In a devastating PS Studios update, bigwig Hermen Hulst has confirmed that following a period of consultation, PS5 and PC gigaflop Concord will never be returning and developer Firewalk Studios has been closed down. According to Bloomberg’s Jason Schreier, around 172 people will lose their jobs, although Sony does say it’s trying to “find placement for some of those impacted within our global community of studios where possible”.
In a statement, Hulst said: “Certain aspects of Concord were exceptional, but others did not land with enough players, and as a result we took the game offline. We have spent considerable time these past few months exploring all our options.
“After much thought, we have determined the best path forward is to permanently sunset the game and close the studio. I want to thank all of Firewalk for their craftsmanship, creative spirit, and dedication.”
Concord officially released on 23rd August for $39.99/£34.99 for both PS5 and PC. In our short-lived review, where we awarded the game a 7/10, we described it as a “clean and well-meaning first-person shooter”. However, sales were estimated to total just 25k units, and by 6th September the game had been taken offline.
This was a big project for Sony, with high expectations placed upon it. Internally, it was allegedly described as the “future of PlayStation”. The platform holder bought developer Firewalk Studios in 2023, and said the team would “help grow” its live service operations. It no longer exists.
Hulst signed off with the following statement: “While today is a difficult day, there is much to look forward to in the months ahead from the Studio Business Group and our teams. I remain confident that we are building a resilient and capable organization driven by creating unforgettable entertainment experiences for our players.”
[source sonyinteractive.com]
Comments 193
Hopefully Sony will learn from this that we don’t want generic live service shooters, right? RIGHT?
This has to be the craziest story in gaming I've ever seen:
And the saddest part is that the people who greenlit this mess will probably see no consequences
And so the tragedy of Concord is complete. Maybe one day someone will get some private servers going for the small number of us who still have a copy.
Oooof, such a massive waste of time, effort and money.
Such a shame. That's a lot of talent Sony just let go.
Daaaaaamn. I mean I'm not sure what the alternative would have been but wow. Weird it's the biggest entertainment flop of all time and msm barely flinched or noticed.
I feel bad for the developers, Sony should have stopped it or pivoted to something different long before it came to market. People vote with their wallets, and hopefully this shows people do not want these live service, made by committee games with dialogue that sound like every conversation is being had in front of HR.
Absolutely insane. 4 months ago I was watching a state of play where half of it was all about Concord. Now the game doesn't even exist, has made £0 after full refunds, and everyone who made it is out of a job. Huge failure for Sony, and I really hope they learn from it
Not surprised. Unfortunate but Concord bombed so spectacularly there’s no way it or the dev studio had a future.
Hopefully Sony have learned a very expensive lesson here, it's a shame for those employed their but sadly inevitable ever since the reveal at the showcase earlier this year. Its just beyond stupid to throw crazy amounts of money at a hero shooter of all things, even Sega was smart enough to drop theirs before releasing it
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"This is the part where we throw our heads back and laugh"
One of the most insane stories in gaming ever.
They must be getting some tax write off for this, right??
Otherwise it doesn't seem to make a ton of sense. They could have used the teams experience to make some other type of shooter etc? The studio clearly had talent - just bad direction, atrocious art style and late to the market
If there was any sense of justice Hermen Hulst would be the first one fired but in this bizarro world he screws up big time and he then gets the privilege of firing the developers he himself championed and brought over 😒
@mariomaster96 it does smell fishy to me, someone somewhere made a lot of money out of this.
And Neon Koi! Did they ever release a game?
I'll take things no one ever saw coming for 500, Alex.
C'mon Sony, still have time to fire whoever is developing Fairgame$.
Sony is shutting down two studios today. This, and Neon Koi (formerly, Savage Game Studios). Don't make it look like it's developers fault, this is pure Sony's mismanagement and poor decisions.
Crazy, I still can't believe Sony bought this team when they hadn't proven a thing. Historically, Sony works with a studio many times before buying.
I hope they've learnt there lesson...They've made some costly mistakes this generation!
I don't know the full metrics behind the game but in such a crowded and jaded market one would've thought it launching as free to play on pc, ps5 and Xbox would've been the way to go. And purely get revenue from cosmetics and paid expansions
Good. Hope they realize this will happen 9 out of 10 times with live service games.
Not good on the studio closing down, obviously
What a shame. I know a lot of people are celebrating this debacle, but genuinely, there are far worse games that have gotten better treatment. I’d say Concord was actually one of the better live service games that launched this year. It was certainly no Suicide Squad. I agree with Pushsquare about it being a 7/10.
One of the greatest examples of "hello, fellow kids" that i have ever seen since the Saints Row Reboot.
