The PS5 has officially crossed the four million units milestone in the UK, but it’s achieved it 31 weeks slower than its predecessor, the PS4. There’s crucial context here that needs to be observed, however: the PS5 wasn’t readily available for the first two years of the generation, as the aftermath of the pandemic prompted an unprecedented semiconductor shortage, which meant stock was limited. It also costs a helluva lot more than its predecessors.
Indeed, when you look at the actual numbers, you can see just how much price is playing a part here. The average selling price of the PS5 so far is an enormous £460, compared to the £204 of the PS2, the £311 of the PS4, and the £146 of the PS1. It took the PS2 just 114 weeks to hit four million, while it took the PS4 and PS1 approximately 161 weeks and 182 weeks respectively. The PS5, by comparison, took 192 weeks.
Here’s all the data, provided by GfK, as reported by Games Industry.biz:
Position | Format | Weeks to 4m | Revenue | Average Price |
1 | Nintendo Wii | 102 | £721m | £178 |
2 | PS2 | 114 | £817m | £204 |
3 | PS4 | 161 | £1.26bn | £311 |
4 | PS1 | 182 | £585m | £146 |
5 | PS5 | 192 | £1.846bn | £460 |
6 | Xbox 360 | 193 | £843m | £211 |
7 | Nintendo Switch | 203 | £1.07bn | £267 |
8 | PS3 | 210 | £1.15bn | £288 |
9 | Xbox One | 211 | £1.22bn | £305 |
With the higher average price, the PS5 has generated more revenue than any other system to hit the milestone, bringing in a whopping £1.846 billion revenue. That’s more than double the Nintendo Wii at the same sales point. Of course, the margins are still razor thin for Sony, and it’s struggling to get the costs down sufficiently to introduce a price drop.
“The days of razors and razorblades when consoles sold at almost impulse-purchase price points, are over,” explained GfK games boss Dorian Bloch. “Either from launch or by heavy price reductions over time – Wii, PS1, PS2, and Xbox 360 – all had low cumulative average selling prices by the time they reached four million units.”
It’ll be interesting to see how Sony continues to stimulate sales throughout the rest of the generation with the price of its console remaining so high.
[source gamesindustry.biz]
Comments 49
@TrickyDicky99 They did end up diverting a lot of the stock to the US, though. It was considerably harder to find in Europe.
Pushsquare trying to push the price angle again.
Take the early issues with supply and you would imagine there would be very little in it.
Everything is more expensive now. But we do also get paid more than we did 8-10years ago.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner I mentioned both the shortages and the price. These are clearly both factors.
You'd prefer I didn't add any context?
The PS5 price sticks out like crazy on that list.
I don’t give this not readily available stuff for both Xbox or Sony. As there has been loads on shelf’s for the past 2 years so they could have caught up if people wanted them.
I think the PS5 is about 5 million units behind in Europe compared to PS4, same time line.
Reasons the PS5 costs more and lack of big AAA Sony Studio games, general slow down maybe y in console gaming, to many cross generation games.
It is as simple as that. Not all this crap about consoles not available at the beginning.
Why buy a PS5 when still in 2024 I can play the soon to be released COD and FIFA on a PS4.
@ShogunRok only because the equivalent generation Series X couldn't sell enough units in that time frame to even make the list 😅
All they need is the big games dropping and they will be selling gangbusters again.
PS5 pro plus a new wave of game announcements/releases is going to help consumer interest and console sales more than a small price drop
Interestingly (or not), for the PS family each generation has seen an average price increase of between 40 - 45% except for the PS4, which was only 8% higher than the average cost of the PS3 at this stage in its lifecycle.
At least it beat the PS3. Wonder when/if the Series X/S will hit that milestone.
@get2sammyb When we were discussing price yesterday I think my US mindset may be very different from your UK mindset. 😁
Also obligatory #BlameBREXIT 🤑
@OldGamer999 I think this is a huge chunk of context, good call. At least in direct comparison to the PS4, backwards compatibility and a cross gen release strategy have had to have played a major role in the transition to PS5.
