Microsoft has officially shuttered the Xbox 360 store, following in the historic footsteps of Nintendo, which closed the Wii/Wii U shop in 2019. Against all odds, that somehow leaves Sony's overpriced, notoriously difficult-to-develop-for PS3 as the last seventh-gen video game console to remain online, with a functioning (albeit deserted) marketplace. The war is over; lay down your controllers; now we need a time machine to send word back to 2005.
As Sony is still rumoured to struggle to port PS3 titles to modern platforms, it's probably a good thing, too, just from a video game preservation perspective. That, and of course, the threat of the PlayStation faithful rioting again, as they notably did last time Sony said it was taking the rickety PlayStation Store associated with PS3 (and PS Vita) offline (before notably walking that one back). Sadly, the day will inevitably come when we must all bid goodbye to that legendary seventh generation of consoles we love so well; today is not that day.