There’s been much discussion about how much money Sony wasted on gigaflop Concord, and now we have a ballpark estimate. It had previously been reported that the company had spent $400 million on the game, although this number always seemed a little high. Now Kotaku is citing two sources as saying the initial development deal for the release was somewhere in the region of $200 million.
The actual cost is likely much higher than that, though, because this number excludes the acquisition of developer Firewalk and marketing expenses. The Japanese giant purchased the Washington studio in 2023, after it had spent several years bankrolled by Probably Monsters making a prototype of the first-person shooter.
So while the final figure is unlikely to be quite as high as the previously reported $400 million, there’s a good chance it was within touching distance of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, which allegedly cost around $300 million to make. That’s extraordinary.
The even more excruciating detail here is that PlayStation won’t see a single cent from its investment. All original Concord customers were refunded, the game will never return, and the studio has been shut down.
[source kotaku.com]
Comments 133
Is this the greatest flop in gaming ever? Like even stuff such as Suicide Squad still sold a few million copies. Obviously not good enough considering the investment, but better than this.
Console and games price increase incoming.
Only messing, I am 🤣
So, when's the remake coming out?
I always laugh when commenters say "They could have just made Ape Escape or Gravity Rush" instead. But in this particular instance, both of those franchises would have made more money than the -$200 million here.
@get2sammyb It is the greatest flop as even Atari's E.T. wasn't this bad!
But hey, at least the physical games aren't being buried huh hahaha
@Hogs-of-War-General I kinda wished I would have nabbed a sealed physical copy now. I bet they're going to become collector's items.
A big ol' tax write-off will have to suffice.
Heads should probably roll. An investigation to the causes of the failure (no one wanted it 🫢) and of those involved in striking the deals on both sides, whether Hulst got conned by Firewalk. It could provide stories for years to come.
The execs who greenlit this, the greatest disaster in modern gaming, need to pay for this with their jobs. Pretty much everyone else involved with it has, so why not them? Justice needs to be served here!
@get2sammyb this! I kinda want one now
@get2sammyb Hopefully, there will be some sort of deep-dive exposé in the future on what exactly happened here. Something for the history books!
@get2sammyb I wish this meant that good games like Ape Escape and Gravity Rush were more commercially viable now! I’d rather see Sony play it safe and release the left field stuff I actually want than risk bankruptcy chasing that live service money. 😂
So just more rumors and even if true I don’t think factoring in the cost of the studio makes sense to inflate the number
I still don't understand how could anyone think this was a good idea
$200 mill for the development cost + another $200 for big "the future of PS" marketing. I say $400 million isn't a far fetch numbers.
@get2sammyb Even a new Playstation All Stars Battle Royale will sell and make more money than Concord. The first game managed to sold 1 million copies PS3+Vita combine and for Sony it was a commercial failure.
According to other reports Sony lost more than 400 million on this game.
@get2sammyb 2 articles in the same day about concord. Is it necessary to keep on about this especially as people have just lost their jobs? At least try and show some sympathy and maybe just a bit of compassion but then I guess that wouldn't get the clicks right?
Pity. Should've just gave that money to me. I could've got them $100 out of it — easy.
@PuppetMaster Nah, they spent $30 million on Spider-Man 2's marketing and that was a much more aggressive campaign than this game ever got.
@get2sammyb I mean, Ape Escape and Gravity Rush could make a ton of money if PlayStation knew how to market them. And if we're just going to say it's an issue with the PlayStation demographic... that's still the fault of marketing, if anything.
With that money, they could have made maybe four Astro Bot-sized games from new or established IPs. Would they have made a crazy amount of money? More than likely not, but they would have generated more profit and goodwill for PlayStation than Concord.
A catastrophe of this scale should be a sackable offence for those in charge. If they’re supposed to provide value to shareholders, what value is created by negative 200 million dollars?
@get2sammyb Spider-man 2 doesn't get The Amazon Secret Level episode nor weekly short animated episodes, which i'm sure making those aren't cheap.
