It's one thing to proclaim you will be one of the PlayStation faithful for life and quite another to drop a cool two grand on banking PS Plus subscriptions. That's exactly what one power user has done "because of the absurd price increases the past few years", ensuring their access to Sony's Premium online services through 2048.
Highlighted by IGN, user On_Reddit_ In_Class decided to put their money where their mouth is, subscribing to PS Plus Premium for the next two-and-a-half decades in a decidedly baller move. We're quite happy with our annual Essential renewal, thank you very much, but we can certainly appreciate this commitment to the platform and brand. PS Plus launched initially in 2010 and certainly seems like it's here to stay, so if you can afford to and plan on playing for life, more power to you.
Are you confident enough in Sony and PlayStation as a platform to commit to several decades of services fees upfront, essentially sight unseen? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 83
I suppose this is mostly an attention seeking thing, and fair enough.
But this chap clearly doesn't understand opportunity cost (1) and risk (2).
1. He could probably have gained more value investing it elsewhere or might need it in an emergency
2. Sony could pull it at any point in the future.
The problem with this forward thinking is you have to guarantee that Playstation will still be around, you will still be around, and that you’ll be bothered about what Sony is offering.
Trust me, nothing is guaranteed and things change.
The lads must be made up for them.
Assuming Sony is gonna be around for another 24 years with the way they're going down hill now is very optimistic lmao
I hope he got a platinum for it.
When a product gets a ridiculous price increase I also vote with my wallet and buy a life long supply to teach its company a lesson
@McTwist Sony is king when it comes to gaming so doubt they will pack up shop anytime soon
Now he just has to live long enough to enjoy it. Good luck.
@Czar_Khastik 🤣 ironically it's literally that stupid, sarcasm aside. 👍
@Moj500 Nintendo is king when it comes to gaming. Sony is the drunken prince that is capable of flurries of brilliance whilst stumbling over its own feet a lot.
@McTwist if this is Sony going 'downhill' enough to worry about its future, I'm going to have to refer to a dictionary to understand what's changed about the word.
@LifeGirl sounds more like Microsoft since Xbox One. Apart from the flurries.
Buddy I'm here since PS1 as a huge fan.
It's definitely been going downhill since the PS4. They're flying way too close to the sun with some of the crap they're pulling, but still, it's an exaggeration. They're too big to fail and can course correct obviously
The story is missing whether or not he capitalized on the PS Stars program, that would’ve been a ton of points!
@McTwist Downhill? How did you work that out when the PS5 is killing it.
Removed - disrespecting others
Who cares when so many players are so dissatisfied with gaming nowadays? People will think twice before buying a PS6 or just look elsewhere. They're too complacent. The whole industry is.
There are countless problems this generation and countless of aspects in gaming today that were done WAY BETTER in the PS3 generation for instance.
PS6 is gonna be the first PS I'll be waiting. It's gonna need some absolute banger games to convince me and many others. It's such a lame gen. Who cares if it's selling. Ubisoft thought they were gonna keep selling their mediocre crap no matter what as well. Look at the fools now
@Moj500 really? That's your take is it? Nintendo is not just for kids as they have a lot of games that are aimed at a more mature audience. Telling @LifeGirl to grow up over their opinion is childish in its own way.
@McTwist down hill how PS5 still being bought left to right oh no they had one bad game u think it the end of the world u ain't no Sony fan all u do talk about their down fall u have never say anything positive about Sony
@McTwist I think big chance Sony is still exist for another 24 or even 100 years even if somehow they don't make games anymore. I mean, before games / PS, they're producing electronics, movies, and music and to this day they're still one of the biggest company for those sectors.
But. I don't know if this site and many commenters in here including me and you still play games or even alive for the next 24 years...
Removed - trolling/baiting
Fair play to him if he wants to secure his sub for however long it's around for. I'm not sure I'd sink that into it myself but it's his money and he's free to use it however he wants. I hope it works out how he's expecting it to.
@Czar_Khastik Haha love your comment bud
I did this way back when they introduced the tier system, but I was not as forward thinking as this guy. Used gift cards with 20% off and upgraded for 150 back then, I think, to the premium tier. Only bought it till 2027.
Now I feel stupid.
@McTwist So many people? Lol a bunch of people on PQ and Reddit moaning are not most people. 60M+ players and you think most of them aren't happy because a bunch of redditors and PQ users moan about trivial things.
If it's me, i wouldn't spend $2000 for PS+ and just invest it for gold or property.
But different person has different priorities with their money. That guy probably rich or has plenty of disposable income where he see $2000 as nothing. But in my country, $2000 is a lot.
