Atlus Really Doesn't Want You to Know Metaphor: ReFantazio Is Coming to PS5 1

Metaphor: ReFantazio is of course coming to PS5, as Atlus would be absolutely insane to exclude the platform where the majority of its fanbase exists. The SEGA subsidiary would rather you didn’t know about it, however. Following the release of yet another trailer at Gamescom 2024 this week – seriously, perhaps it’s time to stop spoiling the title – any mention of Sony’s system has been excluded.

On the official Atlus channel, the video title for the new trailer only mentions Xbox Series X|S and PC, and the clip itself is bookmarked by Microsoft bumpers. There’s no mention of the PS5 version in the video description, and the same is true on SEGA’s channel, too.

Furthermore, not a single one of Metaphor: ReFantazio’s estimated 10,000 trailers has been uploaded to the PlayStation channel. And it’s only been mentioned once so far on the PS Blog.

Atlus Really Doesn't Want You to Know Metaphor: ReFantazio Is Coming to PS5 2
Metaphor ReFantazio effectively doesn't exist on PlayStation's YouTube channel, which has 15.7 million subscribers

It’s not exactly uncommon for platform holders to sign marketing arrangements with specific releases; we’ve seen Sony do the same thing for tons and tons of titles over the years. But we’ve never seen a title kept underwraps quite like this. Xbox also has a marketing arrangement with Star Wars Outlaws, for example, but that’s not preventing PlayStation from posting about it and publishing its trailers.

It’s clear that Microsoft wants to associate the release with its system, perhaps in an effort to combat Sony’s overall dominance when it comes to Japanese games and JRPGs. But in this instance, we think it’s having a negative impact. The newest trailer has attracted just 16k views on the official Xbox channel at the time of writing, and not many more on Atlus’ page. You can guarantee it’d be doing over 100k if it was being advertised to PS5’s much larger audience.

[source, via,,]