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Developer Blizzard is considering a return to the 6v6 Overwatch of yesteryear, following the controversial decision to opt for 5v5 with the launch of Overwatch 2. Judging from the amount of digital ink spilled on the subject, they don't appear to be taking it lightly.

Spotted by IGN, game director Aaron Keller posted an extensive, 3600-word essay on the history of 6v6 gameplay, why it was removed with the advent of Overwatch 2, and why the developer is contemplating a return. 5v5 isn't going anywhere, but there are apparently some far-reaching implications that must be considered (performance, queue times, splitting the player base), so careful testing must be done.Keller says this conversation is the first step in a process that will likely take several seasons to achieve fruition, explaining that:

"We’d run the test for a few weeks and gauge interest from the community. Then, we’d measure its impact on the other experiences in Overwatch 2, like 5v5, Arcade, etc. We’d take the lessons from this playtest to see what we can learn about the mode within the current game ecosystem and for the future of Overwatch. We would reflect carefully on what we learned from whatever test we run and explore how to give players best what's being asked for. Whether that’s a world of 5v5, 6v6 or even both, we must figure out in the future."

Did you prefer the original game's 6v6 setup, or are you a fan of the faster-paced 5v5 action in Overwatch 2? Let us know in the comments section below.

[source overwatch.blizzard.com, via ign.com]