There’s very little beyond pure novelty to point out here, but Indiana Jones and the Great Circle’s latest trailer just got uploaded to PlayStation’s official YouTube channel. This is pertinent in a way because the MachineGames developed adventure was originally being built as a multiformat title, before Microsoft renegotiated with Disney to exclude Sony’s system from the release’s targeted platforms. At Gamescom, however, it was awarded a Spring 2025 launch on PS5.
The trailer already appearing on PlayStation’s official YouTube channel is amusing when you consider that, as pointed out over the weekend, Atlus is trying to keep Metaphor: ReFantazio’s release on PS5 a secret. None of the RPG’s trailers have been uploaded to Sony’s page thus far, with only the Xbox Series X|S and PC versions being mentioned in any of its official video descriptions. We’re assuming Microsoft has paid for that particular privilege, which is bizarre considering it’s openly flogging first-party titles on its rival’s hardware these days.

Nevertheless, if you did miss that Indiana Jones trailer, you can give it the once over above – and, of course, be sure to check out our hands-off preview through the link as well.
Comments 34
A Metaphor: ReFantazio trailer was added to PlayStation's YouTube channel yesterday
And playstation will be the best place to play it, especially with the Pro.
@Malaise I kind of can't figure out how they paid for Harrison Ford's likeness, but didn't just get him to voice himself.
@NEStalgia Because in the last movie, the de-aged Indy still sounded like old Harrison Ford, not young. Plus, I don’t think he cares enough to do it again.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@cburg That Metaphor: ReFantazio trailer has 3x the amount of views on the playstation channel even though Xbox paid for some marketing rights.
Thanks now I feel better. 👍
@Malaise Yeah, ironically I feel disappointed that they brought in Troy Baker to play Indy. I’m sure they paid him a pretty penny, and I’d rather have had an unknown. I’ve liked Baker in most of his roles, but uh, yeah… I think we’ve heard his VA enough and whenever we hear him we can’t unhear all the other roles he’s played. For a side role or a villain (like in Death Stranding 2) it’s one thing, but to play an iconic protagonist like Indiana Jones, well I feel like we’re going to hear Joel or Booker Dewitt or Sam or Kanji, or Revolver Ocelot, etc.
@MrMagic Good. Your sense of worth in life is now complete.
@cburg well said! 💯
@UltimateOtaku91 @cburg I'll enjoy this on PC via Game Pass and have access to full ray-tracing! So it will be Microsoft Windows that provides the "best way to play".
But I do hope everyone enjoys it on whatever platform they chose/can afford. We're all winners!👍
@UltimateOtaku91 If you don't have a decent PC, sure. I'd much rather play it on my pc for the true definitive experience.
@Leechmonger_DeS Oof, right in the false narrative
@UltimateOtaku91 You’re kinda right in that a Ps5 Pro will outperform the Xbox consoles and the game will run better at a higher resolution. But the “best” place to play would be a high end PC. Regardless, I think we put too much stock in visuals and performance and the “best” place to play is whatever console you own/can afford. So for many, the best place to play is likely the series s with gamepass.
EDIT: my bad, my comment is fairly duplicative of other comments so feel free to ignore.
@IamJT to each their own. I used to game on PC but then got lazy and pissed off by the multiple graphic configs. Bow all i need to do is sit on the sofa e press the ps button.
Idk why people mad at someone for preferring to play on PlayStation on a PlayStation themed news page. Lmao let the guy be.
Its also on the PS Store where you can wish list it.
@Malaise @Th3solution Honestly I find these "no more Troy Baker" posts a bit bizarre. His voice changes from role to role, just compare Joel (TLOU) to The Joker (Many Batman games and animations) to Revolver Ocelot (MGSV) and many many more to his real voice in his podcasts. He rarely has the same voice and many times it's not even noticeable it's him until you see the credits or check Moby Games or IMDB. Personlly from the footage we've seen I think he's doing a great job of younger Indy!
Not interested in playing without 3rd ppov.
@themightyant They guy is talented, no doubt, and I don’t wish ill on him or anything like that. He’s just fallen victim to his own success, as actors are susceptible to doing. I think his Joel is fantastic. He’s been good in his other roles too, but to me most of his characters do get sounding similar - Booker, Rhys, Snow, Sam, Higgs, etc. I do think Kanji was actually a different performance. I haven’t played Far Cry and I don’t watch animated shows very often so I can’t speak to his work there. Indiana Jones is such an iconic character and Baker is such a well-known voice saturating the market, it feels like the decision for him to play the role runs the risk of being a distraction. I’ll withhold final judgment though.
The game looks nice makes want to see another Uncharted.
@BloodyBlact Yea I don’t game on PC either classic sofa console gaming is by far my preferred way.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@SolarSailor not much to be woth it I'm afraid but if it's what you want then by all means get it
John Williams composing was great I think I like the movie score just as much as the film itself. I would of prefered the third person or over the shoulder view for the game if i'm honest.
Love how everyone is celebrating like this is a huge win
Sure it's good we get the game but people saying it's the best place to play? Nah that will be PC
And people laughing because Xbox is paying for marketing, Xbox and PC gamers are getting this game day on on gamepass so we PS players are pretty much paying for PC and Xbox gamers to get the game free
@Rog-X exactly no matter how you look at it Xbox and PC users are getting the best deal here their game will be paid for by us 😂
@UltimateOtaku91 pc?
@SarcasticPeanut it mixes first and third person
I agree, he is far more unnoticeable in different games to me unlike say Nolan North, where I hear Nathan Drake in every character he has done save for the Penguin in Arkham City. That was the one time Nolan surprised me in the credits.
@Rog-X Just how well do think this game is going to sell? And how much money do you think will be left after you deduct the budget and marketing costs plus Steam, Sony and Disney's cut? Also I won't be covering any Gamepass costs because I won't be buying it seeing as it looks like a VR game.
Tell me you're a sarcastic peanut now?
The great circle is known as the Boxx Exus, and Indy has to destroy it to stop the ancient Mesopotamian demon Sil Phen’cer from entering the world. Unfortunately a cult called Mire Sicroft intends to use the entity to their own insidious ends. A riveting entry.
As an owner of both a Series X and a PS5 I'll beta test it for y'all on Gamepass and let you know if it's worth £70.
@Rog-X it's £34.99 to play it day one on Game Pass. And if you want to play it day four it's only on the most expensive tiers anyway.
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