@OldGamer999 yes, you can play like Fifa/FC, but many years you dont get "full" game experience. And why EA, Activision would not sell "weaker" product for 50% of Playstation playerbase? For FC on PS4 they have small amount of work to do.
So then if PS4 was 300 pounds by roughly 2015, with CPI taken into account it means the PS5 today should be around 402 pounds if equivalent. So I guess at an average price of 460 pounds today PS5 is considerably more expensive.
Crazy long cross-gen length, high console and game prices, stock shortages, a slow down in 1st party output, many people moving to PC, this is hardly a surprise when all is said and done.
@rjejr damn brexit made me stub my toe earlier today 🤣
I’m not debating why they do it.
But saying it is a factor to why the PS5 has not sold as many as PS4 in Europe in same time scale
COD and FIFA still being released on the older generation consoles.
I said the other day.
I employ graduates and apprentices at work for decades. So 16 to 23 year olds.
About 3 years ago roughly most spoke now and again about gaming. Consoles and games etc.
Last years in take and this years, you never catch them talking about gaming. It’s more about series programmes on Netflix etc, other activities or work.
Gaming is not as popular as it once was.
@OldGamer999 There is other factor, not many people has even great TV to enjoy PS5. And if you count you need to upgrade for PS5 and need even more money for quality TV, then it gets too expensive.
Totally agree the cost of items are more expensive the console, games, extra controllers and of course a really good 4K tv.
I have recently bought a Sony X95L 65 tv, cost a lot but what an amazing mini led tv.
PS4 was my first Sony console so correct me if I’m wrong, but
Games were also made to work on ps4 with ps5s launch versus
PS4 games weren’t made to work on ps3 right?
I could see that leading to a slower adoption as well.
The pandemic still feels like this weird hole in time but it’s ripples haven’t stopped rolling.
Without taking inflation into account, surely comparing console prices from different eras is a bit irrelevant. I could have bought an amazing house if I'd had my current income back in 2000!
Why buy a PS5 when still in 2024 I can play the soon to be released COD and FIFA on a PS4.
Unfortunately you've hit the nail right on the head. As a day one PS5 adopter it makes my blood boil that we are still seeing Cross gen releases.
I could just about accept it in the first 6 month launch period but we're now 4 years down the line and it should not be happening anymore.
Make all new games Current Gen exclusive and give people a reason to upgrade their consoles.
I've grown up owning every Sony and Nintendo console and this Cross Gen nonsense was never a thing until recently.
You buy the latest console to give you the privilege of playing the latest games.
As much as I love my PS5 I just feel completely cheated this generation
@PsBoxSwitchOwner the amount we earn is nowhere near equal to the increase in prices for most products including games. CPI and inflation have gone far beyond the salary increases of the working class. Since 2022 most lower and lower-middle income british households have cut their spending and reallocated it to electricity bills and food.
Europe has been hit far worst than the rest of the world when it comes to inflation.
Shortages and price are definitely a factor but let’s be honest this generation is so far behind the last gen for top quality software. I read this site everyday and I’m only really interested in what fromsoft, naughty dog and rockstar.
Totally agree also if they made games not cross generation and just for current generation two things should happen.
Taking more advantage of current generation console power.
Quicker development time.
This whole generation so far has been total fraud and I’m surprised no one in the USA has not tried to take the console makers to court over it 🤣
Are those average prices adjusted for inflation?
Either way that’s still a very impressive performance.
Just make the console not butt-ugly next time.
The fact that majority of games are still released on PS4 defeats the purpose of upgrading for many people.
Black Ops 6
EA Sports 25
God Of War Ragnarok
Hogwarts Legacy
Add in the F2P games like Fortnite / Apex, most casual gamers don't see the point.
@Member_the_game sounds like someone fell for the “we believe in generations” tagline 😉
Well theres many factors why it took PS5 longer. The price being much higher during a time where people are trying to spend less, the supply issues during the first two years and the fact that the majority of games were still releasing on PS4 making the need to get a PS5 less urgent and in some cases (casuals) not necessary, but honestly that goes for the last two gens as well.
