Your Horizon Zero Dawn PS4 Progress Will Transition to PS5 Remaster 1

Horizon Zero Dawn is getting a full PS5 glow-up, bringing it in line with its achingly beautiful successor, Horizon Forbidden West. Don’t worry if you’ve already made progress in Aloy’s inaugural adventure, however, as all of your progress will carry across. Remember, this is a $9.99 upgrade for all existing owners of the game – including those who claimed it during Sony’s Play At Home initiative during the pandemic.

“For those that have already played it, we’ve made sure that your old save games will work,” studio director Jan-Bart Van Beek wrote on the PS Blog. “So, this is a great opportunity to dive into New Game + or get back into Photo Mode with all your previously unlocked outfits and customisations.”

While it’s being officially described as a remaster, this is bordering on a remake, with re-recorded dialogue and motion capture, in addition to many other improvements. While the reception to Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered was overwhelmingly negative when it leaked, have you come around on the concept now you know more about it? Let us know in the comments section below.

Will you buy Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered on PS5? (1,224 votes)

  1. Definitely, I will upgrade my PS4 copy60%
  2. Yes, I'll be buying and playing for the first time2%
  3. To be honest, I'm still not sure17%
  4. No, I own it on PS4 and don't want to upgrade17%
  5. Nah, I'm just not a fan of Horizon4%

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