Sony sure made history with this one. Like E.T for Atari levels of history.
Everyone could seen this writing on the wall months ago. They brought this on themselves with their hubris, hard to sympathized after that.
Herman Hulst should also be axed for allowing this atrocity to hit the market in the first place.
What a wild ride! One of the most entertaining titles all year...and I haven't even played a second of it. 😅
Pour one out for the most recent victims of toxic positivity. 🫗
"After much thought" but apparently zero thought over the past however many years
@mariomaster96 remember when Apple canned that executive pretty much because of the messy launch of Apple Maps? Too bad that won’t happen here.
Shame they won’t cancel all the others .
Damn. I was looking forward to this shooter for the modern gamer. Oh well...
Oh to be a fly on the wall in PlayStation HQ!
I do wonder if anyone besides the Studio will see consequences and how long it'll be before we see the 'lessons' learned by Sony from this.
Dang. Officially the biggest disaster PlayStation has ever put out.
Still feel like they could've decently salvaged the game to modest success. But maybe this is a sign that PlayStation is finally moving away from their idiotic GaaS initiative. Still terrible for all developers affected, though.
Concord is really entertaining, not the game itself but all the youtube videos I watch about the game, now I'm kind of sad the studio is closing and I won't get any entertainment about the game again.
I do hope sony will know it's better to focus on more important things, like making more single player games and making playstation 5 cheaper so more people buy playstation console rather than competing with their 3rd party on multiplayer games.
Every single exec that signed off on this should be ousted. Start with Hulst, he can go sign on, same as the staff he’s just put a giant black mark on when laying them off.
Concord will go down in the (gaming) history books but not for any good reasons...
The article doesn’t really say. (Or I missed it)
Have the whole studio lost their jobs? Or joining other teams or anything?
Hardly surprising really. I am surprised at some of the comments here because people have just lost their jobs and will now struggle to support their family's and pay bills etc. Tell me in what world is that funny?
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@Medic_alert One small difference they made the uncharted series that sold incredibly well, Last of Us series sold well and even Jak and Daxter games sold.
Sounds to me like they learned almost zero as they are continuing on this path with fairgames etc
No bonus for Hulst this year
What a disaster. Someone will write a book about this one day.
Hopefully they really do learn from this and Fairgame$ brings something new to the table. Bet Haven are looking anxiously over their shoulders tonight though!
Oooft, what an ending to this whole story, not even a second chance to redeem themselves with another game. Flop games come and go all the time, but I dont think theres been anything quite like this, maybe since ET? Wonder if the episode of that Amazon series will go ahead or canned at the last minute.
Sad to hear but not surprising. Hopefully most of them can find positions in other first party studios.
You would think everything Hermen does going forward will be scrutinised by Yoshida and everyone above him now. I imagine there's an enormous amount of added pressure on him.
I did not expect this outcome at all. Shocked, truly.
This game did so badly it was too undetectable to even harm Sony's image lol.
Jim and Herman are the ones to truly blame. Yes, the studio failed to make a game that had a market, but Jim and Herman are the ones that threw good money after bad on it, and declared it the "Future of PS".
Not surprised. Sony burn $400 million into ashes for this game so no way they make the studio as a support studio as if nothing happen. I got the feeling they will lost more with Fairgame$ and Marathon.
But what i'm surprised is the person who started this whole live service project as well champion this game as the "future of PS" aka Hermen Hulst still has his job.
Or maybe Sony CEO and shareholders gonna kick him out next year when they get a good replacement.
Nonetheless i don't think PS / SIE will learn anything from this case and got better with Hermen as the leader.
This is up there with landfills full of ET cartridges
Should have bought Square instead lmao
They just acquired them last year! That’s crazy work
@madmaxrules None..
@Medic_alert I have to disagree it's a solid studio with a great library. If you will shut down every studio with a great trackrecord after one miss fire good luck finding any studios left.
At least we will still have the episode about it on Amazon later this year.
Whoever it was at Sony that caught sight of Concord and thought it looked good enough to buy the actual studio that was making it shouldn't have a job at Sony anymore. That person or those people are a massive liability to the gaming division and their judgment can't be trusted.
@Sakai Sony aren't going to cancel every live service game just because Concord failed.
@Strikke They should not buy more but start investing in their current studios. Why buy up everything it's unattainable. Look at a massive company like MS with their money even they are having a hard time selling it to their investors. It takes so much money to keep studios afloat. And let's be real here how many massive hits did Square-Enix make. I love Final Fantasy but damn they are expensive to make amd does it really payout that great.
@AgentGuapo If you don't want to do take any chances then there is no way to make anything special. So firing anyone for one mistake will not make your company that great.
