Concord's open beta begins today (that's the 18th July) on PS5 and PC, welcoming anyone and everyone into the hero-shooter fray. But this celebratory moment is in danger of being overshadowed by talk of the game's player count. Indeed, the previous early access beta — which ran from the 12th July to the 14th July — reportedly struggled to attract a PC audience. User numbers on Steam (as per SteamDB) didn't paint a pretty picture, with the beta pulling just over 1,100 players at its peak.
As you can imagine, a lot of doom and gloom has spawned from such a realisation — and many are already wondering whether Concord's going to be dead on arrival once the full game drops on the 23rd August.
However, while there's no denying that the Steam numbers are somewhat concerning, we do think detractors are jumping the gun. After all, we don't know how well the early access beta performed on PS5 — and there's the simple fact that getting into said beta required a pre-order on the platform of your choice.
Given how divisive Concord's State of Play reveal turned out to be, we can't imagine that hordes of potential buyers went out and immediately pre-ordered. As such, this open beta should be a much better indicator of the title's eventual popularity. All eyes will be on that player count over the next few days, then.
Still, there was always going to be some discussion over Concord's $40 price tag — which could end up being a key factor in terms of the game's overall success. Even if it turns out to be the greatest PvP shooter the world's ever seen, it's going up against a slew of eternally popular, free-to-play titles that offer incredibly similar gameplay experiences.
What do you think the future holds for Concord? Is it destined to be a surprise hit, or is it definitely doomed? Take aim in the comments section below.
[source steamdb.info, via tech4gamers.com, playstationlifestyle.net]
Comments 99
I told you, Sony. Should have spent that money making Tokyo Jungle 2 instead.
Almost like most people don't care for a $40 generic live service hero shooter when you can just play any of the free ones. The fact this studio thought chasing a dying trend was a good idea is hilarious.
Like I wrote in the article, the open beta will give us a much better indication of what the game will do, but yeah, those Steam numbers make for a sobering read.
Shooters shmooters. Don't play em, don't like em. Far Cry, Cyberpunk, Robocop and the like do it for me as there is a means to an end. Looters, microtransactions and the like are banned for my kids, and I join the ban.
Why pay for an Overwatch clone (no matter the production value) when Overwatch 2 is free-to-play?
I didn't expect this. This must be because of all those haters spilling bad words about the game
I mentioned this before: the subreddit for the game, prior to the first beta, had less than 700 people in it. Across all of reddit.
The number more than doubled after last weekend, but last I was there, it was still under 2000. For a first party AAA shooter releasing in a month.
That's not good.
Popular games tend to have subs in the hundreds of thousands. Or at least tens of thousands. Concord isn't anywhere CLOSE to that and its sales will reflect it, mark my words.
IMO, having played it, it's well made. It's just not a good game. It has fewer options than some multiplayer suites attached to full story-driven games. It is doing absolutely nothing new. Why would people put down $40 to play a game they've effectively played before, but better and more original?
It desperately needed something to separate it from the pack, and the crew system is NOT it.
Won't be surprised if it's dead within a year.
I enjoyed the first beta in the end, but it's not looking good is it?
Makes me wonder what will happen with Fairgame and the rest.
Edit:It sounds more and more like Sony need to launch it on PS Plus and give anyone who pre-orders the digital or physical versions a founders package or something.
That's a shame. I actually really ended up enjoying the no respawn modes a bunch. I have a feeling a lot of folks tried the standard TDM mode, didn't click with it, and moved on. I did not like the TDM modes either but once I unlocked the no respawn modes I felt like the game clicked after that. Those modes really force you to be effective with multiple characters in the cast and the crew system really fed into it nicely and gave it something that sets it apart from a crowded space.
I'm still looking forward to playing the open beta this weekend but I think im going to wait a bit at launch to see if there is a community or not here. It's too bad it doesn't have a campaign of some sort. I'd be more willing to jump in if I knew I'd at least have something to go back and play even if the multiplayer doesn't take off.

I might give the beta an honest go, but every indication is that the writing is on the wall for this game. I had my fill of hero shooters with Overwatch back in 2016/2017. I do wonder whether this game is simply 8 years too late to the party.
