In the process of unearthing plans for an interplanetary battle station that could change the Galactic War's face forever, Helldivers 2 players have unwittingly stumbled upon a fearsome new anti-tank support stratagem. Early testing seems to indicate the MLS-4X Commando Rocket Launcher is quite a cracker, but mostly, players seem relieved that Super Earth didn't stick them with the MD-17 Anti-Tank Mines, which the community has collectively turned down twice now.
Observed by GamesRadar+, this anti-anti-tank mine sentiment has been growing for a while, with one Discord user writing: "If they had given us those [MD-17 Anti-Tank Mines] instead of Commando I would have straight up uninstalled."
The Commando is a returning weapon from the first Helldivers, and in an interesting quirk of the sequel, you can't actually try it out for yourself at the time of this writing. The community is currently doing Super Earth's bidding a little too well. The weapon has been unlocked for use on planet X-45; now that it's under 100% control, you can't deploy there. Hopefully, it will be unlocked for general deployment once the current Major Order is complete.
Are you glad to see the MLS-4X Commando resurrected? Are you interested in taking the quad-rocket launcher for a spin? Hold fast for the inevitable deployment of the MD-17 in the comments section below.
[source, via]
Comments 6
That thing packs some serious firepower! I took down even a factory strider with that thing. They should add it to the strategem menu with a backpack to reload it. This game sorely needs a cool new weapon!
@Frmknst I reckon down the line, even though they have said it won't come due to player toxicity (even though it is already toxic), they will introduce it and allow a Super Earth vs Other Human Invaders vs Planet Enemies feature. Would honestly be so fun
Love the nod to the Schwarzenegger classic 'Commando' which also features this rocket launcher. Just don't shoot it the wrong way around!
@Futureshark That should be a little Easter egg if someone stands behind you it blasts you back
@Nakatomi_Uk Does it count if every weapon with backblast in the game already does that?
@Frmknst Good thing you didn't buy a F2P game at all, since Helldivers 2 is not, in any way, shape or form, F2P!
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