The first big XDefiant update since the online FPS' release in May has now landed on PS5, bringing with it a new faction themed around the Rainbow Six franchise, three more maps, another two modes, additional weapons, and Ranked Play.
All the new content is live now in-game, with the headline addition being the new GS Kommando faction. Inspired by the items you'd find in Siege, you can use shock wire, an Active Defense System that destroys enemy explosives, and finally, an ultimate ability that takes the form of a Flash Shield, which acts as mobile cover.
Three extra maps are part of Season 1, with the first available in-game now and the other two dropping later on. Today, you are able to play on Clubhouse — inspired by Rainbow Six: Siege — then Daytona (The Crew 2) and Rockefeller (The Division) arrive in the coming months. You can take them for a spin in two new modes: Capture the Flag and Bomb.
Finally, a Ranked Play option is now live on the main menu, which pits two teams of four against one another across the Occupy, Domination, Zone Control and Escort game modes. You can work through seven ranks, each of which is broken up into 10 levels. You'll source exclusive rewards from Ranked Play, which presumably improve in quality the higher your rank is. The overall ranks are Bronze, Silver, Gold, Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, and Legends.
Will you be getting ranked in XDefiant and taking the new maps and game modes for a spin? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 11
Rainbox Six Faction
This game is remarkably pretty fun. Haven’t played it in a couple weeks (i will get you AC Brotherhood platinum) but the bones are there. A genuinely very fun shooter that reminds me of the older days of online play. Doubt I’d check out ranked play for that reason!
Reminder that XDefiant is an Ubisoft game. "Get used to not owning your AAAA games."
Hard skip.
@willi3su That's a blatant misquote. Please feel free to actually read the interview, rather than regurgitate clickbait headlines. Tremblay was asked what it would take for subscription services to grow and he gave the obvious answer: people need to become more comfortable with not owning their games. He did not say that players must get comfortable with not owning games, regardless of their preference.
The update has caused quite a few issues the frame rate is dropping quite badly and it's extremely laggy and hit detection is still all over the place.
@willi3su seriously, bore off!
Removed - trolling/baiting
Removed - discussing moderation
Played it enough to know i am waiting for Call of Duty Black Ops 6, however it did a few nice things. In time i would like to come back to it cause well it’s fun.. just needs a little more time in the oven in my opinion.
I don't think I got the skills for Ranked but I'm looking forward to all the new stuff. I'll have to try to get some time into it soon.
Too bad matchmaking seems to be busted. I have far too much respect for my own free time to play broken ***** nowadays. Deleted.
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