I enjoyed the first beta. At first I thought it was awful- far too slow movement, half the weapons didn’t seem to do any damage yet I’d get killed almost instantly by other players. But it clicked after a few games and I started to really enjoy it… but as others have rightly said, not enough to pay for it when there are f2p titles that scratch the same itch.
It needs to be free or day one on ps plus to stand any chance at all.
I think the open beta will entice more people to try it however I still feel like the numbers will be low. I appreciated the offer of PSN subscribers to try the game last week and while it was ok, it's not enough for me to justify the price tag. I could see them eventually forgoing the price tag and making it FTP but it would be too late by then.
pc preorder players also got 4 beta codes as well so not even those numbers were preorders
I played the beta it wasnt trash but wasnt anything original either it has been done before generic
i thought it was most like destiny crucible but slower and baffling no ultimate's. and then modes where if you win you cant pick the character you won with !?
this will be on PS+ within 6 months
I'm not paying $40 for this game. It should be free to play. Hopefully it finds an audience but im sitting this one out.
Maybe people are suffering from FPS fatigue? You’ve had 2 recent F2P games release - Xdefiant and The First descendant. Maybe they are burnt out on shooters.
Oversaturated genre. People are just getting bored of it and why play this when there are better games in this genre to play anyway.
I tried the beta and I doubt I'd play it again even if it was Free To Play, forget it with the $40 price tag.
Can't wait to try out Custodians of the Solar System!
If this game fails can sony give them factions 2 to work on? The game was almost finished and since naughty dog didn't want to be a live service team why not give it to an actual live service team.
It would probably be best for me if Concord arrived dead on arrival. That would mean that Sony could maybe sober up on their hideous strategy of gacha games and live service. If Concord fails then imagine how big failgames will ... fail.
Fairgames had always been a complete and utter scam pulled off by someone (her) fooling the senile Jim Ryan. That studio has to die ASAP.
Back to singleplayer guys! The charity given towards those would develop predatory and mindless live service gotcha games have got to end.
I understand how many might think I am over exaggerating and maybe the plan is to have some live service to help fund other projects perhaps more suited for me, but that could also be a fallacy. If a SP game could fund another SP think that is more synergistic.
@Americansamurai1 that is a good idea makes too much sense. factions 2 would have at least been something different and would of had a far bigger audience than concord.
The game is $30 in Japan. I pre-ordered because it's the first First Party FPS from Sony in over a decade. I played the Closed Beta and loved it. It's more Team Fortress than Overwatch. The gunplay (and haptic feedback) feel great. Usually I only have a few favorites when it comes to hero/class based shooters, but I liked most of the characters' playstyles in Concord. I'm looking forward to it. I tried Overwatch 2 right after and it just didn't feel right.
How big a scam is failgames? MUCH bigger than that metal gear solid-dude with reused assets....
The reveal of their game was made by another hired company!
They've existed for years and they have ONE post about subscribing to them for updates - there are abso-effen-lutely no updates, because they just needed the followers to SEEM successful.
And Jade Raymond!? She has convinced the world she had a substantial role to play in creating Assassin's Creed. No, she absolutely did not have any real creative influence. I don't believe a single word coming out of her resumé. I do believe that she had everything to do with coming up with the sure-to-fail Fairgame$
Sony spreading the 1st beta to all ps+ subscribers was a good indicator that pre orders for ps5 were not good.
Sorry guys. I got all the haters together and we caused this.
My bad.
Jesus how much capping and excuses can we make for this game? They already changed it at the last minute to let PS Plus players play it and it still hardly anyone touched it it's pretty evident that this game has been rejected
@trev666 yeah faction already has a big audience from the fans of the games and TV series , I think it could do big numbers if they release ir.
I played last weekend it's not a bad game I would be playing this weekend but throne and liberty open beta starts today so il be playing that instead
Can’t spell concord without CON
I'm freaking dying, man. 😂
Thankfully as TLOU 2 just proved, the comments on here are no indication of what's actually happening in the real world so I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it does in the open beta and sales charts.
