Given Concord's shocking reversal in fortune in recent days, you might wonder what this all means for its expanded universe of transmedia, which was seemingly so central to Sony's strategy here. Well, the show must go on, as they say, and a source close to the production has indeed confirmed that Concord will remain in Amazon's video game anthology series, Secret Level, which we're sure won't feel awkward at all.
While Prime Video has yet to make anything official, IGN understands that the Concord episode is still a go and will stand tall alongside other enduring IPs, such as God of War and Mega Man. From the mind of Tim Miller, of Love, Death, and Robots fame, Secret Level launches exclusively on Prime Video on 10th December.
Are you looking forward to Secret Level? How about some potential backstory for characters in a game that doesn't exist any more? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source ign.com]
Comments 40
Can't wait! Gonna be sad when this goes offline tomorrow
Not their fault a game they covered ended up being a complete and abject failure. Might as well present it, if only as a memorial to millions of dollars wasted.
Maybe a F2P relaunch around that time will be the best chance this has at a second life.
Removed - trolling/baiting
baffling they made an episode about it anyway was clearly paid for as advertising for the game. there so many different games they could have done an episode on
What a waste of money...
Fitting, seeing as the game looks like the sort of generic videogame you'd see in a Hollywood production.
Should've made an episode of bloodborne, I understand they expected a big hit but man, such a shame it was chosen instead of others.
It is obvious that Amazon would not have chosen to feature this game, so there must be some serious wasted Sony cash here.
@Frmknst Concord will only come back if there is a clear demand for it otherwise Sony will be doing nothing more than throwing bad money after bad money.
There is a lot more work to do here than just making it free.
'Comedy' was never listed as one of Concord's genres, but then here we are.
Concord will also remain in our hearts. @Yousef- Concordians forever!
I heard Kathleen Kennedy loves the show and it's going to guest star.
The funny thing is so many moaned and moaned and moaned regarding Horizon ip being flooded and to much and that was just on rumours and not even confirmed.
Yet right now ConCord literally did flood the market with, comics, cartoons, and an episode in a new series before it had even had chance to epically fail.
Of course they will. Not like they can replace it with anything else at this point either.
Guess I'll be skipping that episode 🤣
@OthmaneAD and early contender for comment of the day 👍
I still think the game does not look this bad. It looks better then a lot of releases I have seen over the years.
Would Sony have paid them to do an episode on Concord? Considering how new an IP it was? Imagine if it's an amazing episode and nobody watches it because of the game. 😂
@jrt87 I'd like to think they would give it another go as F2P but you are probably right.
Presumably it’ll end with a crayon scrawled note on screen reading “Concord died on the way back to its home planet”.
In fairness if the episode is well written it should be able to stand on its own. It'd be a funny twist if it ended up being the best episode of the series.
They were probably close to if not finished with the episode anyway so why not?
It's going to be so funny when the Concord episode genuinely slaps!
(Obviously it might suck, but gimme that unexpected redemption arc!)
And it'll prob be the most viewed of all the episodes out of sheer curiosity!
@Enigk - Not happening. It would cost another fortune to retool this with a F2P model and Sony really don't need the embarrassment of it tanking all over again which it would. It's a write off.
@Nexozi I should imagine that all the publishers whose games are featured in Secret Level supported the production in one way or another as its good marketing for all of them. In Sony's case I wouldn't be surprised if it was along the lines of "if you want God of War, you're also doing Concord".
@soracloud28 sad? the game is terrible, why would be sad? we need to forget about this bomb and be happy we got Astro Bot.
Buy Astro Bot and show Sony what we want.
@Vault_Mcfly I'm allowed to enjoy both games
The fact that this new game that was also guaranteed to be a total disaster got its own episode like it's an important game in the history of gaming demonstrates the very worst of everything that is modern media, where nothing is real and everything is a paid advertisement.
Credits roll...
In Memory of Concord
23.8.2024 - 06.09.2024
If Geoff Keighley really wants to go full Oscar's he should do a slideshow of all the studio shutdowns and live service shutdowns accompanied by sappy music.
Everyone is saying this game was bad. I did not play it as I don't play online games at all, so I cannot judge its gameplay but I have read that the minute-to-minute gameplay was quite good. The game also had a few innovative ideas that made it a little unique. So what was so bad about the game then? (ps: I know what the dog whistles will be) So just say the quiet part out loud when answering (or ignoring) this question.
Makes you wonder how much money Sony wasted overall trying to push this game as some instant classic of the live service genre. Funny stuff.
This tells me enough about the factors involved in selecting games to adapt for this show that I don't really feel the need to ever watch it.
I'd absolutely watch a documentary on the factors leading up to Concord's failure, though. Like a postmortem.
@StrickenBiged Hopefully they did something like that and didn't pay anything for it. Just more money wasted. Maybe they should pull the episode and just pretend it didn't exist in the first place. 😂
@MikeOrator Nobody can answer that question, because nobody played the game.
And THAT is what was bad about it. You can't have an online live service game with no players. And it had no players because it wasn't an appealing game, design, or offering anything better than other much more popular existing games, most of which are free. The actual mechanics of play by most reports were actually good, but it doesn't matter if the mechanics are good when nobody actually wants to play it, because nothing about it motivates them to play it or pay for it.
Also, we learned that by intentionally self destructing, you can get to a platinum trophy. The game actually rewards griefing. So...yeah...horribly designed game. Concord: Suicide Squad. Literally.
@Ralizah What, you don't like watching paid infomercials disguised as entertainment? I, myself, am looking forward to the documentary about how a Pocket Fisherman saved a puppy's life, starring Ron Popeil as Rover.
Never know… could end up giving it new life as a TV series if the episode does well.
I still don't understand why some people thought it would be removed. Half of the games featured in SL haven't released games in years and probably won't be in the next 10 years either.
@anubisvel That would be hilarious.
@soracloud28 Have I said otherwise?
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