Hulst is the worst thing that happened to Sony.
So that means they’ll Auto Unlock the trophies or else permanently remove the sku from the accounts of anyone who bought into the game but wasn’t able to platinum it before it was taken offline, right? Of course not. What good is a refund when a perfect account filled with a long list of games 100%+Platinum’d is now permanently stained by something sitting at 25%, 44%, 95% etc completion without any ability to erase it from the list? Another middle finger to trophy hunters. I myself am not affected, as I actively avoid games of this type for expressly this reason, but I imagine it’s gut wrenching to any trophy hunters in that boat.
These platform holders need to cater trophy/achievement design, implementation and execution to trophy/achievement hunters …the only people who really care about trophies to begin with.
@Medic_alert Yep you are right its totally my mistake completely misread your comment.
@Flaming_Kaiser well hey that's just me lol I just think they need an RPG with a First Party polish... either in Japan or Korea, hell maybe even Chinese, seeing as how the likes of Genshin/Wuwa/HSR are rising same goes for Wukong.
@Enigk This show lol I am gonna watch it but it's such a missed opportunity for Square Enix who always makes CGI FMVs for FF/KH etc and they weren't included.... either not asked or Square being Square with their licenses..
On the plus side, I assume the developers got paid a salary, and hopefully got some sort of severance package now. It’s a shame the job isn’t ongoing, but I suppose it’s typical for many contracts to end once a game is completed.
@Flaming_Kaiser "And let's be real here how many massive hits did Square-Enix make." tbh some hits and some misses, like when FF7R or even FFXVI sold 3M each on launch, then the likes of their Avengers game underselling on launch or when people sh@t on Forspoken-- is I think one of the things that are biting them in the ass...
Imagine working on the game for 4 years, your studio being bought by Sony, spending another 2 years of your life on the game, and then having the game shut down after two weeks on the market.
Hulst: ‘this game is the future of Playstation’
Man… the suits up top suck. And internally, they never get the blame they deserve.
@Balaam_ wish we could delete trophies for anything we haven’t platinumed.
Good. Make a bad game, face the consequences. Sad people lost there job but if you can't make a profitable product you really don't deserve one then.
Oof. What a disaster. Can't say I'm shocked this was the outcome but still sad to see. Hopefully some lessons have been learned here.
@fbnaulin Unfortunately, Firewalk takes a lot of blame here. They had this game in development without Sony involvement for longer than Sony were involved. Can’t speak to Neon Koi I forgot they existed.
Sad for the developers. Some of the comments here don't surprise me. Certain people completely lack empathy.
@Korgon the surprise, really, was just that it happened so quickly. A lot of the signs pointed towards this being the outcome after 6, 12, 18 months, as is often the case. I guess they just knew they could not throw any more money at it, even if to just save some face.
@NEStalgia HAHHAHA if only i had a dime for every time i said Sony don’t know how to make online games. We all seen this coming. I feel bad for those that lost their jobs. Bungie you better make sure Marathon don’t flop or you will be making PS4 remasters for PS5.
Hulst is the one who pushed for these investments and now he fires hundreds of people while releasing "statements" and sitting safely at the top.
Dude is the one who needs to be let go. Guy has no clue what he's doing at the level he's at. He's actively harming Sony as a brand/force within the market.
I hope they learn from it and whoever affected land on a solid ground especially the gameplay devs. I really liked the gameplay of Concord and hated everything else
@naruball it does suck for developers who are now unexpectedly out of a job, likely with rent/mortgage to pay in a flat close to the studio where they will now need to move or compete with everyone else in the area for any other industry jobs that might exist. Not nice having to go through that, or think about relocating, especially if you have a partner/family. Perhaps they are in the process of buying a home or have just booked a holiday.
If it were me I’d probably be thinking about doing something else for a year or two and hope the industry sorts itself out a bit.
Well it was either close them or make them a support studio because it's obvious they couldn't be trusted to make their own game again.
@kyleforrester87 yup. And even if some of them were great at what they did, it must be quite difficult to land a job after of the biggest bombs in the industry. So, if they can afford it, they totally should take a break and come back when the situation improves.
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Not sorry. Actions have consequences. Keep continue building mediocrity and this is what you will get. To be honest I am not even sorry for the devs; they knew what they were doing after all.
True. The speed at which things happened with Concord is insane. I also expected at least 4-6 months support but things must have just been extremely dire.
Wow. Kinda awkward for Amazon and Blur studios considering they have episode dedicated to Concord with that CG series they made.
Purchasing Firewalk and funding Concord has to go down as the biggest blunder in PlayStation history.
