It was rumoured shortly before Gamescom Opening Night Live, and now it's official: Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is coming to PS5.
The news was confirmed just after the airing of the above new trailer for the game, which gives us a brief look at the gameplay of this first-person action adventure. While the Xbox version of MachineGames' upcoming game releases on 9th December, PS5 users will have to wait a few more months for Indy to swing onto Sony's console.
Starring Troy Baker as the main man, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is a blockbuster action title that aims to match the pulpy, globetrotting adventure found in the beloved movie trilogy. The game puts you in the boots of Indy as he travels the world, piecing together the mystery of the titular Great Circle, while sinister forces stand in his way.

You'll use his trusty whip and revolver to solve puzzles and fight back goons, as well as get up close and personal with hand-to-hand combat. You'll also make use of his journal and camera to explore each location and get into his archaeologist mind.
Are you excited to play Indiana Jones and the Great Circle on PS5 next year? Grab your hat in the comments section below.
Comments 78
Springtime for Hitler and Germany 🎶
Bwahahahahahaha 🤣 "It's only 4 games"
I still think this game should be in 3rd person though.
Very nice news. Absolutely love the Indiana franchise even if I'm not entirely sold on the idea of it as a first person game, I'm still looking forward to playing it, especially so since it's being developed in my hometown.
I wasn’t super interested in this, but it’s a nice touch for those who wanted to play it that didn’t have an Xbox.
Was excited for this game, but the more they show the more looks an average not big AAA game. 7/10 ish type game.
@colonelkilgore Deutschland is happy and gay 🎶
Another Colin was right moment.
What’s the point of Xbox if Microsoft gonna keep porting they’re games to PlayStation.
I never liked microsoft buying up entire publishers, the possibilities of gate keeping titles that at one time would have been available day one for both PlayStation owners and Xbox was not the way I wanted to see the future of gaming going. The news that this will be available mere months after it arrives on Xbox is great news for gamers in general as it surely highlights the way Microsoft will be moving forward with all their releases to come.
I’ll play it for free in December and then make a decision as to owning it in spring. I don’t like the 1st person
I don't think they have any control over it. Bethesda may be the developer by neither they nor Microsoft own the IP so the overall say isn't theirs.
I think I am moving to PC.
Remember, we learned this game existed when Microsoft said the actively removed it from playstation.
I still don't think this game looks all that good, but this situation is, in fact, quite funny.
@starbuck2212 He's been saying "I'll play it when it comes to PS5" forever now and people thought he was crazy lol
Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned
1st person and dated graphics, so not interested.
It's properly insane to me that we now live in an age where Xbox's big surprise is "our game's also coming to PS5".
Times really have changed.
It was revealed in the FTC documents that the game was originally multiplatform but Xbox actually renegotiated its contract with Disney to make this game exclusive to Xbox after it purchased Bethesda. Somewhere along the way they changed it again, but it was Xbox that first decided to make it exclusive so it says a lot that they have back tracked.
You don't think it was a Disney decision? Idk maybe or maybe not but it's happening either way.
Will be picking up on PS5 if there’s a physical copy 😃 was gonna get on Steam but having a choice my PS5 wins
Well finally the rumors where true and there it is, ms is going full 3rd party and the final nail to xbox coffin was placed. rip playstation and Sony wins again.
Microsoft should’ve announced it for the PS2 after showing off that gameplay trailer.
And if you blink at the exact wrong time you'll miss the PS5 logo.
Ohhh that's awesome. If this reviews well, it'll be a day one (PS5 obviously) purchase for me.
That's really nice of them to do that.
Came here & stop by because Indiana Tunes was playing in my head as I saw this article 🎶
The "slime of humanity" won't know what hit them.
I wouldn't be surprised if Disney looked at the player numbers for each console, and heavily encouraged Xbox to make it playable on PS5 again.
Wild times we live in. Not that I'm complaining! Machine Games is the best of the bunch from Bethesda in my opinion so I'm very interested in how this turns out.
I’m really excited this is coming to PlayStation. Granted, I own a Series X, but I prefer trophies over achievements. As an aside - this spells the end for Xbox. We will soon have Starfield, Halo and Gears on PS5, no question in my mind.
@ShogunRok First the exclusives go. Then the consoles will follow. Then gaming will be PC/streaming only, with a few hobbiest oddities in-between (think Atari 2600+ and Evercade).
