Bully, also known as Canis Canem Edit, is one of this author’s all-time favourite games – and now it’ll be exposed to a whole new audience as part of GTA+. For those not familiar with the Grand Theft Auto subscription, it’s actually a recurring revenue stream for GTA 5 which awards exclusive in-game items, additional currency, and other perks, such as several quality of life improvements we reported on previously.
But it also includes a growing library of downloadable games, and this month sees the addition of Jimmy Hopkins and the prestigious Bullworth Academy.
For those of you who didn’t play Bully when it first launched on the PS2 back in 2006, the game utilises the same open world format as GTA, except instead of a seedy American state, the action takes place within an unscrupulous academic institute and its surrounding neighbourhood. The seasons change over the course of the school year, and there are some truly brilliant missions here.
Unfortunately, the version available on PS5 and PS4 is part of Sony’s past emulation attempts, so it lacks the quality of life features that have been added to PS Plus Premium titles more recently. That means there’s no rewind or save states, so you’re at the mercy of the original game’s design, which is unforgiving at times.
Still, it’s a classic that deserves to be played.
[source rockstargames.com]
Comments 27
I’ve 100%ed this game twice, once on both ps2 and Xbox. Phenomenal game.
Great game. Fun platinum trophy challenge too. I really don’t mind a game like this not having rewind. That’s often just a crutch anyway. And the save functionality is fine.
@thefourfoldroot1 as someone who’s fairly versed and acquainted (and welcoming) with “retro design”, bully has little to none of it. It’s extremely forgiving.
Shame to see how far they’ve fallen down the online MTX ridden S hole.
Loved this back in the day. I picked up a digital copy for PS4 a few years back, this is a nice reminder that I need to replay it at some stage.
@colonelkilgore it’s a great game. I like that every npc has a lot to say, cool minigames, fun story, pretty tight game and always only took me 15 hours on each replay (roughly speaking, since I mess around a lot which adds to the playtime, could be 10 hours)
Man would love a sequel or remake. Can't believe an indie dev hasn't made a spiritual successor.
Never gonna happen… but could you imagine the old Rockstar today. Multiple GTA’s per generation, interspersed with lesser classics like Bully, Manhunt and The Warriors. Oh how lucky we were!
Rest in peace Game Informer. You will be missed.
I loved this game back in the day but its kindddd of hard to play now real janky and the controls are rough. Still a lot of fun though if you've never played it
@Yousef- Not sure I agree with that haha. Impressive you've 100%ed it twice, but I find the controls and checkpointing and stuff really rough.
@get2sammyb that’s quite alright, I hope you’ll find them more manageable upon a replay and thank you, I appreciate that : D
@colonelkilgore manhunt is great : D
Surprising it’s a stealth horror, I really like that combo
The Warriors, I played multiple times. Short and easy game to get through. Fairly brainless plat if you’re interested (2/10 diff rating on PSNP).
R* need to upgrade us from these Ps2 ports. Going back to Max Payne is max painful!
***** the current state of the world where it's impossible to get a remake or sequel to this!
Best Rockstar game and not even close.
@Yousef- unfortunately there is no plat for The Warriors, there is for Bully and Manhunt though. I’d love Manhunt 2 to get an update and a re-release too (no matter how unlikely).
@colonelkilgore tragic but true… so many of the old ps2 emulator games didn’t have plats. Max Payne included.
Bully plat is kinda brainless. Just a casual playthrough of the game and asks you to engage with the side content and a few repetitive brainless tasks. Barely any collectibles.
With no enhancements typical Rockstar
Started playing this on PS5 a couple of weeks ago, dunno if it's still using the broken PS2 emulator or what but the game suffers from terrible fps drops. It's not unplayable but it does come pretty near.
It really needs a remaster, even something along the lines of the recent Bounty Hunter. The controls are godawful and stopped me from ever finishing this originally. Character models could use a little sprucing up too.
Let's have a look at what you could've won
Man what I wouldnt give for a proper remake of this, manhunt 1&2 and The Warriors. Alas, Rockstar are down to one new game every 10 years or something stupid, so the chances are thin to say the least.
Sigh they could at least port the Anniversary Edition
@danzoEX Yep. Always found it rather strange how PS3,nevermind PS4 never saw Academy Edition,Table Tennis or GTA IV Complete edition ports...but then again look how long it took for Red Dead Redemption/Undead Nightmare to get just a PS4 gen port!🙄
Much like tightwad Take-two will never do a proper GTA "Definitive edition" with full soundtracks etc., because they don't want to fork out on certain music licensing that increased from the PS2 era! Or GTA LCS/VCS etc.😕
That is a top tier sub-heading @get2sammyb 😂. I fear it may have flown over the head of some of our overseas friends.
I never actually played Bully. Always wanted to but it’s always escaped me. Reading through the comments it sounds as if it might be hard diving into it now, which is a shame!
Beat the game three times on PlayStation 2 PlayStation 4 and Xbox 360 don't need to do it again maybe create some new games instead of milking the crap out of the old ones
@get2sammyb Late reply/question, but is this the Scholarship/Anniversary Edition?
I own it on Xbox, but prefer playing on PlayStation.
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