@Moj500 As we seem to be trading free advice, may I suggest that you should stop throwing so much blind tribalistic love at a corporation that could not care less if you live or die.
You can take it how you want. There is some negative consensus going on though. If I were Sony I'd listen.
You're seeing how games are flopping left and right. Exactly the type of games people are tired of. You really think the whole world is PQ and Reddit? Reddit is a cesspool btw. It's not the cause for all these flops. No boycott is gonna do that.
People ARE tired of bad games though this gen and we're seeing some crazy consumer power. They can't keep getting away with it anymore and it shows. Nobody's buying their crap anymore and you have successes like Wukong that clearly show what people are actually thirsty for.
If you're denying all of that, then... Yeah. It's not something we've seen in previous generations. Clearly something's going on eh?
If people have that kind of money to throw around, then more power to them. 💸 But it does give off a bit of "tattoo of PS logo on forehead" brand loyalty vibes. 😁
He'll be playing GTAV from the retro subscription by then.
People shouldn't need to pay for access to multiplayer in the first place.
Everything about this behaviour tells me they're not very smart, it couldn't be more clear, such a stupid move for a multitude of reasons
@McTwist you know there is more players out there other than what’s in your little bubble?
The Reddit user says he only spent $1,4k, ign pulled the 2 grand out of their ass.
@DennisReynolds It really depends in what games you play. I mostly enjoy games from Japan so I needed a PS5 because I love Final Fantasy but in the end of the day PS5 has no exclusives except Final Fantasy Rebirth (and this not for much more probably) and the only reason I got one was to play the Final Fantasy games day one. If I was not a fan I may have not got the PS5 yet. I was perfectly happy to play Resident Evil Village, the remake of 4, Ragnarok and Forbidden West in my launch PS4 and now I play Silent Hill 2 in my PC.
I thought the maximum was 3 years to be honest, and I am usually stacked to that and top up when there is a deal.
But 24 years seems a little insane. A lot will happen in that time. Who knows if PS+ will still be a thing or if he's still even interesting in gaming. Circumstances change in life, health, kids family, job etc. Time becomes more precious. This seems more of a stunt than anything, but best of luck to him.
@chucksneed then make a service yourself and don't charge for it. So simple /s
@McTwist As much as I like my PS5, I sort of agree with you about waiting for PS6. Honestly, I waited on PS4 because I was jaded over the post-Skyrim gaming landscape for a little bit. Right now, even if some of my favorite games have been PS5 games, it certainly feels like I bought the console for maybe two games a year. In fact, I just did a dive through my spreadsheets and almost everything I’ve purchased and enjoyed since 2020 has also been on PS4. Alan Wake 2, the two Final Fantasy games, and the two Astro Bot games have been the outliers. Sure, there’s been some good games I would have missed, like Returnal and Rift Apart, but, end of the day, those games didn’t blow me away or anything like the other ones I listed. Also, I hate wasting money and this year in particular I’ve felt like I’m wasting money. I’m nervous to buy anything right now because I don’t know if I’ll like it anymore. The last couple years, I’ve definitely bought more games (until this year where I’ve bought significantly less to the point where it’s noticeable), but I feel like I’ve truly liked fewer of the games. This year has been an interesting one, in that the games I’ve loved, I’ve really loved, but I’ve also wished I could get a refund on about half the games I purchased because I just didn’t like them. I expect to buy a few duds and it’s ok when I’m largely enjoying gaming, but this year felt like a slog. If 2025 is similar to me, I’m not rushing to a PS6 or any other console. Usually Final Fantasy is a reliable thing to get me on a future console, but since Square’s made it known that FF isn’t selling enough, it makes me wonder what might be there to sell me a PS6 too. It’s just… the decline of the AA market and creative games in general too that has me concerned. How few Flower-esque experiences we’ve gotten this generation that feel so uniquely themselves, you know?
The perfect subscriber!!!
@McTwist the PS5 has sold in huge numbers despite a pandemic and chip shortages. They've r&d'd a sequel to a niche platform and released PSVR2. They've acquired studios. They've released some of the most popular games this gen. They've battered MS, their closest rival, so badly MS are having to released thier exclusives on Playstation. They've expanded thier relationship with PC to include even more exclusives. They're releasing an elite version of PS5 for hardcore enthusiasts. They development for PS6 is well underway and we could be only 3 years away from that.
Sony are far from going downhill. They've made mistakes, some really big ones that annoyed a vocal minority, but don't mistake that for a steady decline since PS4.