Hmmm, but will they learn? Will they understand why this happened and not go down that path again? Me thinks not.
The biggest bomb I have ever seen, good riddance.
We tried to warn ya Sony, but you didn't listen. I don't believe the claims this game cost 400$ million to make, but including the price of the studio purchase, I have no doubt Sony lost 500 million on this easily.
What a giant waste of time and money. Firewalk's erasure is not surprising at all.
@Strikke Buying Square will not change anything when guy like Hermen still at the top. Heck, Square could end up like Firewalk, releasing colossal slop and got closed down.
So sad, all because they were forced to add LIVE-SERVICE aspects to a game that wasn't supposed to have it by design.
@AK4tywill surely you respect your own time better than that...
well, so long as you understand that most live service games will fail to last more than 6 months to a year, this isn't all that surprising. these days, it is just a matter of how long the publisher is willing to lose money before pulling the plug. the only difference here is that sony was pro-active in dealing with the failure compared to some other publishers. why bleed money for a year knowing the game will not survive based on all the early metrics? smart move by sony to be abrupt with this mess... of course, the game never should have been greenlit in the first place but sony was desperate to follow the trends. they earned this by way of their arrogance and mismanagement.
hate to say it (well, actually i don't), but fairgame$ will likely have a very similar fate. live for 2 weeks? maybe a bit longer... perhaps a few months. sony says it will keep making these kinds of games? complete nonsense when resources are finite.
There is something oddly satisfying about how clean they are making the cut though I am really sorry for anyone whose contract might be badly affected by this
@The_Wailing_Doom you're definitely right, as it takes a lot of talent to spend 8 years making a game that gets pulled after 2 weeks? That's something special there.
@dschons except almost all of us saw this coming... 2 failed betas and virtually no one playing it on release? Yeah, saw this coming.
While it sucks for the employees, good riddance.
Instead of closing down the studio I would fire whoever thought this would be the future of PlayStation
Honestly what a waste of decent assets. To not even attempt to do anything with it just goes to show how over budget this truly was.
Biggest failure in history of gaming, at least for software.
Sad that Sony didn’t keep the studio. A loss of talent, and they need more shooters.
I wonder how much of a golden handshake Ryan got on his way out after creating a 300 million plus total loss?
@JokerBoy322 r/woosh
@HonestHick TBF I think remakes of all the Destiny expansions people bought and then got stripped of by Bungie is a more in-demand product than Marathon....
There’s never been a hero shooter that grabbed me, but Concord did. I really enjoyed it and it’s easily the best one that I’ve ever played.
I’ve given overwatch and a few others a try again after Concord went off-line and they all are still very underwhelming to me.
The huge amount of hate that I’ve seen this game get from very obvious bigots has been really crazy, but now many of these bigots have moved on to bashing the new Dragon age.
So glad it flopped so that we don’t have these live service games. People lose their jobs and people laugh and celebrate? Gamers are such pricks at times
Hopefully this will be a lesson for Sony and other studios to listen to feedback and constructive criticism more. Tread lightly in the live service arms race. Its reminding me of the MMO race back in the day. Everyone wanted their own WOW but most of them failed.
@NEStalgia shocked you didn't see this one coming. Yes, the ones to blame wont actually see any repercussions, but this is the way it always plays out. Studios always end up being the ones to pay the cost for bad exec choices.
This is ridiculous.Hermen hulst is to blame for this.as he tought oh yeah its going to be a hit.bring back killzone.word up son
@Artois2 The huge amount of hate that I’ve seen from gamers in the past few years has been insane. The internet feels like it’s most bigots. They want their games filled with white manly men, with manly voices and all the women gave to be sexy with big breasts and wearing few clothes.
I know people will say that I’m being dramatic, but I’m 100% serious that I could fill out an article on this site of the huge amount of trashy people and their hate.
Just in the past week I’ve seen Silent Hill 2, Dragon Age, Mortal Kombat 1 and now Concord all be bashed by bigot responses.
@playstation1995 I don’t know if you heard but gorilla said they’re done with it, They are not going back to the kill zone franchise.
If their goal was to create an unforgettable game, they sure succeeded.
I’d be so pissed if I’d lost my 100% trophy status because of this game lol
Arguably the biggest flop in gaming history. Maybe in entertainment history!
How many projects generate NOTHING?
@Lyedecker can't take that away from them lol
@OmegaStriver gamers are just a group of people.
And people suck.
@Contimaloris nope. Sony ,arrogant as always, has already said they're sticking with the plan.
The craziest thing is it's not even like the developers made the worst game in the world. They made a decent game in genre that had no space for 'decent' and was priced in a way which would never work.