I can see PlayStation and Nintendo holding out for another decade or so. But Sony's already porting things to PC and Switch to presumably recoup development costs. Unless they find a more sustainable business model, their hardware will soon start to buckle under their ballooning costs of their software.
Nintendo has the novelty of the Switch right now, but what happens when Steam Deck-likes are just as ubiquitous? Maybe Nintendo can keep up with the demand for novelty, but it might just become easier to develop for PC and maybe put out novel Nintendo phones/mini PCs to keep younger, less financially eased gamers on the loop.
The end times are coming, I tells ya. If Xbox falls, it might spell the end of console gaming as we know it.
@Kraven I honestly doubt Halo and Gears will be ported unless Xbox drops out of the console race. The majority of Bethesda, though, will probably make it over in due time. Same with Acti-Blizz, if they ever even attempt to play exclusive with it.
Man that "Spring 2025 on PS5" was worth 2 hours of a sleepy annoucements. Playstation wins again
@RoomWithaMoose well there console is selling less and less, and getting further to maybe half a million per quarter. Add that with people less likely to upgrade to the next one with this news might do that. Their playerbase has already become pc and not the console
microsoft is doing itself a favour by porting it to ps5, not the other way around. xbox and pc sales will not be enough to turn a profit. no need to thank xbox for this turn of events, rather, phil should be thanking the ps community for supporting xbox games and keeping the division on life support.
Looks like I guessed the right Xbox game going to PS! Looking forward to this one a lot. Depending on how deep I get through my games this year, I’ll decide if this’ll be Gamepass or PS5.
That's great news! I feel every Bethesda and abk should be multi platform they have too many beloved franchises. Baffles me how people are still shocked by this strategy though play anywhere has literally been there moto for the last 4 years
Anyone else curious why we are still yet to see more than lots of quick snippets of gameplay (not counting cut-scenes)? Hard to get a proper feel of how it actually plays.
I have no interest as it's 1st person pov. When you use an iconic character I want to see them in the game, not just in some cutscene.
On one hand it makes perfect sense and it's something most of us could predict was coming. This is due to the fact this game is based off of a 40+ year old, worldwide recognized and beloved IP and really shouldn't be locked to just one console.
However, why wouldn't Microsoft and Xbox want to take advantage of the timed-exclusivity for this holiday season? Doesn't affect me as I'll be playing it on day 1 on Game Pass, just strange timing to "let the cat out of the bag" so to speak now rather than even say January?
I'm going to have to finally get a big ugly PS5 for the games coming in 2025. This Indiana Jones game looks great from this trailer. Maybe fills the desire for a new Uncharted game.
It's weird that they'd announce this before it came out on Xbox but I won't be complaining
@colonelkilgore Winter for Poland and France...
@starbuck2212 yup. Man may have some very silly opinions on things but LSM really is the best place for Playstation news and PS ecosystem news.
@GADG3Tx87 actually during the ABK trial, Bethesda docs showed that the deal had been amended with Disney to exclude Playstation. Even in Feb, Spencer said the game would remain on Xbox. This is a decision they made after Sea of Thieves I'm sure of it.
@SleeplessKnight it reminds me of when Kojima said Death Stranding was coming to PC three days before the PS4 launch or something. It feels odd.
@WizzNL Yeah I actually think it looks like a VR game.
Looks bad,made by terrible studio,made for modern audience,plus Lucas and KK already killed Indiana,failure off epic proportions on horizon...😱
bit of a wait for PS users which is a shame, so does this game cover the original films then or is it a new adventure?
For some reason I don’t really gel with Bethesda games but the fact this has an Indy lick of paint means I’ll probably pick this up on ps5.
My first thought is I wonder what's coming next?
Not the least bit interested whatsoever......may e if it was 3rd person but a 1st person indi game no thanks
@DarthVader42067 Don't give up brother, you can get through this I believe in you 💪
Just waiting for gears 1-3 collection and halo 1-3 on ps console now 😃
machine games make great games the wolfenstein games were great
At the start of the generation I predicted a huge gain in the console space for Microsoft. Instead they seem to intentionally be killing any reason for purchasing their hardware, including only keeping a six month exclusivity period for a game that they should be positioning as a huge platform exclusive. Essentially they are telling everyone “wait six months and play the patched version on the console you prefer anyways.”
Long story short I know nothing.
@breakneck he has a fairly narrow world view but no one makes better predictions or has better analysis on SIE.
Genuine question to PlayStation only/primary gamers - How many more generations of PlayStation do you think there will be?