Having played it I honestly can say it isn’t bad at all, but it has no chance of thriving in the current market, maybe not even if they made the game free.
And also they really should’ve done these betas MONTHS in advance, as there’s plenty of feedback from players from the last beta but there isn’t any time to change gameplay mechanics and balancing nor to change the game’s business model which will lead to a chaotic first months of release.
If you are really interested in the game just wait a few months, they will either put it on some tier of PS+ or make it totally free to play.
As @GamingFan4Lyf pointed out - Overwatch 2 is F2P.
Why bother coughing up $40 on a game that may be good, when the already established king of hero-shooters will cost you nothing to play?
It’s interesting just how negative the discourse is on this one. I do think that Concord was better than current Overwatch (though it’s got nothing on Overwatch in its glory day) and certainly Valorant.
I’d guess the $40 price tag is probably something Sony decided when Helldivers took off better than expected. But that price tag is going to kill the game flat out, even if it’s better than most people think it is.
@EfYI Pray tell what Gacha games are Sony publishing.
"and there's the simple fact that getting into said beta required a pre-order on the platform of your choice" not entirely true. yes i think steam was that way. but on the final day or two of last weekends beta, they opened it up to all PS+ subscribers.
This beta convinced me that Firewalk was a panic acquisition by Sony. Unless their M&A managers are complete dodos, there is no way they saw something unique in this that convinced Sony to buy the developer outright.
DOA!!! Now had Sony made a New Socom or Resistance we would be seeing their multiplayer gaming efforts doing really well. No one really wanted Concord, even the most hardcore Sony does nothing fans truly want this game. They might say they do but they won’t stick with it. DOA
Sony knew damn well we wanted The Last of Us Factions 2, Concord will fail cause the fan base is piss off
I feel like it having even a 6-7 hours above average campaign would make it better in people's eyes. Can't say I am sorry about the current situation. Be better.
Do I need a PlayStation plus membership to play the dem, Cancelled mine a while back
You have to wonder what the thought process is when projects like this are given the go ahead.
Surely it goes beyond "live service game make money".
Some basic market research would have told them there are relatively few games in this heavily saturated area that are a success. And those are free to play.
Bizarre strategy.
If I wanted to play Overwatch I could just download it now for free, they are a few years late. I don't see how this game can be successful, thinking you're getting a Helldivers 2 success story again is pixie dust fairytale.
Have to laugh at the entitlement from most players here, it's like Sony are the only game publisher around that's not allowed to make multiplayer games. The same people that will be bashing Sony (again) when they have to shut down Firewalk if this game flops. The same people who try to make out multiplayer games are so bad yet they themselves play Fortnite, Call of Duty, EA Sports FC, Apex Legends, Diablo, Elder Scrolls Online etc etc
I'm going to be blunt, the characters just look dumb. I found nobody to get attached to because everyone looks dumb. I don't want to play as a dumb looking character because I look dumb irl and I don't want to be reminded of that every time I play a video game.
@HonestHick I think SOCOM is the right choice. Resistance never had a huge audience and, if I remember correctly, several titles sold under a million copies. Also, SOCOM is just a bigger name with more recognition. It’s the obvious choice rather than making a new hero shooter.
Tagging with what people have said here, Factions would have likely hooked a significant audience. The first multiplayer was a huge success that people still actively play. Expanding on that idea when TLOU has more eyes on it than ever seems like a great plan. I can’t help but think the reasons given for it’s cancellation are not the actual reasons it was cancelled.