Either way Sony will be very pleased as it has the most revenue earnt compared to those other consoles.
@OldGamer999 Call of Duty and Fifa are not good examples this time, when the PS4 came out the next three Call of Duty titles and Fifa titles still released on the PS3.
Even then there was some bigger single-player games that also still released on the PS3 like Persona 5, MGS 5, Dragon Age Inquisition, Watchdogs, Alien Isolation, Evil Within, Diablo 3, Wolfenstein, Shadow of Mordor etc.
There's always going to be some games that are cross gen as Devs don't want to alienate their player base so much and want to maximize profits. But the faster the new consoles increase their install base the quicker last gen games will disappear, this gen is still seeing last gen games because of the slow console sales during the first two years. 2025 onwards should finally see PS4 releases become rare especially from the AAA/AA devs/publishers.
True, I hoping we see more AAA PS5 only and start seeing them taking advantage of the consoles power more.
interesting to see the switch had a slower start they can cut the price all the want and it may help sales but its clear this Console gen will struggle now. The reality is that the graphic train has come to the end. Given most games with high end graphic's now take 4-6 years to dev and most are not making their money back.
Remember 140 million units is around the the most a console has ever sold. It's clear from the lack of people upgrading from PS4 to PS5. It not just the cost it the fact a lot of games feel like a spot the difference contest in terms of performance differences.
Talking of Pro, where’s my PS5 Pro.
What do think 2024 or 2025 or not at all.
@OldGamer999 I think GTA 6 will be a showcase of what the PS5 can really do, and games will only get better from there.
To chime in on the Pro conversation, It all depends on what Microsoft are doing. If Microsoft are going to cut this gen short and release their next console in 2026 then it makes sense for Sony to skip the Pro and focus on their next console as well so it competes with Microsoft, they wouldn't want Microsoft getting ahead again like they did with the Xbox 360.
I’m not sure about Microsoft with Xbox.
It seems the rumours say yes they have standard next generation hardware etc.
But are Xbox really any threat to Sony now, I guess in the USA definitely, but the rest of the world like Europe etc then probably not.
It’s not like Xbox have bounced back this generation at all, if anything it’s slightly worse for them. I mean it’s was 1 million to 300k for the month of July.
Currently Sonys only issues seem to be getting their own act together a bit better big AAA games wise.
From a personal perspective the ps5's launch price was acceptable to me. What I don't find acceptable is that we still have cross gen games which just should not be a thing at all (again personal opinion.) I don't care how long it's taken to sell x number of units to achieve a milestone that's pretty irrelevant to me (another personal opinion.) I'm very happy with my ps5 and games but I just wish they would let the last gen go..just let it go.
@OldGamer999 @UltimateOtaku91
I would agree that xbox dont seem much of a threat to Sony now, but that may change if they (xbox) launch their 'next gen' console very early - I think its what gave them a massive head start in 360 vs PS3, until they fumbled the ball whilst Sony started launching big exclusives. Even then 360 I think was still a success for xbox.
If PS5 Pro launches start of next year, its possible PS6 is still 4yrs away in 2028 (just based on 4yrs of PS4 Pro), and if xbox launch a next gen console in 2026 that may give them a 2 year head start this time.
Its all 'ifs' if course, and will very much depend on how big a jump a 'next gen' console launched 2026 could be over PS5 Pro (which does seem quiet atm), and im probably reading way too much into the fact that PS5 pro is equivalently 1 year later than PS4 pro, but Sony might be foolish if they arent looking at xbox plans thinking they are too far ahead.
(And I 100% agree Sony really need to sort out their big AAA single player games as I think its damaging their sales as much as PS5 price is).
There is loads of ifs and buts to all this.
But if this generation is anything to go by, generations hardly seem generations anymore.
I mean look a PS4 Pro and Xbox one x and the cross generation of games and backwards compatibility services. You would hardly have any real advantage of having a this generation console.