The fault is all on Sony's side. For trying to chase a bad genre, for way overbudgeting the game, and for putting it out at a price point that kills it immediately.
Worst Playstation generation of all time, BUT before you hit that heart - I’m also glad sony is still trying to make another successful live service 😁 there’s still room for untapped potential, just stop making a FPS or third person shooter and try something different that also isn’t low budget indie garbage with cartoony graphics. at least that’s what i want .
A twisted metal live service would’ve been nice
@Strikke Definitely Square being Square. They could have let them make a Forspoken or Balan Wonderworld episode.
The writing was on the wall but daaaamn, that’s honestly very sad for the studio that spent 8 years working on this, and it might be the biggest flop in Sony’s history.
@Anke You mean ProbablyMonsters. They sold the studio to Sony for an undisclosed sum.
@AdamNovice no, but cancelling the ones destined for failure would be a good start
Concord had the worst character models I’ve ever seen in my entire life
but the devs and studio heads have to take most blame. one 8 years to make well a generic game second not listning to feed back. and never mind the proffesor pushing self destruct online. but surley someone at sony should stepped in said wtf is going on and pull the plug before it became public. not like sony hasnt canned stuff thats been in oven for that long before
100% the biggest flop in gaming history. Nothing even comes close.
@DonJorginho Sony here. Yes, we've learned the danger of making a game when the market for it's genre is over-saturated. So we are pleased to announce that we have spent $250m on a new 2.5D metroidvania.
@MinervaX Sorry, the internet irony filters were on I saw it coming since June.
@nomither6 The thing is when you think of "live service" there's a lot of games that are "live service" that work that aren't what executives think of as "live service" (aka recurring revenue cash cows.)
MOST racing games are "live services" but aren't monetized beyond selling new cars and tracks to add for a long time. The base game is the engine, and some core content, and more content is sold for the same game rather than "sequels" forever and ever. Elite Dangerous is an MMO with no recurring subs, it does sell in-game currency, if you want to buy particular ships or gear outright without playing and grinding, but otherwise it's a base game with free online forever.
The problem is a game that lives as a service and the engineered corporate cash cow of "live service genere $$$" aren't the same thing.
@Balaam_ ....there's bigger issues here than trophies & platinums. Really, are they important ? Do they mean anything ? If there that important to you, you need to ask why you're into gaming
Stop forcing love service games and stop losing money...its easy, but yall are blind.
While I generally hate it when studios shut down and believe in second chances, I don't think too many people will be shocked or distraught about this.
It's a shame for the studio since if Concord was a single player focused game rather than live service BS, it might've had a chance to at least be a quality game. It's not that Concord was such a bad game from a gameplay perspective.
I think having them resurrect Killzone, since Guerrilla is done with the series, rather than do a live service shooter could've went really well, but now we'll never know obviously.
@NEStalgia true. live service has been around since MMO’s, & like everything corporate suits find a way to capitalize in every way
@nomither6 The whole "live service" name is a business suit buzzword with monetization implications. Look at most racing games, nobody called them "live service" it was just a racing game with online play and new maps sold periodically. Now it's a "live service."
@NEStalgia that’s also true & “live service” is a fairly new term. i just haven’t played a racing game in years to really comment about them; the last i played was forza horizon 4, and i dont know what to make of it - would you consider that a live service ?
Prospective employer:: There seems to be an 8 year gap in your work history?
Ex-Firewalk dev: Yes, I was....in prison.
Prospective employer: Thank God for that, I thought you might have worked on Concord. You're hired!
@OmegaStriver. I know i was just saying that killzone would do much better than concord.or a socom or resistance.word up son
No one is surprised.
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@playstation1995 Ive given up on it. I don’t see PlayStation coming Anywhere close to the greatness they had during the PS3 era. If they do, we are years away from it. They’ve just had too many timely mistakes.
@ForcedHard Bigot spotted. Anyone that uses, the term woke in that manner is definitely a bigot. Also, that name and picture is further proof. lol, and you have the audacity to use the word creepy against other people.
@Balaam_ With losses in the 100's of millions, a studio closure and 100's of jobs lost, I don't think trophy records was high on the list of priorities!
Sony took the chance on it and lost.
They should have stood by the team and given them a chance. Not everything works.
So shame on Sony.
@JaBrony123 The same developers that called gamers "talentless freaks"? That actually happened btw I'm not making it up a concord dev actually did that , I'm sure if someone like kotick or phil spencer did that it'd be a different story and people would be in the know and in uproar.
And yes for the 1000th time im going to say it, Hermen Hulst should also be fired over this. Not just Jim.
