PS Store August Savings Sale
Image: Push Square

What, you thought the summer sale would carry through August? Don't be absurd! In typical PlayStation fashion, the company's simply dropped a new PS Store sale, appropriately called August Savings. Loads of games across both PS5 and PS4 have been hit with fresh discounts, including a handful of bangers that launched earlier this year. This latest promotion runs until the 28th August, so you've got a couple of weeks to get stuck in.

Here's a selection of deals that stood out to us:

At the time of writing, the sale has only just begun in Europe (UK readers can click this link to see the full thing). We'll update this article when it's live in North America, but you can pretty much expect the same roster of deals.

Have any of these discounts caught your eye? Tell us what you're buyin' in the comments section below.

Are you buying anything in this sale? (552 votes)

  1. Yes, multiple things5%
  2. Yeah, I'm gonna get something11%
  3. I'm not sure yet27%
  4. Nah, I doubt it27%
  5. No, there's nothing for me30%