@ATaco hilarious take but yea, every character creator I just make a better version of myself so I understand that 🤣
With each passing Concorde Story, I wonder what would have happened if Sony hadn’t listened to Bungie about the Naughty Dog ‘Factions 2’ and even just given us an open beta on that game. There is no way that would have done worse than what is happening both here and the Suicide Squad game, yet Sony never gave us the chance to see for ourselves. Sony first party titles very rarely perform poorly, yet I think this is going to be a very sobering experience for them come Augusts release. This should and probably could have been a story driven experience and I 100% think way more people would have been interested. When the game was shown, there was a huge amount of positivity until the 5v5 was flashed on screen, I myself was super interested until that happened as I thought the characters looked pretty cool and I thought a ‘Gaurdians of the Galaxy’ type game would have been brilliant fun. I played the beta and even though I wasn’t too much of a fan of the gameplay, I thought the graphical design work that went into each character was exceptional. Would have so loved if it had been a brand new story driven IP from Sony. I think also that if this had been a free to play game then it would have better uptake, nothing to lose then, but £35 is dead on arrival I’m afraid. I would expect Fairgame$ to perform no better when that finally shows face again aswell.
Imho the biggest problem with this game is the core gameplay looks uninteresting.
And the characters design doesn't help which most of them looks bland and not memorable. Overwatch for example, i don't like hero shooter but the game got my interest to try it when i saw a bunch of cool looking characters like Genji, Hanzo, Widowmaker, and Tracer. So, i don't think turning this game as F2P will make people interested to try it either.
But if Concord really ended as a flop then i hope SIE highers ups learn the lesson that they shouldn't repeat Jim Ryan mistakes of putting a lot of eggs inside a bucket called 'live service games'.
Anyway. Playing games like Psikyo Dragon Blaze, Gungrave Gore, Medievil remake, Rollerdrome, or Sifu reminds me again how video games used to be simple and fun. There's no need for online connection, no BS gacha-microtransaction in front of my face, and i can play the game anytime i want 😌
TF2 is always and forever going to be the king of multiplayer class-based FPS as far as I'm concerned. Everything that's followed since has just been a low energy clone.
We need a name for these predictably DOA Live Service games. Watcha think?
Current participants:
-Suicide Squad
-Skull n Bones
-Concord? I see nothing interesting, original or in any way compelling aside from marketing and schill media articles praising it.
@GamingFan4Lyf Because Overwatch is garbage the game is worse then the original with even worse monetization. 😂
@Toot1st "Do I need a PlayStation plus membership to play the dem, Cancelled mine a while back"
I was wondering that as well. I don't play FPS so I'm not the target audience but I currently am playing 3 different online games on my PS5, Fortnite, Disney Speedstorm and Zenless Zone Zero, all for free, none of them require PS+. If this game is $40 AND you need to pay for one of the 3 currently overpriced PS+ levels, well good luck to Sony with that plan. 🤑
This is my utterly and completely shocked face.
The moment I saw the original trailer, I knew this wasn’t for me. Looks like almost everybody else feels the same way.
@Bionic-Spencer the two are not directly connected. The reality is that naughty dog is not suited to make a fully fledged live service game. Bad things happen when single player focused teams make live service games. It’s better that it got canned.
@pharos_haven Why are you choosing such a restrictive verb?
Sony are somehow promoting a tonne of weird gacha games as evident in the flow of news and latest state of play. There's just too much of it! People are seriously saying these are good games, and I am thinking what manner of intellect are we talking here? Peppa the Pig has more creative worth than Genshin and the many aberrations that followed.
@IamJT factions being cancelled hurt my enjoyment in PS5 overall. That was my most wanted title. I love online games. I play most of them on my Series X. So to have this title for PS5 was huge for me. I was really upset to see it canned. For sure Socom would be the bigger title. The only issue i could see with Socom is the art direction is so inline with COD that Sony just don’t want to compete with COD cause truly no one does really. It’s a juggernaut yearly. Resistance was really fun for me. But yeah the sales back then weren’t great, but a reboot with some really high end graphics and better story i think could move some units. But not Socom and for sure COD numbers. Hard to tell what Sony will do next for its online games but Concord just ain’t it. It’s so dead and that will set that team back a lot of money which isn’t good.
@UltimateOtaku91 you have your head up your ass if you think people are making fun of concord just cause it’s a multiplayer game. It’s a decent game that hasn’t set itself apart at all from other similar games.you are also completely missing the point that those other games are established and not a brand new ip.
@Flaming_Kaiser Quick internet search results:
"Overwatch 2 had 24,888,211 players from June to July 2024 according to Active Player. The game has also averaged 6.7 million players every day in the last thirty days."