Hulst the only one who should be fired.
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@nomither6 Yeah, I'd say FH4 qualifies as live service. You have the drivatars, you have drop in multiplayer, they have events throughout the year etc. GT, iRacing, Automobilista2, Asetto Corsa, Forza.... All of them have elements of live service but nobody thinks of them as live service. iRacing even has a monthly subscription but people don't really talk about "live service"
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@OmegaStriver. Yeah i agree with you.its not the same sony PlayStation anymore.and the exclusive takes too long.remember when ps3 exclusive even ps4 games comes in 1 or 3 years.now its 6 or more years.word up son
@OmegaStriver That's exactly what I want from a game, and the majority of gamers who have disposable income feel the same way.
We are sick of people trying to make that into a bad thing.
White manly men are allowed. Large boobs are allowed, and are a very very good thing.
Find a different hobby instead of trying to destroy ours.
@The_Wailing_Doom What talent? Talent for burning millions of dollars by pandering to a tiny minority? Business 101 is to appeal to the great majority of your potential market not the tiniest minority.
Sony are simply scum now. Just like the other shareholder-run "AAA" 3rd parties that shut down multiple studios because they made one less than perfect game. They've shut down so many studios. Countless jobs lost because some idiot at the top made terrible decisions, and now the workers pay the price. I won't be supporting this company anymore. They do not take care of their employees or customers.
To the surprise of no one. Who will be next in the live service chopping block?
If only we get a success and everything is worth it eh? Well... clearly not to the studios that didn't make it.
Immeasurable amounts of shock. Who could have seen this coming!?
@NEStalgia HAHA well when you put it that way, i can’t argue that.
@Rols @JokerBoy322
"What talent?"
The objective talent visible on the resumés of the studio heads, all of whom worked at Bungie among other places. Sometimes talent is not enough, and it certainly wasn't for Concord, but the lack of success is not the same as the lack of talent.
How about releasing it as a non-live service game? People do not want to pay full price for an unfinished game they have to keep pumpimg money into. And to shut the studio down when they don't have enough ganes as it is at the monent.....
Even Howard Scott Warshaw said oof.
That was $200 Million of our dollars well spent, Sony. Good Job.
Maybe by refunding everyone you'll still qualify for that Tax Write-off?
Interesting surprised they didn't plan to turn things around or salvage it. Hmm. If only Sony or the staff in the studio understood audiences then what they want and a lot of weird decisions in the design.
There is paying attention to audiences (bandwagons to ignore or agree with) or there is just being aware in other ways. Not just graphics/story/themes/values people want to put and why some questions or dialogue doesn't make any sense or go too far to be worth thinking about and remembered like older products were that did push such questions but still open thought about them besides just good gameplay.
Instead trends, and basic gameplay, values/themes/dialogue/graphics pushed and we get eh games as bad as Concord or passable products, how we had better competitive products in mechanics and story telling/themes not weaker ones more now to just bad ones with too much their focus then a 'game' worth playing and a interactive project that isn't really worth it (I don't mean as in cinematic games I mean the priorities are different and gameplay is still passable even if my gameplay stance is very high these days of movesets/level design not being as exciting or ambitious anymore compared to others but that's besides the point) because the not gameplay focus but money, graphics, dialogue to say anything no matter what the staff think. Yeah I asked for a game thanks.
I mean Destruction All-stars didn't kill Lucid at least but it did have that 'you seriously had to follow a trend, don't know your audience you put the assets to match, don't care for that type of thing' wow what market research/lack of understanding do you people have like seriously?
The few staff probably that worked on Blur or understand the state of vehicular combat games (let alone even the revival of anti-gravity racers too and why many of the good ones work so well then WipEout Rush, Sony let alone mobile platform competition) with their ideas and presentation and Lucid or Sony go that will work we won't make a Twisted Metal or better original game lets make a pathetic one and not understand our audience. Sigh.
If many of us customers/players can think up ideas for gameplay, or can understand how are companies that stupid? Like it's not hard to go this is what this product offers or should offer, this is what audiences/communities think in videos, do these staff on off days not look to them (they don't have to be terminally online of course) and go ah that's why.
Part 2:
Maybe there should be a social media not twitter but video essay day/few hours periods like leaving time for meetings to just see what ideas people have, understand audiences better, not the negative but the ones worth listening to that are insightful about I like this, hate this but think this as a potential idea could be worth while. That type of feedback to pass on that social media staff could do besides just posting things and whatever else they do in those positions besides interacting with customers or advertising posting or whatever.