So no, i don't buy this 'Concord only cost $200 mill' rumor. Not when the game in development for 6-8 years and even got it's own episode in a Tv show.
They should have just immediately made it free to play. The game wasn't that bad when you actually played it- can't imagine why they didn't give it a chance without that $40 price tag!
So, in the end, was Colin right? lol
@get2sammyb I cant think of a more financial flop than this. Back in the day Daikatana was a very memorable flop. Destiny 1 was also considered a pretty big flop critically when it launched.
@get2sammyb It has to be the biggest flop especially since it was delisted so fast. Even Suicide Squad is still pulling in a few bucks because it’s still listed.
@get2sammyb biggest flop in entertainment ever?
The biggest film flops are the John Carter, The Lone Ranger and The Marvels, but all of them made ~$200 million on budgets of $200-300 million (the loss was all in marketing, and ticket sharing with cinemas). The biggest film to make basically nothing back was Eddie Murphie's The Adventure of Pluto Nash on a budget of $100 million.
Spiderman: Turn off the Dark is the biggest Broadway flop, only a budget of $75 million.
Nothing in music is ever going to come close.
Marco Polo, the Netflix show was apparently a $200 million loss, but that's probably the entire budget and doesn't count views, because it's streaming.
None of that comes close to Concord.
The only thing that might beat it is Lord of the Rings (Amazon) cost around $450 million for one season, which is a stupid budget. But LOTR's actual viewing figures were pretty decent, if not compared to the amount they paid.
@gipsojo I agree. Shutting it down was the most shocking part to me. You’d think after investing that much they’d at least try to get a player base. But no, they just immediately gave up on it. What a waste of funds by Sony.
Ouch ouch ouch
Doing a quick Google search Sony Corp made 87 billion US last year. 200 million of that is nothing. Think of it this way, you have 87 bucks worth of quarters in your pocket and use 1 quarter to buy a gumball from the gumball machine and it comes out a color you don't like so you throw it away. That's what spending 200 Million is like for these companies.
Even if it was 400 million that would be 2 gumballs thrown in the trash.
Concord is dead.
Long live Concordians.
The biggest flop in terms of actual money lost is likely to be Halo: Infinite which likely cost as much as $500m to initially develop and the got supported for years while making almost no money. Of course it’s on Gamepass day one so it’s hard to quantify just how much value that brings to the table.
@Waluigi451 if nothing else, making it free to play and let it roll on for a while without much dev support would at least give some people a chance to find a niche. It would make it less a joke, and respect the time the devs put into making a game.
Kotaku!? Lmfao...
Credible sources say more than $400 million. I'd trust Colin Moriarty more than whatever kinda clowns run Kotaku.
Kotaku is very good at downplaying whatever suits them best
Inadvertently, was Concord the best thing to happen to Push$quare ? Lol
I find it kinda incredible how blind such a big company can be to what their consumers want. Not sure they got what they 'deserved', but I hope this serves as a lesson not to simply copy latest trends.... Make quality games the old-fashioned way; with passion and a focus on the experience - NOT what 'everybody else' has already done.... :/
Fairly confident in what PS studios are cooking up for us over the next few years but not Fairgame or Marathon poo off. It was a fairly decent first couple of years 1st party wise on PS5 but the last couple years not so much other than 3rd or 2nd party Stella Blade, SH2 and FF types and some remasters/remakes to fill gaps and all that I dunno really. Obviously Ragnarok, spidey2 and Astrobot are top tier more recently. It's things like Concord multiplayer GaaS 200 million thing which could have been used for a different 1st party IP that is now in hindsight frustrating for many of us on PS5. As much as I don't care for Fairgame or Marathon I just hope they're successful enough to help fund other PS 1st party IP going forward. Can't really be having two more giant flops like Concord with Fairgame and Marathon, the dent would be considerably more massive
Anyways I wasn't ever purchasing this Firewalk Overwatch kinda game but it still sucks regardless for all involved, including us
@gipsojo Unfortunately, “Free-to-play” isn’t just a switch you can turn on when things don’t work out. The monetisation, UI, shop have to all be reworked. More items need to be created to be sold and you need to attract WAY more people to the game to purchase those items. Don’t forget that people don’t work for free and neither do online servers. Why would they continue to pump money into a dead game?