It almost seems this generation is a 25% generation and not much else so far.
Quite agree, most of which in my opinion is down to the limited gains newer / more powerful hardware gives (I mean we still arent at solid 60fps being standard which is frankly sad).
Im firmly in the camp of that we saw 90% of what this generation has to offer technically in the first year or 2.
But, there is also no accounting for those that absolutely need the newest hatdware or those that might buy just based on "next gen" being advertised - i mean early on plenty of people thought Xboxs "12 Tflop" meant it was always going to perform better when console performance is much more complex than just 1 number. And I still see comments of how last gen is severely holding this gen back on a technical front.
And somehow many people still think that PS5 will match or even surpass PS4 in terms of sales...
This is totally irrelevant without being adjusted for inflation…
Yeah it earned more, but everything now costs more. Should be adjusted according to the year and then compared!
For example the film ‘Gone with the Wind’ from 1939 has the highest film profit when adjusting for inflation whereas Avatar has the highest actual profit.
Comparing apples and pears!
I think it's that PS5 never really had an equivalent to Holiday 2016 (161 weeks after PS4 released was December 30th 2016). Push Square reported on crazy sales during that time period and the stuff which happened back then was stuff like PS4 Pro, PSVR (both sold out fast during Holiday 2016), crazy discounts (e.g. PS4 + Uncharted 4 + FIFA 17 for £200), big multiplatform games ditching last gen (e.g. Infinite Warfare was the first CoD not to release on PS3/360 which released on PS4/XB1), etc.
Sort of off subject.
I find lately how the film industry have shows and teasers on stage and appearances for films releasing 2025, 2026 and 2027.
I actually miss the days when especially Sony used it do this with their top AAA games.
The buzz of the live crowd when GOW and uncharted 4 and TLOU 2 got revealed.
And even the future dates, that used to lets us know what was coming and something to look forward to, even two years away.
Wish Sony would go back to those days it was far more existing and emotional, even if the game was say 2 years away, now it’s all boring and quiet and hidden.
Sort of off subject.
I find lately how the film industry have shows and teasers on stage and appearances for films releasing 2025, 2026 and 2027.
I actually miss the days when especially Sony used it do this with their top AAA games.
The buzz of the live crowd when GOW and uncharted 4 and TLOU 2 got revealed.
And even the future dates, that used to lets us know what was coming and something to look forward to, even two years away.
Wish Sony would go back to those days it was far more exciting and emotional, even if the game was say 2 years away, now it’s all boring and quiet and hidden.
@OldGamer999 Yeah I agree, it's strange though why they are. Wing like this with their single player games but have no problem announcing Fairgames which is still atleast a year away now. So if they can show Fairgames a couple of years before it's release then why not their other games?
Same with the third party games they reveal at their showcases, some are years away like Pragmata and Little Devil Inside yet Sony showed them off two years ago. People don't care if the games are a few years away, as long as they know what's coming and can have something to look forward to.
It’s like I have a PS5 slim digital but was thinking about getting the disk add on.
But I’m thinking hold off and wait for PS5 Pro maybe this year.
If this year it will be November 2024. If not then maybe November 2025 for GTA6, who knows.
But just come out and say it either way then I can decide what to do. I don’t mind but just let me/us know.
Sony are being far to secretive about far too much nowadays and they are slowly but surely getting on my nerves.
They need to let go a bit make some PS5 Pro yes or no for 2024 and big AAA studio games for 2025 or even 2026 announcements.
They making their product unexciting whereas in the past they were full of excitement and energy.
@Dodoo "brexit made me stub my toe"
Elon says you're in full scale civil war so try not to get the other toe shot off. 😂
The numbers that matter are profit and costs when adjusted for inflation.
311 pounds in 2013 are 423 pounds today. So that wipes out most of the cost increase for the consumer.
When adjusting revenue for inflation, the PS5 has a ~ 7% increase in revenue over the PS4 so far. Nothing dramatic.
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