing limits, it's why we have games stuck at 30fps with a tradeoff of 60fps that looks like PS3 visuals. If they're using that power efficiently or not is another question, but they're using it, alright. Ironically the main bottleneck seems to be the CPU, which is the one thing the "pro" if the leaks are true will do nothing to resolve. It'll help it hit higher resolution, sure, but not perform better.
The issue isn't so much if the hardware is being pushed to max, it's what it's being used for and if it actually makes for a better game or not that matters, and that's where this gen definitively falls down. Design-by-committee knockoffs in every direction. Nothing unique or interesting, but the checklist shall be covered!
Poor Switch. People keep praising it as the best games in every Nintendo franchise, and all I see are phoned in cardboard cutouts with a gem here or there. I lack motivation to continue most of the Nintendo games of this generation after I start them. That's never happened before. But the hardware's getting pushed, it's just that there's not much to push, it's a 2011 tablet, really it's impressive what's been done with that. Kirby with those 15 frame animations 20 feet ahead attest to that.
Yup I picked up the Edge controller as well. It really boggles the mind how much money I've given this company...
Honestly had no idea there were stock issues with the replacement sticks. I'll have to pick a few up then in anticipation of the inevitable stick drift issues.
@UnlimitedSevens Ere the sticks drift out of production....
Of course they could have Hall effect modules. But how could Sony afford the same kind of space age technology 8bitdo uses in $39.99 controllers? Fruit physics doesn't fund itself.
I have three - three - Vitae. Talk about giving Sony way too many chances lol
All these years later, I'm still in denial about the Vita situation. I have two I still use currently. There is a pattern emerging regarding their support (or lack thereof) for anything that isn't their flagship hardware.
To be honest, I'm not too psyched about their implementation of the Dualsense controller in general. Astrobot was amazing, everything that came after - even first party stuff - ranged from meh to okay in comparison as far as utilization of haptic feedback.
I hate to be negative about nearly everything but yeah, I am just not impressed with virtually anything Sony has done the last four years.
PS5 OS still is still extremely lacking, meaningful social features have been pared back or eliminated entirely (RIP Playstation Home), VR2 was dead on arrival, the Dualsense controllers' longevity and build quality is the worst of any gen so far, the first party games are good but samey and not as many as in years past, and on top of it all Sony as a company has become quiet and reclusive in its communication with the fans, like a weird hermit.
The sole shining point for me has been third party games and indies.
I guess I am just getting old and cranky? I dunno, I'm good as long as I can still collect physical on older platforms and if nothing else, PS5 has a strong built-in library of PS4 titles. I'm literally playing PS1 right now more than PS5 if that tells you anything. And having a blast with it!
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