Concord had the worst character models I’ve ever seen in my entire life
so much for that whole "costing 400 million", I knew that was a load of rubbish.
Still can't fathom how they axed Twisted Metal and Factions, yet going all in for this game? I don't know whether to laugh or be sad about it.
And could've made many, many more smaller games with that budget alone!
Like I said somewhere else, with the price of buying the studio factored in, this game lost 500 million dollars easily. Just crazy numbers.
@TheTraditional Twisted Metal was just a pitch that got rejected.
Yeah Firewalk definitely deserved to be closed.
200m for „the initial development deal“. These are no news, it was revealed in the 400m story. But do these 200m include the late extra efforts for supporting studios? I don’t understand them as „initial“, so I highly doubt this.
A support studio, guessing the need for fixing an unfinished game within a few months, which should become „The Future of PS“ with Star Wars-like IP value: Such a support can demand EVERY price! And now imaging there are SEVERAL of these studios.
@MrMagic my bad, still, would've been great to see that pitch and IP go forward with a new installment.
@get2sammyb Should have done that Bloodborne "Director's Cut".
From what I understand, the game in total cost 400 mil, Sony spent 200 on it, it felt like their was miscommunication over the intial LSM quote.
@TheTraditional because the gaming landscape has changed for the “modern audience” i guess.
I'm just looking forward to that Concord TV show episode that's coming up on Netflix. Not awkward at all... nope!
@Frmknst It did though.
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It did make some money from all the weirdos on eBay trying to sell off sealed copies as “collector’s pieces” at higher than retail value.
Sony taking Ls after Ls
@nessisonett easy fix- tax write off
So no cameos in Astro Bot then?
So what are odds that Sony will try to recoup their losses, by lowering the price of the PS5 Pro, in an effort to sell as many as possible?
Yeah, probably zero chance of that.
@Frmknst You can say that it didn’t, but it did.
Well you know what they say garbage in, garbage out. Maybe they'll learn one day that the majority of there audience doesn't want these games. I guess until then they'll continue to pay with there wallets.
Sony's management is truly incompetent. Anyone still defending these clowns at this point, like PS staff does, lol.
@KillerBoy Yeah like Helldivers 2 being their fastest-selling game ever, and Astro Bot being the highest-rated game of the year...
They literally should have shared that cash out to every playstation owner. Would have been the same outcome (except some very happy fans) haha
@get2sammyb just an fyi, suicide squad hasn’t even sold a million copies. Based on the in game leaderboards the game has been played by a bit more than 300,000 players total. No idea how many are game sharing, renting the game, or are used copies.
@Northern_munkey the site had been a bit dry for a few days, gotta get some clicks
@Beerheadgamer82 I don't play much MP but Marathon has a really cool art direction imo. I do really hope it does well.
@get2sammyb without reading comments (sorry lol) I'd have to consider it the largest entertainment/multimedia/gaming failure ever. I mean what movie, book, game, TV show can we say has a documented 200-300 million dollar loss? And please. If there is one tell me because I'm at a loss lol
@SlipperyFish I can't really judge a Bungie game as I've never experienced any of theirs but I do know they have their fans still and stands more of a chance of being a success than Fairgame but who knows, just look at the Helldivers2 huge success that nobody expected. It's always the gamble with MP GaaS games and rarely a safe bet for success
I’m really baffled at how Hermen Hulst is now CEO as he pushed for this game so much, convinced Sony to buy the studio and for years he never noticed how it could go wrong?