@McTwist Games flop in every gen and Black Myth is only a success because of China and honestly the hype for Black Myth is pretty much dead now, the PS5 version is still a mess with zero noticeble fixes and the while the game is good its kinda just that 7/10 good. Concord flopped yeah but Helldivers 2 was a big success so 50/50 on that front. End of the day though 60M+ players and 90%+ of them don't comment online moaning so you don't really know how the vast majority feel. People are not going to stop buying PS consoles why because no one cares for Xbox anymore and the Switch is pretty much the 2nd console so unless you think people are giving up gaming next gen the PS6 will be a big success like every PS console.
@belmont Not being funny but you're in the minority especially when FF isn't even a big seller anymore.
My PS Plus sub ran out a month or two ago and I can't say I miss it in the slightest. I rarely have a huge amount of time to game other than a couple of matches on FC25 a few times a week (and even then not online). I used to feel like I needed it otherwise I was missing out on the 'free' games and additions to the Extra catalogue but now realise I probably won't ever get round to playing the games anyway.
@riceNpea 👏👏👏
Absolutely right. There are many things I wish Sony had done differently, and their profit margins are pretty low, but to suggest PlayStation is going massively downhill is just gamer-rage hyperbole.
@DennisReynolds Yeah, I know I am in the minority as much as Final Fantasy is concerned but for jrpgs in general PC seems to be a much better choice nowadays.
This article isn’t really doing the actual Reddit post much justice. The guy found a loophole where he could buy 24 years worth of PS Plus essential and upgrade all those years to Premium for one payment of $200. I personally wouldn’t do it but if the service remains the same or similar he has got 24 years for a significant discount, fully paid up front. He needed to do it in bulk to make it worthwhile and it certainly seems excessive but Sony have been pretty good at honouring subscription commitments one way or another when they change the service. Unless they retire PlayStation consoles or go out of business entirely there’s a good chance he has saved a chunk and dodged future price hikes. Definitely a bit of a publicity stunt but I also respect a ridiculous, ballsy effort to save some money.
@themightyant thanks mate. It's easy to think Sony's problems are worse than they seem if you're willing to take as gospel the complaints on the internet are a reflection of the vast majority of gamers' mentality, and the focus by the media on using reddit and X as a source of sensationalist news.
Yeah Flower is a good example. Also what an absolute masterpiece Journey was... Never in a million years do I expect something like that anymore releasing today. I swear, that to me is just pure art.
Something's missing for a while now and it's felt throughout the world. I don't understand how people are still in denial
>Games flop in every gen
I knew this would be thrown at me lol. No. Games don't "just flop every gen". Not to this extent. You're being in denial with this. Ubisoft is going bankrupt for crying out loud! They're in DEEP 💩
>Black Myth is only a success because of China and honestly the hype for Black Myth is pretty much dead now
No, China wasn't the reason. Most people don't care where a game is from. The major reaction was that players were hyped for a game that actually focused on FUN. Something that games don't do anymore. They focus on nickel and diming consumers.
The consensus was WAY higher than the silly 7/10 you pulled out of nowhere.
>Concord flopped yeah but Helldivers 2 was a big success so 50/50
Have you lost the plot!? Concord failure was ASTRONOMICAL. 400 MILLION BUDDY. I'm done lmao.
Again, you're denying all of this stuff. As if it's the regular everyday stuff and just whistling along.
That is some really optimistic thinking. Now if our Space Cockroach Overlords allow Sony to still operate a pay wallet in the 2040's....who knows.
Utterly moronic thing to do. Proof some people have more money than sense.
The comments here saying this guys a moron are just awesome 👏 and I'm sure he's losing sleep over it.
Reminds me of the film „Pappa ante portas“ from 1991:
„After ordering a 40-year supply of typewriting paper and erasers (because of quantity discount), his boss forces him to retire.“
Backward-Thinking IMHO.
I hope he did this before the PlayStation Stars TOS change.
Guess this geezer's a glass half full type of guy?
Back when you could get PS+ from other places and they announced a price rise I got 5yrs worth for 170 odd quid, I thought that was quite a significant show of commitment. Then I had to pay 'normal' prices once they ran out and I'm still in shock! SIXTY friggin' notes! The cheeky bstrds!
Meanwhile I’m a day one subscriber who will be ending his account in January. Lol.
@riceNpea 100%. I would say the same about Microsoft/Xbox too, platform warriors will tell you they are dead, while their record revenues (admittedly bolstered by ABK) are strong. They have their own issues, but are coming up with a strategy to solve them. Either way all three console platforms have found their own angles to have their own piece of the pie. The rest is sensationalism.
