We’re surprised it’s taken this long since the release of Cuphead for a developer to have a stab at that game’s hand animated art; then again, we know it takes an unfathomable amount of time to produce something of substance in that style. Thank heavens for The Eternal Life of Goldman, then, an upcoming side-scrolling PS5 platformer that, frankly, looks absolutely fantastic.

The game blends the best of Sonic the Hedgehog, DuckTales, and many other classic 16-bit era adventures – but it puts you in control of an elderly gentleman with an upgradable cane. “The Eternal Life of Goldman is a vibrant yet dark adventure that weaves together legends, fairy tales, and myths,” reads the blurb. “It takes the genre in an unusual direction and offers something unexpected at every turn.”

The developer, Weappy, says it’s taken the best of the platforming genre, and left “out all the frustrating stuff that doesn’t make sense and wastes time”. The press release teases: “It’s a challenging platformer that demands precision, but it never devolves into a gruelling exercise where you have to memorise and methodically execute an exact sequence of actions. The key to success is improvisation and ingenuity.”

Honestly, we think this looks brilliant, and the art style is just the icing on the cake. Sadly, there’s no release date attached to this title yet, but it’s one we’ll absolutely be adding to our wishlist. How about you?

[source youtube.com]