Even in his statement he says some aspects of Concord were ‘exceptional’ but honestly absolutely nothing about it was “exceptional”, some well done but absolutely nothing stuck out, there’s MUCH to learn from this flop…
@Beerheadgamer82 Bungie halo games are some of the best games I've ever played. Destiny is good but not my cup of tea. I have faith for Marathon.
Fairgames is a bit different as it's the studios first game, but the concept of it is at least unique unlike concord
Too bad this didn't teach Herman Hulst anything...
@get2sammyb Even a 3 for 1 bundle of Knack3, Lair2, and Haze2 for $4.99 would have made more money than this.
When you add in the Studios purchase, marketing (that Amazon episode!) and some other cost that goes along with maintaining a studio it should reach that 400 mil number. Regardless that's money that now Sony doesn't have because Hurst sucks at his job.
@ChrisDeku Infinite cost a lot but it also generated a lot of hardware buzz and sales early on as it and Forza horizon 5 were the main (delayed) launch games. It may not have made its money back but it did shift platform and sub sales making it fulfill a purpose, including PC subs. Concord, not so much, and the game still has an ok player base and cosmetics store generating some revenue. With an 87 on metacritic it's still a successful game even if it cost too much, and will continue to have some sales/sub interest for a long time for the campaign.
It wasn't the hit they wanted but Concord can't stand in the same room with it.
@TrickyDicky99 PSVR2 is Wii levels of success next to Concord.
@TrickyDicky99 PSVR2 is still on sale, still supported and still getting games. It clearly hasn't been a success but it's at least bringing revenue in.
@get2sammyb Not just the biggest flop in gaming history, but as far as I can tell it's the biggest flop in all of entertainment.
I'd risk to say Concord was more expensive than Spidey 2, because most of Spidey 2 costs were licensing related stuff on top of development costs.
Concord on the other hand? Just pure development costs, no licensing or other stuff like that.
This was one bad investment given that they can't even salvage the game in any shape or form nor they can transfer any employee who worked in this game to other PS Studio because their work isn't up to standard.
@TrickyDicky99 Even that's a triumph next to Concord....
@NEStalgia Some people said that Halo Infinite made between $1 to $5 billion, but it's hard to say since Microsoft doesn't disclose revenue per game. It's likely between those numbers, considering the quarterly net income ($51.7 billion in revenue and $18.8 billion in net income) and that they stated that it was the best start for the franchise ever. Did Concord have a physical edition? If so maybe it didn't make $0 but... $2,500?
For those comparing Halo Infinite and Concord:
Halo Infinite: $1 to $5 billion
Concord: $0
I don't think I've ever seen this level of universal apathy towards a AAA first party game ever. 25,000 copies sold. And what's stranger is that you'd expect to hear that there was a political movement rallying against the game in massive numbers, but no. Almost nobody cared about Concord.
@get2sammyb For $200 million they could've made three Gravity Rushs and SIX Ape Escapes, and they'd ALL still be on the PS storefront smh
@Banjo- Concord did have a physical copy. I would imagine that if there were approx. 25,000 digital copies sold and iirc approx. 80% of all playstation games are sold digitally, then maybe Concord sold at most 30,000 to 40,000 copies.
@Ludacritz Yeah, around 80% of PS sales are digital, but 25,000 copies include PC where there was no physical edition, right? I wonder how many people kept their copies and who asked for a refund (if it was possible).
I checked. 25,000 overall (including physical, if I got that right); 10,000 units on PC and around 15,000 on PS5, so 3,000 physical copies on PS5. Something like that.
@Banjo- I'm pretty sure they sold through all printed physical copies as collectors were snapping them up while it burned 😂
@NEStalgia 🤣 Stubborn collectors...
Maybe my maths above are wrong because I don't know if 25,000 include the physical edition, but if so, there are 3,000 physical copies minus the refunded copies... A single collector could have them all. 🤐
@Banjo- this must be Herman's version of a pump and dump scam 😂
@get2sammyb meanwhile most gaming sites are worried about how many copies COD will sell or not sell cause of GP. The real story should be one company has made a billion dollars in a few days and the other lost a 200 billion. That story likely gets written at best for a day or two and then back to counting dollar and cent’s on COD. If only gaming didn’t write fake news!