Seems quite successful to me.
@EfYI You question the kind of people that enjoy Gacha games yet are demanding that whole studios shut down just because they don't make your mind of game.
@Fishmasterflex96 People wanted it to fail before any gameplay was shown, same with Fairgames and any other game Sony were planning on releasing with their live service push. If you've been on this site over the the last two years then you would have seen the high amount of hate Sony have been getting for planning to release live service games.
@UltimateOtaku91 Yes there was a big push against Sony’s live service push, rightfully so with how live service games have been over the last 2 ish years. But the main point is more so that most of the complaints with concord are about the game itself. It hasn’t set itself apart from the competition at all and is being set up for major failure. Their live service games need to be great to stand apart from the competitor's. Helldivers 2 success proves this.
Gamers are developing a combined ideology for the games they buy. If a good game has certain ideas that they do not like it will not do well. It will only get stronger. Gamers are developing conviction. And with so many options it's very easy to just pass on things now.
Removed - inappropriate
Yes. My real name is Karen.
@EfYI So by your logic because you don't like it and care for it Sony should stop promoting in. I don't care for gacha games either but other people do. I don't care for FPS games but guess what other people do. Your taste doesn't trump someone else because you don't care for it.
Say that to the developers of Factions 2, Days Gone 2 and Disco Elysium 2 😭
I feel you, but I realise that in a saturated market it can help to vote with your wallet - and commentary isn't exclusive in nature, so my opinion might matter, but it is a drop in an ocean.
And I could be a better voter (spend more money towards my kind of creative outlet) but I've seen the vocal gacha fans and it's literally making this kidult angry 😡
No matter how much you twist and turn it, this game is as DOA as DOA can be.
And the matter of fact is, it doesn't matter how well it plays. This game is the quintessential victim of long development cycles and trend chasing, as it looks horribly outdated even before it comes out.
Firstly, it relies on a totally saturated business model. And secondly, it falls victim to an ongoing cultural shift that makes it immediately unattractive to a now sizeable demographic. Without going into the merits of it, whether one likes it or not, that's just the reality of the situation.
DOA. I just hope Sony learns a lesson or two.
It's competing for player base with Suicide Squad, and with the hopes of Suicide Squad 2, this game was sure to get caught in the middle.
@Xbox_Dashboard They have a name, but unfortunately the mods ban us if we use it
@RBMango It amazes me that they actually believed their own "MS is taking call of duty away" rhetoric. I thought it was just drama to manipulate regulators, but they spent fortunes actually trying to sandbag around it. All these live service half baked offerings are all about trying to plug a CoD shaped hole that just doesn't exist.
Sony could have used this money to remake Bloodborne or a sequel. You know, a guaranteed cash cow. Sony is now so arrogant that the don't even care about greed.
@Mortal If the post-purchase monetization is going to be like Helldivers 2, then that's reason enough for me to spend $40 over F2P. I'm tired of all the FOMO and overpriced cosmetics that are the backbone of the F2P model.
From what little I got to play of Concord, what would have been best IMO is a full $70 game with a good 10 hour campaign mode to flesh out the world and characters, but I guess that is too old school of thinking.
Should have been a SOCOM live service title, instead of shorts they could have slowly released 15-20 missions bi-weekly/monthly near the climax you could play as a squad. And have a PVP squad shooter available Right out the box. They could have even reused all the old maps.
@EfYI None of the games you mention have anything to do with Gacha, Sony canceled 2 of them and DE2 was canceled because they are internally suing each other.
Had no issues getting a match on the console beta. The generic bandwagon hate this game is getting, is getting a little sad and stale.
Audience appeal and general gameplay being in or outdated, long dev time and whatever priorities they can have, hmm a balance or what they want more. Which I think companies just don't approach that well of what is 'new' or what needs to be there for a trend then setting their own trend or the audience that talks things up doesn't even play the games anyways so why bother if they TALK but don't PLAY.
