Keylocker is a stylish cyberpunk JRPG with turn-based and rhythmic combat. It caught us by surprise and looked like an exciting change of pace. It's out relatively soon, too, launching next month, 18th September, on PS5.

Players inhabit the neon shoes of B0B0, a singer/songwriter who can harness the electric power of music to increase the damage dealt by her real-time rhythmic abilities. Fight off the powers that be, rock out with your band, and learn the secrets hidden by Saturn's rings; it's all part of the show. With no random encounters, multiple endings, and Chrono Trigger cited as an inspiration, we'll be keeping an eye on Keylocker as the release draws ever closer. Check out some gameplay in the clip below:

How much noise can you make in a world where music has been banned for decades? Let us know in the endless silence of the comments section below.