So market research from audiences. If us players can see what is said, offer our feedback of potential ideas ourselves (yes yes staff have thieir own ideas and yes they should embrace their ideas but if they aren't strong ideas go back to other staff, rethink or or see what customers are saying the few creatives typing their ideas on articles/comment sections of videos/advertising of 'what' they want to see, why else wouldn't I say this game could have this and I think it is a bit weak in the gameplay area, but whatever they do I guess.
Why can't staff see that? They too full of themselves? don't have time to make them, are following what is expected? I mean modders do whatever, in companies it's more restrictive after all. Modders looking better than staff due to their flexbility, their broader ideas as well.
Too much ego or too much focus on the project/what's expected/their ideas then other staff or outsiders ideas?
We have time during our not working/studying/family time or whatever, how can these staff not have that to understand audiences different sides of things with products and go 'copy this trend' it's easy and throw your skills/other projects out the window make this for money ok, ok. XD The industry wants to kill itself with it's stupidity to look around enough while smart players that care about the industry look around all the time regardless of opinions and agreement they still look around and take notes.
Concord was ok but yeah it needed better management, better spending of money and a lot of other things. It wasn't going to be salvaged likely.
Sucks for people to loose jobs, its on the leaders for allowing such trash to be made in the first place.
Are the controllers on sale anywhere?
Firewalk formed to make Concord. In their own words they were staff from other studios that came together to make the game they all dreamed of making. It just wasn't the game that players wanted.
As easy as it is for people to blame Sony, realistically this game was already baking in the oven before Sony purchased Firewalk, and it's highly likely that they pitched the dream to Sony to get their buy-in. If Sony hadn't purchased Firewalk, the game would have still been pushed out, it would have still flopped, and with 9 years of development that costs a lot of money, it's quite likely Firewalk would have still closed up. At least now there is a chance that some of the staff can move to other roles within Sony.
@PuppetMaster They've got FF, KH and Nier and a couple other IPs over there and since Sony wants that live service on PC and mobile there's still FF14 and whichever surviving mobile games they still have.
I wonder if any of the mouthy developers will have anything to say on Twitter this time. Hopefully they learned their lesson but I doubt it.
@Strikke Without buying Square, those games userbase probably 60-80% are playing on PS. Which means Sony already got a lot of revenue from Square without wasting billions of $$$$ to acquire them.
And buying Square means Sony must restructure the company because as we speak Square has 4700+ employee. Just like Bungie, it will give more headache since laying off hundreds or even thousands of people will disrupting the workflow of current projects if Sony wants to integrated Square as SIE subsidiary.
Also, like i said, as long as Hermen still at the top, he will do more damage than good. So, imho Square should stay independent / 3rd party.
@Lavishturtle Here's the tweet from Firewalk. The writer claim they're a world class devs and delivered a great FPS experience with Concord 😆
@PsBoxSwitchOwner regarding Sony's lack of support for the studio... I actually think this is one of the most important (ie worst) aspects for Sony. They took a gamble, and instead of actually learning how to make a good live service game (by actually improving the one they made), they just gave up, and sacked all of the corporate knowledge and learning that they had invested 100's of millions in.
As much as I dislike Microsoft's business model, they actually stick with studios (with the exception of Arkane Austin and Tango - but that was for a range of reasons) and let them learn and build. Sony needs to learn how to build on failure... not just take the tax write-off.
So I'm surprised that more people haven't picked up on the comment from Hulst's open letter "I am a big believer in the benefits of embracing creative experimentation and developing new IP. However, growing through sustainable financials, especially in a challenged economic environment is critical. (formatting mine of course)
So either this was really badly written, or Hulst is saying only sequels/remasters from here on in (or is he saying all live service games will be based on existing IP... (cough cough) Horizon. This coming after they just binned years of development on a TLOU online experience. I just don't know what Sony is doing these days... and this complete lack of mea culpa BS is very problematic for Hulst moving forwards.
@Lavishturtle I don’t feel sorry for them. Some lashed out at potential buyers as they didn’t take kind to feedback received. It was clear that the developers were proud of their work. But doesn’t matter in the world of business in which customers reject it.
No loss for those of us in the main gaming body.
I know people were complaining that the characters were ugly or this and that, but my first instinct was intrigue and I quickly concluded it looked pretty cool, then it dropped the kind of game it was and I lost interest straight away. It's just not for me. I still don't understand the hate the game got, from what I read of reviews and heard others say it wasn't a bad game.
It's weird that after so much investment Sony have completely binned it off though, unless it's become a tax right-off. It's a shame because it could have become interesting IP.