I do however feel bad for the dev’s they just did what Sony allowed or told them to do. It’s clear Sony learned nothing from the PS3 days of not knowing how the internet works. They have zero presence in the world of online gaming. Unless you consider COD and the hopes of Halo coming to PS. The motto all flash no substance is starting to take shape in Sony’s online offerings for 20 years.
@NEStalgia don’t worry this all gets blown under the rug as websites are counting dollars and cents on COD sales for MS and GP. Which i assume could take awhile seeing as it will be making a Billion dollars. But there’s always Halo is coming to PS to write about. Meanwhile Quake on dial up modems has been more impactful in the online gaming space then Sony ever has. They don’t understand online gaming! If 200 Billion and a closed studio doesn’t show, then i suppose my word is the last ditch effort.
If at first you don't succeed, fail again.
@HonestHick Yes. It's a bit weird reading negative comments about Halo Infinite and Call of Duty Black Ops 6 the same day that Sony shut two studios down. 🤔
@HonestHick To be fair, Sony used to have SOCOM that did well in the online space. Then they bought the studio, then closed it ... 🙄
Oh and they had Sony Online Entertainment with Everquest, one of the biggest MMOs ever and even advertised it in movie theaters. And then they sold it... 🙄 😂
Glad this woke trash crashed as hard as it did. Companies need to stop catering to the %1.
Why would they continue to dump money on something that bombed so catastrophic? Did you know that keeping up a live service game is expensive as hell? The game needed an absurd level of overhaul, and that would cost Sony even more hundreds of millions of dollars.
@Banjo- welcome to the internet, where fake news and narratives run wild while others read it as facts.
@NEStalgia while i didn’t forget about those entirely, you made my point better than i made my point. The only thing you missed was Killzone the Halo killer with a fake CGI trailer and then a couple games that hardly anyone bought and now that there is an article saying they aren’t making it no more suddenly everyone that didn’t buy Killzone wants it back. Otherwise another brilliant post as always! Haha
It's up there with Halo Infinite, Cyberpunk 2077 (first year) and that Lord of the Rings series from Amazon.
Why couldn't they have just made it free for PS Plus and added things like Season Passes etc for some people that choose then to pay for things like that? Sony also tried that Predator game which didn't become real successful. Don't they learn lessons and just stick to what they are good at....single player games with strong narratives.
@HonestHick lol the fake CGI trailer is peak!
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@get2sammyb I think it's more than the money could have been better spent on a few 7/10 smaller exclusive titles to fatten out the release calendar.
Nintendo knows what it's doing with a fixed budget for games and a 3-year dev period.
So there were two phases for Concord... Sony investing in it as a 2nd party exclusive (somewhere between 100-200M) and then the acquisition + continued 1 year development + marketting + video drops + Amazon episode. I suspect you haven't actually read yourown copy that closely PS.
That sounds far more realistic and is from actual journalists who have checked multiple sources. The original $400 million never rang true but almost everyone jumped on the bandwagon and believed YouTuber Colin Moriarty with just one trust-me-bro source. Was maddening to see so little critical thinking.
@PuppetMaster how could it be in development for 6-8 years when Firewalk wasn’t even founded until 2018? They would have had to form and build the studio which takes time and go through pre-production with a skeleton team, which isn’t often counted, before entering full production with a larger team later than that.
Colin never said it cost Sony $400 million. He said it cost that all up including the costs before Sony got involved. He said Sony could have spent $200 million maybe so he wasn't wrong at all
@themightyant Don't ask me, ask the guy from Firewalk who claim the game was in development for 8 years.