Regardless of the audience saying oh we want this to be the case of singleplayer games and the company goes we want to tackle this audience and that 'this' risk then other risks and get this money for this trend I think it's just a game that people know well enough if they played it whether it's good or not and can compete or can't.
So the audience that wants a good MP gameplay experience goes eh this isn't that great. It's a waste of time & money on a company's part to do so to get social browny points and a whatever product to appeal to an audience (which makes sense for a target demographic of course to be a factor with a game yes).
But if they really don't know their audience well enough & the price entry is what it is then free as Sony wants the money then it being abandoned if they don't get cosmetics money/enough people buying & not refunding, to present quality or whatever else.
If full priced I do wonder. Splatoon 2 was something I bought cheaper but at the same time but was a great solo game, 2 audiences while hard to justify there is a reason many games that did that you still get solo audience sales not just oh MP audience moving on to another game and it flopping as the ONLY audience it's intended for. Or a separated. Still 2 projects, 2 devs & separately like Crossfire was even besides the quality it ended up as.
Not just go oh Helldivers 2 did this for this price even though completely different games & elements to appeal to audiences in them, it will be fine to do that again even though 2nd party deal then a 1st party studio MP game so more control over Concord this time.
I think it's probably the flow of the game isn't good enough to people. It needs something that bit more then just oh it's got this production value in the visuals, this combat, these maps being however they are of 'compelling' to run through, how the team aspects fit the game or the sci-fi theme is different.
A theme/setting or the safest of gameplay offering isn't enough it needs to be more for gameplay aspects.
At least to me that's how I feel about many games being too safe when competing when in the past sure those that had more of something won but at the same time they still offered compelling mechanics that make people WANT to explore these old games, it may not help companies as it's second hand but the ones people remember and want to buy people want because of what they did, not just for content creation either but because of how good they had even if rough in areas.
To me it looked like other games and nothing that stands out about it other than how it's sci-fi this game and the flow is similar enough so sure not as much a learning curve or other possibilities but it's also not exciting either.
If a story element sure but for a beta I don't know if it was even in there as they want that to be a launch thing.
Part 2:
I think Sony wants the money and the browny points for appealing to an audience but the audience makes it clear and those seeking a good new multiplayer game go well this wasn't worth it at all. Especially with the social focus in the industry then "skills" and games being worse or less appealing products over time.
As a gameplay focused person then caring about whatever themes/story/graphics I just go oh ok, moving on and go elsewhere. If the story/themes/messages are tolerable I don't mind but if they are obnoxious they aren't a factor for me that much but can be.
As particular as Forspoken is to me the gameplay was still fair. I could ignore the other elements in it. I buy for gameplay not social/messages/graphics/story. Story only if the gameplay is compelling first. To me South of Midnight isn't that amazing either but to me it seemed fine enough. To me other games are more compelling then them especially only Indies of Gori, Akimbot or Steam World Heist 2 of this year, anything else couldn't care less about that's major AAA projects. Not any AA ones I care for either really right now or remember.
Not because of audience appeal, average game trend following and consulting companies. But the studio while trying it's just not worth that much a risk compared to other games taking up players time and those that were interested wanted more to stand out. Like many MMO players WANT more to happen not always being so safe, and they just get disappointed.
I mean Destruction Allstars was a gameplay idea risk but also who in their right mind thought a vehicle game was something to appeal to teens, any idiot knew that, even the Twisted Metal type vehicular arena audience that would have CLEARLY liked to have another one not a teen audience with no experience or interest in that type of thing, Concord is just a too safe of a game risk it seems besides it's other factors.
I get audiences are a challenge to convince but in some cases some can be dramatically different but they just approach the wrong audience for them sometimes. Or audiences have too much of the tone/other things in mind. But sometimes a Conker/Naughty Bear got out and as rare as they were have cult followings but it doesn't happen much.
That's my guess. I mean it's not like I haven't gone this had a good dramatic shake up to a series, oh they back tracked that even when it had praise (when most dramatic shakes up have backlash). It's like they wanted a safe product for development or like it got backlash in example thinking of. Some devs just annoy me that way. Why bother if any feedback means we will be safe & boring with the next product.