@OldGamer999 ??? It looks alot like a big AAA game... Or is it just because it's Xbox so your decided it looks average
Looking forward to playing. It looks great so far and machine games is a great Dev so I have full confidence it will be good and like the fact it's first person.
Also if it was 3rd person it will just be another uncharted or every other 3rd person game with some climbing and puzzles.
@JaBrony123 Xbox is going to be a 3rd party publisher anyway with the big advantage of gamepass because that's where the money is
By 2030 Microsoft will be a full blown publisher guaranteed they have one more hardware cycle around 2026/27 and then it will be software all the way from then on. But then you ask yourself what is the point in having a new Xbox console when they are coming to PC/PS5 and probably Switch 2.
Microsoft know this is where the industry is going because you can get others to build the hardware for you like mobiles, TVs etc
@Kraven it's far from the end of Xbox. Probably going to be an era where they earn more money than ever.
Being a massive 3rd party publisher, lots of microtransactions in games they own as well as have gamepass and a console.... All the monies
@Nakatomi_Uk gamepass is why. For as long as that's around and they're making consoles ill have an Xbox still
I figured they'd be making an OG take on Uncharted but this looks more inspired by the Indie games made around the millennium.
1st person isn't for me, pass. Someone make a new Uncharted!
@__jamiie I would say at least two because I just don't see this big push to streaming only happening any time soon, due to technology and consumer pushback. The constant sub price increases are highlighting that they are not as sustainable as people want to believe and a sub only console would have you paying through the roof for games at an ever diminishing quality.
Let’s not debate this, let’s see in December.
It I’m going a bit above average sort of Starfield territory. But definitely not TOTK or GOWR.
I would be very more than happy to be wrong, by the way and hope I am.
@Ilyn I think that PS6 will be the last PlayStation console. The point of having a machine that's tied to only one ecosystem seems more and more ridiculous as time goes on. I don't think there will be a streaming only future just yet though. I've heard rumours that the next Xbox is likely to be even more of a PC in a box with the aim of having multiple store fronts available. Xbox, Steam, Epic etc. could all be accessible from a console like machine under your TV. That could be a game changer when you think about it.
@Arxagelos The final nail is when Halo gets on ps5!
The only 2 games I wanted from Xbox which were originally marketed for Xbox are both coming to PS5 next year. Awesome!!!
@__jamiie Whilst it would be a game changer I just can't see it happening. If you get to the point where the XBOX is just a generic PC then why even have an XBOX at all, and why would Steam even want their storefront on there when they could just go for steamdeck 2 with a docking station.
Also its less about a system being tied to a singular ecosystem and more about a system thats easy for parents to understand when buying for kids. Playstation succeeds becuase every parent understands what it is, and microsoft still have not cracked that message yet, and the message would get harder when you make it a multistore PC.
A first person for Indy doesn’t make much sense I’d rather actually see him in third person. Don’t want to really see just his hands on screen
@Ilyn I actually think that dedicated hardware from any manufacturer will be obsolete after PS6 and a PS7 will be completely unnecessary. Sony and Microsoft make no money from selling consoles and the R&D costs alone are ridiculous. A plug and play PC type box including the PlayStation and Xbox stores will be a win win for parents/gamers in general. And the fact that Asus already has a handheld capable of this shows that PC manufacturers are ready and able to do just that. Imagine a box under your TV that can access all of those games VS a PS7 that can only play PlayStation games.
@__jamiie I get your thinking I just question how you convince these people to put their stores on another platform. what cut do Asus take for games sold via a store on the asus device. Then MS / Sony still want the cut for it being their store. Then what happens when 5 other manufacturers also bring out their boxes but you get performance disparity leading to complaints etc
its a nice idea, i Just don't see it happening long term.
The first person perspective is just weird.
This trailer created zero interest in me to play it 😒
@Ilyn I've Googled it, an as far as I can see Asus don't make a cut of any sales made via stores. It's Windows based so any store you can get on a PC is there so there's no convincing store owners.
Regarding the specs, the fact that the PS4 is still getting games 4 years into this generation means that it's perfectly workable.
In theory, if Microsoft built a truly Windows Xbox, there's no reason it couldn't access all of the stores available on Windows.
@3Above Is this a console war comment? I’m afraid that’s not for me. I love my PS5.
@DarthVader42067 So do I! I think we're misunderstanding each other. It's all good 👍🏽
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