An expensive learning experience but Sony can bounce back and hopefully the people involved too ❤️
@gipsojo I agree they could atleast try to make it free to play for a few months. I never played it Backlog but I can't believe for a second it was that bad as people made it out to be.
@HonestHick I played Killzone 2 that game still was one of the best looking shooters around fake CGI or not the game looked fantastic and the Gameplay was amazing for me.
@RadioHedgeFund Nintendo also doesn’t have any big AAA type exclusive games though. The type of games they make could probably still run on a wii minus the graphics & resolution
@PuppetMaster I’m aware of the source of this but I believe he was talking about the game being one or two people’s idea which then built into a studio and then the game was fully developed. That’s not what we usually would call “in development”’, the 8 years sound bite has been misreported and taken out of context (similar to $400 million). A dev in their Discord corrected this and said it was 4 years.
It’s like when a writer says an idea has been in his head for 2 decades but he wasn’t usually writing it for 20+ years.
Usually, companies mirror the production costs with marketing, which is why folks are thinking $400mil is the total. And they definitely did initiate marketing, because this game is going to have its own episode in a tv series this December. They paid for that, and it isn’t cheap.
@Flaming_Kaiser Killzone 2 was the best of the series. I played a decent amount of it. But with that series over with. Sony needs something shooter wise. I wish it was a reboot of Resistance.
@TrickyDicky99 I clearly wasn't disputing it's sold poorly, I'm disputing that it's even remotely comparable to a game selling only a handful of copies before removed from sale forever.
Where are all the people I was arguing with who defended this crap? No where to be seen but man would I love to rub their pug noses in it
What marketing expenses? 🤔
@MrPeanutbutterz last I checked arrowhead isn’t owned by Sony 😂
@KillerBoy And last I checked the Helldivers IP is owned by Sony. Doesn't matter who the developers were, it was a success for Sony.
Your logic is like saying "Gears of War wasn't successful for Xbox because Epic weren't owned by Microsoft".
@MrPeanutbutterz taking credit for a game that doesn’t even belong to Sony 🤔
@HonestHick My favorite by far was Killzone 3 I loved that game so I even platinumed it. I missed some expansion trophies trophies though.
I loved the melee kills, the interactive maps and the best was operations. I loved that mode so much I played it nonstop.
But man did they ruin Killzone with the copy and paste job with KZ4 on the PS4 the only one I was not impressed with, did not finish the campaign and didn't even bother with the multiplayer the even got rid of the fantastic feeling controls.
For me the series is done and dusted a new Resistance wouldn't sound bad indeed Resistance 3 is a game I also platinumed.
But the worst thing with Killzone 2 were the ridiculous trophies and the unbalanced multiplayer. Against good team it was just as easy to go play something else instead of getting spawn killed over and over.
@KillerBoy What part of "Sony owns the Helldivers IP" are you struggling with, exactly? 🤔
@MrPeanutbutterz what part of sony doesn’t own arrow head studio do you not understand?
@KillerBoy That doesn't matter. Your original comment was about "Sony and their L's" (or whatever your exact words were). I mentioned Helldivers 2 because it has been a roaring success for Sony because they are both the publisher and IP holder. The developer doesn't matter.
Once again using your logic, Gears of War 2 wasn't a success for Xbox because Microsoft didn't own Epic. Heck, Sony didn't own Insomniac until 2019, so are you also saying that the entire Ratchet and Clank series (bar Rift Apart) or the 2018 Spider-Man game weren't success for Sony?
@Flaming_Kaiser Sony needs a shooter tha stands out. Just not sure they understand that type of gaming MS and 3rd party is far far ahead of them at this point. Not sure what their plans are after not even giving Factions 2 a chance.
@themightyant What part "don't ask me, ask the guy from Firewalk who claim Concord was in development for 8 years" that you don't understand?
They're the one who claimed that, NOT me. So i'm not sure why you're here saying it isn't true or misreported when the devs themself who said that fact.
And if you insist 8 years in development and $400 million is not true then go write an article about that with the proof from that discord or whatever.
