Genshin Impact’s character designs are always on point, but they don’t really get much cooler than Natlan newcomer Xilonen – a musical master forger with rollerblades. Like many of her regional counterparts, there’s a big emphasis on traversal with this character, and she can use her wheeled shoes to skate up cliff-faces, reducing the emphasis on stamina draining climbing.
She’s also got a pretty interesting kit. Effectively, pairing her with different partners will enable her to reduce the elemental resistance of her opponents. So, for example, if you have a Hydro member in your party, then using them in conjunction with Xilonen will enable you to reduce the Hydo resistance of your foe. This is consistent across all elements.
If you pair her with three other Geo characters, then she’ll also buff normal and plunging attack damage, which is pretty cool. And she’s capable of restoring Phlogiston and triggering Geo damage of her own. As with all Genshin Impact characters these days, you need a doctorate to truly understand the extent of her combat capabilities, but she looks pretty fun to use.
She’ll debut as part of v5.1, which will also continue Natlan’s storyline. Meanwhile, the main event will take you back to Sumeru, where you’ll need to help organise a birthday celebration for regional Archon, Nahida. This will involve all sorts of activities and minigames, including one where you need to escort a carriage by switching between lanes.
Elsewhere, the update will also incorporate some pretty major gameplay improvements, including the ability to skip some of the Spiral Abyss depending on your progress in previous updates, and better crafting and Relic filtering features. HoYoverse says more smaller updates will be announced closer to the update’s release, which is scheduled for 9th October.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 17
What? I didn’t even know us Welsh were that into rollerblading waifus… or even gatcha tbh!
Ahhh 💡 wHales. Carry on.
2 reasons I'm pulling for Xilonen.
Reason 1: just look at her
Reason 2: see Reason 1
Their character designers sure have been into tails lately.
I (and my wallet) are so glad I never got into this game lol
@RoomWithaMoose Introducing the Designers Barely Disguised Fetish.
Anyway, PornHub is free fellas.
Then again I imagine spending the money for a chance at a rare 5-star glistening waifu is some weird kink in of itself.
In a weird economical and sociological way.
@RoomWithaMoose Just a bit!
I’m clearly showing my age that I had to look up what whale was referring to in this context. Well and look up Waifu for that matter. Haha.
The art style looks like something my daughter grew out of before she hit high school. So I’m sure it appeals to many a man.
What ever tickles someone’s pickle I guess, looks a lot like adverts I see for “games” on another site that’s popular with men too. Haha.
Needs more tails though.
And tentacles.
I'm so glad I will only put time into Zenless. Couldn't imagine trying keep on top of Genshin and Honkai as well.
Holy *****, Roller-blading?!?
It's not entirely your ages' fault, moreso by the internet exposure that was driven from your lifetime searches and whatnot.
Complex topic, basically you don't see much things from the other side of the sphere and vice versa.
I'm a millennial myself then came to learn of the existence of ACG culture, while many others grew alongside it.
Just like in Netflix, we get Korean action thrillers to huge variety of ACG contents that was never offered in the west, or to some limited capacity.
Anyway, you get the gist.
Like @get2sammyb had said before, always don't have to spend a penny on these offerings let alone being a wallet whale. Usually those who do so are doing for content creation career. Most of the time them content creators are entertaining on their own, it just creates community surrounding these games as a whole.
Anyways, sometimes I do feel like I'm out of place here because of the age differences, culture, and where these readers come from.
Also sometimes, when readers get political or very subjective just couldn't wrap my head around it.
More importantly is to have fun and spread happiness rather than doom and gloom all the time ready at every opportunity ✌️
@Pushsquarian Very good point!
I think that’s what I’ve craved the most lately, more excitement like I used to feel about the gaming industry and then rushing off to chat and have fun talking about it.
But it’s really hard to feel positive about buying anything lately. I think it’s best I take your advice and think less about others pondering on what I’m entertained by.
@AdamNovice Yeah. Keeping up with just Zenless is very doable, it's like 15 minutes of daily activities and then some more time when there's an event or at the start of the week. But if you keep adding other gacha games to juggle on top of that, to me it'd just end up feeling like work.
The artstyle of Genshin and Honkai doesn't really do it for me, though, so it's not like I ever considered putting time into them anyway. All I needed was Caesar and I got her.
@Gaia093 Genshin started like that, but just like it, Zenless will probably grow into multiple events, lots of characters (Making it harder to get the one you want) and plenty of side content.
@Gaia093 I put a few hours into Genshin to get up to level 20 but was done after that but ZZZ seemed more to my taste.
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