That MP audiences check it out and move on because if not much appeal to it or them in a number of factors.
I wish the characters didn't look like a bunch of random extras from guardians of the galaxy
@ShogunRok $40 and a PSN requirement will detract a lot of Steam players. Brace for the expected
I'm getting a good chuckle out of the obvious Twitter/X bots trying to spin the player count as a positive. "Player count on PC doubled on the first day of open beta!" Going from 1100 to 2300 isn't the flex they think it is. Not reaching 10K for a completely free open beta of a supposedly high profile first party Sony game is abysmal.
This and helldivers show the high risks Sony is taking with their live service approach. The rewards and failures are extreme but the latter is much more common.
I had to really look for it aswell. Everytime I clicked on the game it was to buy it. I only knew there was a beta option somewhere because of this site, casuals wouldn't know without it being on the homepage. Also wasn't interested by the trailers but plays pretty good actually.
I genuinely thought this was just another f2p shooter. I wasn't going to touch it anyway. Just like Overwatch, Valorant et al
Well, there are some silver linings.
Servers probably won't crash on release and there will be no queues. Matchmaking will be all over the place in a week or two, though.
But hey, you win some, you lose some.
So... the Games as a Service model is now so efficient at tracking it's own demise that poor early access numbers mean it'll be DoA?
I think that's a bit clickbaity sensationalist premature doomslinging from Push, but also I hope it's true because GaaS uniformly and with very few exceptions sucks, so if they keep failing maybe they'll stop being made and become a closed chapter in the history of gaming.
We certainly shouldn’t revel in games being doa, people put there hearts and souls into these games. And it looks like a polished game?
@Perturbator I don't care if it's serious or not, I'd much rather play a sequel to Tokyo Jungle than Concord, the Fortnite wannabe with a Guardians Of The Facsimile frock over it.
@MFTWrecks This is a nice ground level view which tells me all I need to know, and I appreciate the distinction between "well made" and "good". Made a lot of sense to me.
@zekepliskin No problem.
To hammer home my point, as negative as it was... I redownloaded the beta and played another hour last night. It's solid. It's just not "pay $40 up front" levels of good.
It makes some REALLY anti-player design decisions. The entire Crew system is absolutely bonkers dumb. "There are 16 characters (and more to come) but you're only ever able to choose 12 maximum. Enjoy!"
Or the rolling bonuses. "Hey, here are some obscure, passive buffs that are poorly explained and entice you to swap characters, thereby never allowing you to quickly master a single character OR get in a proper groove, because it actively hurts your team to do so."
Also, for a multiplayer-only title... WHY THE ***** DO YOU NOT AUTO-QUEUE INTO A MATCH?!? And why are game modes not just... game modes that can be filtered (a la COD, a la Xdefiant, etc.).
For a dev team with so many supposed multiplayer/shooter veterans, they made some MASSIVELY moronic decisions during development. And it sucks. Cause the moment to moment gunplay is GOOD. Really good. Made by Destiny/Halo veterans good. But it's all wrapped up in a package that, under no circumstances, warrants its pricing model.
@GamingFan4Lyf Did I say it's unsuccessful? I think it's garbage I hate the new monetization the F2P setup made it a worse game then the original. If the original was still around people would be playing that for sure. The game that was sold on lies but why am i surprised its Activision Blizzard.
At this pint it's pretty Much a guaranteed flop after analyzing the open beta engagement.
@Czar_Khastik you didn't expect an ess bee eye game to fail? A carbon copy looter shooter? This ugly af game? To fail? How?
@EfYI oh boy, that's a dumb take..lol
Right now Concord has 1,000 players on steam.
The 3/10 TFD has 110,000.
I only need to see your name and avatar to know that life will get you back, so I don't have to.
It won’t last a year.
I mean... this isn't a surprise, right?
We've been saying time and again that the market is saturated and the giants almost impossible to topple in the value they offer.
Make another 10 of these. The 10th will be the one, i'm sure. 🙄 Throw them all to the wall. One will stick, right? Right?
Yeah... may as well flush the money down the toilet.
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