Publisher Ubisoft has just provided dedicated drivers with a pretty hefty update on The Crew Motorfest, showing off the upcoming Year 2 additions — including the free Maui expansion. Available starting 6th November, Motorfest will be getting much bigger with a whole new island to explore, bringing with it a raft of new events, vehicles, and a new premium PvE mode, The Chase Squad.
We've embedded the full presentation above, which offers nearly 20 minutes of updates on The Crew franchise. One of the most notable announcements is that both Motorfest and The Crew 2 will be receiving offline modes at some point in the future, letting players continue playing even after the servers inevitably shut down in the years to come. There's no date for these offline modes yet, but it's good to hear they're coming.
It's positive news all around for fans of the series, then. Not only is Motorfest growing and improving, as is expected of Ubisoft and its dedicated live service upkeep, but both it and The Crew 2 will remain playable theoretically forever when the offline updates arrive. Unfortunately this didn't happen for the original game, which saw its servers close at the end of last year, but at least the current titles will be preserved in some fashion.
There's plenty to look forward to — will you be checking out The Crew Motorfest's big update later this year? Are you glad to see confirmation of offline modes for the two games? Pop the roof down in the comments section below.
Comments 15
Would be cool if the retro.fittwd the original and opened it back up
Will this let players get the Plat entirely offline? If so, I might pick this up many years down the line at my own leisure (or once it comes to Plus Extra)
Surprised you didn’t also mention that The Crew 2 is also on sale everywhere for only $1.
@Golem25 It looks like The Crew 2 is currently 79p in the UK so worth picking up now.
That's great to hear.
Cheers for that I’ve just bought it 👍
Should have been there day one
I paid for that first game and they took it away and I'm still pissed
This and the 98% discount feels like a good way to apologise and appease fans of the first game (even though I massively preferred it).
Hey TDU Solar Crown, take advice from your big brother here.
Wow, that's nice to hear!
Wow Ubisoft listens, if Outlaws or others don't in 10 years or other companies don't they will get a knocking on their doors as well.
If GT Sport can do it anyone can rework their games.
It sucks GT Sport cut out liveries when it could have been just the community content part they did.
Left achievements, they did rework brands central to work offline then be awkward to use with online on purpose, progression working of course as limited offline prior and the trophies for liveries and Sport tutorial videos. That's 2 trophies unachievable now.
Just like many old game MP achievements but for different reasons.
If only other singleplayer ones did it.
I get the whole SP/MP DRM balancing I totally get it but Capcom and PC DRM for old products or yes console wise 10+ year old products it's fair to say Ubisoft got their money, they don't need to restrict players anymore regardless of hardware and letting go of PS3/360 servers.
Glad to see The Crew 2 is doing it/being considered, doesn't change Crew 1 being the state it is though but they clearly heard the stop killing games group loud and clear going on YouTube the past few months.
If that happened with Mod Reposting (even if banners exist people can spread around) for Minecraft which like anime 'special' sites or others things don't happen (but also it's a benefit as big companies don't offer some anime so they get left behind because no sales potential/license no problem) but in that case some mod authors remove their mods and those sites are in some.cases an archive, as long as no malware in the files at least.
So when companies listen players go yep, in the news, buy it, for others they go back and play it or continue to if they already were and be happy.
This article works for players but also companies getting noticed, it doesn't stop them from being looked at in other ways prior but it is something for the few sales of The Crew 2 now when discounted and sales they didn't get even if not much.
YES! Finally The Crew 2 will be offline playable.
Excellent news, all devs should prepare their games for this.
Would be great if they did it for the first Crew too.
Hope this happens soon, I really want to play this series but have spotty internet.
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