But, how many points did he earn to turn into cash vouchers? …oh…wait…
@LifeGirl Sony haven’t failed an entire console generation yet. Nintendo have done it twice. Once with GameCube and once with Wii U. So they are due another dud after switch.
As Einstein would say, human stupidity has no limits.
I had 5 years of PS+ bought and it runs out December 2025............ I am having second thoughts on extending it.
Ok what happens when sony wakes up and slashes the ps plus price? Or when sony and xbox merge in year 2035 and it becomes free? Or when WW3 breaks out in 5 years will Japan even make it. And with this way of thinking everything goes up in price.. did you buy 500 toothpaste tubes? Or 1000 toilet paper rolls?
"Forward-Thinking PlayStation Gamer"
That's a funny way to write 'idiot'.
I actually have my PS Plus ended. I bought Hogwarts Legacy and am playing that and loving it and I will see if buying games provides more fruitful for me. I am a new father and not putting a lot of time in so it is a trade-off. Perhaps a month with great games brings me back.
@McTwist This is talking about Sony, not Microsoft gaming.
1. Let's just say that you can't get a better deal for premium which is sure to rise in price at least 10 times until 2048. I think it is a fantastic investment that is paying off today, tomorrow and the day after. All the days until that day in 2048.
2. It is an incredible amount of time, but most likely Sony will honour the deal. Even as subscription services changes names and tiers, you'd think his sub will subsist.
I low-key think he is saving a fortune.
@McTwist To put it simply: it’s the fun factor that’s missing. I could say it’s the weird artsy games, but there’s also a deliberate safeness and metaness to current era games. This is why we’re getting so many live service games, I believe. I feel like the powers that be are searching for the next Fortnite that doesn’t exist and mistake the fact that it’s a social media platform more than a game. But even multiplayer experiences have lost that “fun” factor in pursuit of skins and meta. I miss Halo 3, for instance. I’d love to play a live service multiplayer game if it was fun.
Games that have tried to be unique, new things have been utterly lambasted too whereas in the PS2 or PS3 era, we’d have a potential cult game on our hands. It just feels like gamers have engineered themselves into a critical space to match the lifelessness of many of the games and, as a result, it’s a viscous cycle that just seems so antithetical to the concept of games being games, which is that games are meant to be fun.
Should last until the PS7, lol.
Seriously, way funny thing to do, be a bit awkward if the service changes totally to free
In the grand scheme of things it's not that big an investment and he's generated some internet attention and chat. Fair play to him.
But in no sane world is it a sensible way of "saving" money. It's far too long and there are far too many unknowns. For all we know Sony could withdraw from consoles within 5 years. Or next year he could lose his job, desperately need $1000 for food and rent, and instead has a useless 24 years of PS Plus to his name 🤣.
Well... i hope nothing happens where he will need the money.
@naruball Good idea, I'll put some of my $2,750,000,000 annual revenue towards that /s
@chucksneed you do that.
I rarely play the PS Plus games, I mainly use it for Cloud SaveGame storage. Can someone tell me if I was to ditch the service, is there another way to backup your savegames?
So... can we stop calling this forward thinking, but instead call it as it is... a douche with either too many dollars, or too little sense. These agreements basically have so many loopholes for Sony, that it's quite likely not worth the digital print it's written with. It's also more likely that PS+ won't exist that far into the future (as it is)... or they change the "service" so that the investment is meaningless. This isn't something that should be celebrated... but pitied that they just sunk a truck-load of change into a brag (and that's the tik-tokkable world we live in these days).
Funny because I don't see a future for Sony with their lackluster games at the moment. Subscriptions are lame as it is. Why put money into them.
Wow, you could buy into the definitive platform (PC) where multiplayer cost zero.
@riceNpea PSVR2 isn't really something to be using as an example of success though.
Pretty sure the sales have been underwhelming, and haven't seen a single person exceptionally happy with the VR offerings either
@Digit2021 to USB drive if still a thing?
@BolkaRover Well, the PS3 had a pretty rough start and plagued with the unfriendly dev kit/processor, PS2 rocked. PS4 rocked. PS5 kinda big time meh.
Might mean the ps6 is better, but then the ps7 will surely be a disaster lol
@Buckster i was using it as an example of Sony investing in the industry with risky, niche products. A company going downhill doesn't do that.
Anecdotal evidence isn't really evidence. Here, I have PSVR2, you've now found someone happy 😊
They may close down PS+ and make a completely new streaming subscription service that's called something different and they could not even pass across the service of old to a new one
@riceNpea Well, one happy customer surely makes the PSVR2 a success!!!!
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