@nomither6 Clearly this is not true though. The Legend of Zelda is the biggest franchise in gaming and on a careful 5-year Dev cycle for mainline entries. We haven't seen a sequel to Mario Odyssey in 7 years because they're likely cooking up the next one for the Switch 2 launch.
How do we define AAA anyway? Technically superior? Games that last ages? Big open worlds? Regardless I would probably have listed Tetris Effect as the best AAA title of the last generation because of how bloody good it is. 10/10 from most places yet it's still just the Tetris.
I'm not trying to make out Nintendo as a better company that anyone else. I enjoy Playstation titles and only actually own an Xbox as my main console. But they had a plan for the Switch with regards to the ongoing release schedule and it worked.
Fact of the matter is this generation is weird. Sony are only beating Xbox because of the FIFA and Madden crown just wanting the next PS4 to play their annual games on, Microsoft have had way more exclusives out and aren't ahead in any way and Nintendo might actually topped the PS2 with a sequel to the WiiU.
@HonestHick Halo Infinite was a cracking title and that didn't help. Fact I'd that as far as new games go the shooter genre has died. Nobody plays anything that isn't Call of Duty, Fortnite or CSGO
“ How do we define AAA anyway? Technically superior? Games that last ages? Big open worlds?”
-YES. This is not to sound shallow or anything , but come on, this is what everyone associates a triple A game with. It doesn’t necessarily have to be open-world but definitely the former two. & i hope nintendo’s not wasting that much time on the next mario because we haven’t gotten a new mario kart in 10 years! the switch hasn’t had a mario kart, metroid prime (yet) , F-zero is still dead, no starfox, pokemon hasn’t had a groundbreaking game since the gamecube, etc most of the switch library just feels like AA indies imo
Concord gave us some good laughs, anyway. Not a total loss.
@RadioHedgeFund while those 3 titles make the most money and hold the larger player bases. Games like Apex, PUBG, Halo, Rainbow 6 and a few others still have a player base and make money. Sony don’t need a COD killer. That isn’t happening, but they should try and make a shooter that is profitable and has a nice player base to grow from. Socom, resistance or something new could do that. Or stick with HD2 and bring the sequel to all consoles and PC. It would make some good money for a while. I just want more variety from PS like they promised at the start of the generation and so far it’s looking like a lot of that has either been cancelled or flopped.
@Rog-X $1.8b for the whole franchise seems low, if that’s correct.
Halo:infinite is rumoured to have cost around $500m, which is believeable(concords 400m is not, 343 industries is about 3x the size of Concord dev team). it appears the full studio continued to work on the live service aspect for 3 years as they only recently announced a plan to move to UE5 and start a new project after some early prototyping.
3 years of support from a 500+ man studio would probably be north of $200m and maybe as much as $300m (average salary in Washington is way above the USA average, it actually one of the most expensive places in the country).
Add in the advertising, which was considerably bigger for Halo:infinite, Probably $100m+.
We’re now at a figure of close to $1b for one massive colossal failure. At these kinds of numbers making $100m is not significantly different from making zero.
Cutting the servers and closing down the studio seems a lot better idea than giving 343 three years of development for almost zero gain then another 5+ years and $300m+ of dev costs on another game.
@HonestHick I think Factions is awsome but it won't win over the FPS crowd. I would have taken the first one with some extra costumes probably a lot cheaper to make aswell. A Resistance or Starhawk would be awsome to play though. How about reviving the multi-player of older games alone.
@Flaming_Kaiser yeah that could work. I’d be interested in those. I understand no game is going to knock off Fortnite and COD. But many still survive alongside them and make good money. That should be Sony’s focus. Just something that is fun and makes money. Time will tell, they ain’t going to stop cause Concord failed, but it does raise the question if they know what a good game in this genre looks like.
@HonestHick They should start to be more realistic. And I agree make a fun game first with profit instead of thinking they will get a new COD or Fortnite on there first try.
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