The Resident Evil series is so consistent in its release schedule and overall quality that it hardly needs pointing out, but Capcom has revealed it has a new entry in the horror IP in active development. Resident Evil 7: Biohazard lead Koshi Nakanishi is returning as director for the production of the new game, which will presumably be the sequel to Resident Evil Village.
During the Capcom Next livestream, Nakanishi said: "We're making a new Resident Evil. It was really difficult to figure out what to do after [Resident Evil 7]. But I found it, and to be honest, it feels substantial. I can't share any details just yet, but I hope you’re excited for the day I can."
There have been rumours recently of a potential Resident Evil 9 announcement, but they've since been squashed by the same source who first reported them. It's also speculated Capcom has remakes of Resident Evil Code: Veronica and Resident Evil Zero in the works. What do you want out of the next Resident Evil entry? First of third-person? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 37
If there is a ps showcase in September , it probably be announced there.
I can’t wait whatever it is. Capcom are untouchable at the moment.
Loved both the first person games; VII and VIII are both phenomenal for different reasons. Really hoping for a continuation of this new style.
When I think of Resident Evil, I naturally think 3rd person, so I suppose I’d slightly prefer that. But I’ve also had a great time with some of the 1st person games they’ve done so I’m really fine with either, just as long as it’s done well.
I’d also much prefer a new mainline entry as opposed to yet ANOTHER remake. Spend the time and money on a new idea instead of re-treading well walked in shoes.
Resident evil is a legendary franchises.i still remember playing the first resident evil on my ps1.amazing game.more resident evil is always welcome.word up son
Good. I’m newer to Resident Evil but loved RE4 Remake. Hopefully it’s similar to that because it was phenomenal IMO.
I'm not surprised they had trouble with concepts past RE7. I like some of the designs, characters, beats, and moments in RE8, but ultimately I don't really enjoy it compared to the other games. Here's hoping we get as much Wesker as they'll grant us 🙏
I know I’m in the minority, but I’d love to play a fully open world RE
The only thing I don't want is an open world RE, everything else is fair game.
Well from 7 we had the horror swamp/hillbillies/haunted house mystery thing, then we got village. So far it’s like a ghosts ‘n goblins 2d game map. Next up either caves or castle.
I'm not picky about Resident Evil so I'll happily buy day one a first person or third person RE game! I'm still hoping for a RE5 or Veronica remake by early next year 🤞
I really hope it's not first person again, but I'll be fine either way as long as we don't get another bland protagonist like Ethan Winters. The fact that he starred in two straight games is downright distasteful.
Code Veronica please!!!
@pyrrhic_victory Nah Ethan Winters was a certified beast! It was nice having a sort of silent protagonist which was a nice change of pace from the other games. His story wrapped up beautifully in the dlc so now it's time for new batch of new (or OG 🤔) faces!
"We're making a new Resident Evil. It was really difficult to figure out what to do after [Resident Evil 7]"
So why not put RE in the bench for a minute and revive Dino Crisis, Haunting Ground, or Clock Tower? But business wise, i guess that decision doesn't makes sense since RE4R and Village sold a ton and the fans already expected they will get RE 9 and Code Veronica/5/6/0/1 remake in the next two years.
But whatever Capcom do next for RE, i hope they didn't repeat RE 6 mistakes...
I really love 7. And it’s one of the most terrifying survival horror game i ever played. Comparing to village (less horror). So yeah im excited. I hope they not tone down the horror element like they do for the village
First-person please, and in VR. I can't imagine playing it flat again after VR boosted the immersion x10 for RE7, RE8 and RE4R. Best experiences out there on PSVR and PSVR 2
@Trousersnake yeah i hope capcom stick with first person. I prefer FP since the RE7
I wish Devil may cry had as consistent release schedule as its overall quality😅 Don't make me wait 10 more years capcom
@ear_wig I'd love for IX to continue being first person. We've had a probably unintended trend of the RE numbered games coming in sets of three. 1-3 the classic fixed camera angle games, 4-6 the over the shoulder games, 7-9 could be the first-person trilogy.
I have to say on reflection I think Resident Evil is my favourite game franchise of the lot.
Very excited to see what happens next.
Guys, this is volatile insider information but I know a guy who says the next Gran Turismo will feature sport cars!
Shocking indeed.....lol
I wonder how they're gonna work the roman numeral "9" into the title?
Resident Evil IXnay on the Ombizay
It was hard to figure out what to after Resi 7 or 8:Villagev
@Tecinthebrain His storyline certainly got slightly more interesting in Village, but it doesn't change the fact that he had all the personality of a dishtowel. And it felt like the developers tried to retroactively explain his passiveness in VII by revealing what he is in Village. This is just my opinion of course, but I don't expect silent protagonists in RE games.
@Americansamurai1 Ugh stop raising my hopes and dreams. I have been defeated enough this generation. I am just going to live my life believing there will never be another Good Showcase and no more big First Party Exclusives this generation so I that will not be disappointed anymore.
@JaBrony123 i hear you but sooner or later they have to show the games. This year is PlayStation 30th anniversary and next year is god of war 20th anniversary.
I want a Code: Veronica remake more than I want a sequel.
@DETfaninATL yall always crying over camera angles weird
@zhoont get wesker back? lol 😂
@pyrrhic_victory if it is get over it
@Undeadcop I said ultimately I'd be fine with either camera angle
@Undeadcop LOLOLOLOL. Get over yourself 😂😂😂
I’m so confused by this line: “ There have been rumours recently of a potential Resident Evil 9 announcement, but they've since been squashed”
This announcement is for RE9 since it’s presumably a sequel to 7 and 8 (Village), no?
@pyrrhic_victory ahh ok
@DETfaninATL get over me darling 😈
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