You’ll be able to explore the Britain the Tories want from March 2025, when Oxford-based dev Rebellion releases Atomfall on PS5 and PS4. You may remember this one being quietly announced earlier in the year; it’s the same developer from the Sniper Elite series, although it depicts a dystopian northern England, ruled by robots in the aftermath of the real-life Windscale nuclear disaster. Think Fallout with funny accents.

“Explore the fictional quarantine zone, scavenge, craft, barter, fight, and talk your way through a British countryside setting filled with bizarre characters, mysticism, cults, and rogue government agencies,” the press release reads. Sounds just like modern-day UK!

There’s a new trailer embedded above which showcases both the gunplay and scenery. We don’t often get games with this type of setting – Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture immediately springs to mind – so it’s quite interesting to see a major release with this kind of backdrop. Are you interested in exploring a post-apocalyptic England – or will a day-trip to Barnsley suffice? Sit outside Greggs in the comments section below.