Its a shame for al the Devs who are out of work because this projects failure doesn't sit squarely on their shoulders. The higher ups who championed the game could, and should, have stepped in to repoint it in a better direction. As usual however they will get no real consequences, and even if they did it would be a golden handshake whilst the workers get all the blame for what was clearly a mismanaged project.
@TrickyDicky99 ahh the voice of reason surfaces. I'm always glad when you point things out to me as I feel my day drags on when I'm wondering if my opinions meet your standards and warrant your approval. Cheers buddy 👍
@sonicmeerkat yeah the controllers were amazing looking.
Unfortunate for the developers, but the frequently hated (online anyway) but healthy (in terms of number of people playing it) Overwatch has left a lot of bodies behind it.
The keep the powers of characters you previously selected angle was kinda interesting but very poorly explained (it certainly wasn’t part of the promotion).
As one might guess, I was a huge Overwatch fan its first few years (in excess of a thousand hours) but bots and throwers in increasingly large percentages of matches eventually soured me on OW in particular and competitive gaming in general. IMHO competitive online is at its best when teams are balanced in terms of numbers and skill. It’s insane neither Concord beta allowed for anyone or anything to fill spaces created by dropouts. A guy drops out in the character selection because he doesn’t get his pick or doesn’t like somebody else’s pick or what have you, then unless there is a severe skill imbalance then the match is screwed for everyone.
I played Concord a couple hours in its first beta but only one in its second (which added a fun new control mode but didn’t fix its core dropout issue and which mostly importantly was a ghost town) and decided not to bother to buy it. There was more positive buzz about Marvel Rivals and even Overwatch due to a new character debuting during the Concord beta.
I was okay with the unmemorable, hero shooter standard characters but I don’t get why the developers were so high on them that they thought the characters and their cutscenes would be a big draw and two short demo weekends right before launch rather than a lengthy beta which would have allowed time to implement feedback prior to launch a good idea.
I hope everyone involved lands on their feet, learns from their mistakes made and finds success in the future.
While Monday morning quarterbacking is fun It’s worth keeping in mind success in gaming in general and online gaming in particular is the very much the exception rather than the rule and that success and failure are often unpredictable especially for original games or sequels to niche games.
Their free beta failed. Very few people played it that weekend, compared to other games that had a free beta. That was Sony's last chance to save this game - and what did they do? Ignore the feedback the community was giving, dismissed all of it as "bigotry". And unfortunately, it's the devs who pay the price, not the decision makers who deserve it.
@Lavishturtle yes, how dare they speak their mind. The deserve the ultimate punishment, unlike all the other developers who never use Twitter to speak their mind.
@Carnage it's always nice to see the voice of reason in a see of emotional responses. We've seen time and time again that great games fail. That never stops people from posting "make a good game and people will buy it" whenever a game sells well. Same with the opposite.
@nessisonett This. It should be the end of Hulst.
crazy how this is happened, i think most that played it agree the game was even that bad just didnt do enough to stand out. Depressingly this just adds more ammo for the fan boy clowns
@Deityjester I agree a 100%.
So they buy a studio that had never made a game under Jim Ryan, Buy Bungie for over price under Jim Ryan. Get the go ahead for a £400 million game that no one's wants under Jim Ryan studios have closed under Jim Ryan
He walks away with a pension and golden handshake and that's it I maybe wrong about some of this but he did lead Sony for what 3 or 4 years ???
At the moment I still think Sony aren't doing well for transparency but then again we as customers aren't the ones they care about.
Didn’t push square give this game a 7/10 😂
Seems to me that given the pedigree of some of the people involved in the studio that giving them another go on a different game might have been a good option, but then I guess if you make the biggest flop in PlayStation history then heads are gonna roll. Predictably, those heads belong to devs, not the upper management that threw $200 million+ at this thing.
Biggest flop until fairgames
I'm just playing my games while waiting for the inevitable crash that destroys the whole market. It seems more a question of when now rather than if. Damn shame for the Devs though, kinda like the opposite of football. Team plays *****, sack the manager, game is a failure due to suits, well better sack the overworked Devs instead...
Marathon next, I wonder how much they've spent on that...
@Strikke Every game underperformed for them why make them a exclusive studio. I lov Final Fantasy but man it's not what it's used to be.
@The_Wailing_Doom worked at Bungie doing what? The reason they don't anymore is very clear now lol.
I never played the game but I suspect other people, myself included, were turned off by the identity politics being inserted and promoted by the game preceding launch. Not to mention, the the flood of inside news reports about the crazy shenanigans happening inside the actual studio itself with forced pronouns and unmerited titles like, "The Professor" and how the company was basically a woke dystopian nightmare to work for. For me that was more than enough reason to stay away.
@KoldFire Yup. Get woke, go broke.
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