Update []:
Dragon Age: The Veilguard's first post-launch PS5 patch is available to download now, weighing in at 1.7GB. The official patch notes are all about fixing specific bugs, but the update does include a nice little surprise.
As noted by BioWare on social media, players can pick up two Mass Effect-themed armour sets (in celebration of N7 Day) from a chest next to the Lighthouse workshop. They're purely cosmetic, but they do look rather cool:
Dragon Age: The Veilguard Patch 1 Patch Notes
N7 Day Content:
- Rook can find a new N7 day appearance in the Lighthouse. This is a cosmetic only armor.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where DLSS options could end up “grayed-out” on a 40-series Nvidia GPU. (PC Only)
- Eliminated the cause of a small number of crashes. (PC Only)
- Updated XeSS version to 1.3.1. (PC Only)
- Fixed an issue where some customizations were not applied to the Inquisitor correctly in one of the ending scenes.
- Fixed a bug that caused Companion Skill Points to reset.
- Adjusted Companion Approval notifications so they remain on-screen longer as scenes end.
- Harding now has arrows in her quiver and is ready for battle.
- Global banter should no longer start too early.
- Harding and Taash banter no longer repeats indefinately.
- Fixed potential issues that could occur if a player fast traveled during a quest.
- Changing your party members on the way to certain quests no longer breaks the camera for in-world missions.
- Updated a number of assets to improve visual performance over long distances.
- Fixed several distance “pop-ins” on level art assets.
- Added collision to several assets that were missing it.
- Fixed a minor texture issue with codex art.
- Added haptics to a number of interactions and events.
- Fixed lip sync in some ambient scenes.
- Adjusted audio balance on several assets.
- Changing equipment no longer disables helmet voice processing.
- Fixed several objective markers that were spawning improperly.
- Cleaned up certain interactions between Skills that caused them to not behave as described.
- Apparitions generated by Iron Veil will now attack Razikale.
- Entropic Spheres now behave properly on vertical surfaces.
- Fixed a bug where Taunt would sometimes be cleared early, which caused enemies to ignore it.
- Fixed a rare issue where Rogues would not hold their bow while aiming down sights.
- Made the detailed-stats screen more readable.
- Balance changes made to certain fights to match design intent.
- Balance adjustments made to several player skills.
- Fixed leashing exploits on major encounters.
- The Rage Demon’s Ring of Fire should now be appropriately dodgeable in all situations.
- Slowed down the speedy raven in Hossberg.
- Adjusted creepy corpse movement while they moved on/off-camera.
- The Dalish elf in the Unwanted Guests quest is now an actual elf.
- Fixed a rare blocking issue in the Sea of Blood quest.
- Halla should no longer float during the In Entropy’s Grasp quest.
- Fixed a blocking issue in the Pinnacle of Its Kind quest.
- Adjusted timing on epilogue text cards.
- NPC necks no longer grow unexpectedly.
- Corrected instances where NPCs would not properly look at each other or at Rook.
- Long hair should now properly mesh with certain armor.
- Fixed several issues with makeup in character creation.
- Venatori crystal VFX should now disappear properly.
- Added scroll wheel support to the sell screen.
- Opening the journal while on the map no longer causes it to continue scrolling.
- The Faction Achievements will now be gained properly upon reaching max Faction Strength instead of the Faction Cap.
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Original Story: The first post-launch update for Dragon Age: The Veilguard will be dropping at some point this week, developer BioWare has confirmed. The full patch notes won't be released until the update is actually available, but it sounds like some decent adjustments are incoming.
The studio gives a brief overview of what to expect, writing: "This patch will include some bug fixes, minor balance changes, and some crash mitigations." Said bug fixes include specific character customisations not registering properly, and companion skill points being reset for no reason.
In truth, there's not much wrong with The Veilguard on a technical level — it runs near perfectly on the base PS5, minus some weird texture pop-in — and so we'd expect future updates to focus on gameplay adjustments. It'll be interesting to see what BioWare decides to tweak over the coming weeks and months.
Is there anything in particular that you'd like to see added or improved in Dragon Age: The Veilguard? Battle against ancient elven gods in the comments section below.
[source x.com]
Comments 33
I would love for the game to have ng+ with the option to pick a new class, background but keep the skillpoints acquired etc...
I read several reviewers say the enemies get very sponge-y. So I'm hoping for a balance up date that changes health a little (and increases danger) rather than having to manually do that
Do we know if the Pro Enhanced patch has been added too; and what the changes are?
No amount of updates is gonna fix the horrible writing. Just remaster DAO and DA2 already and I'll be happy to play some actual Bioware classics on modern hardware. As flawed as DA2 is, it's a masterpiece compared to Veilguard.
@ThomasHL they don't get spongey, it's matter of people learning to play properly and using combos effectively, I actually think enemies go down quick,.only enemies that take some time are the High dragons,.considering they are end game it's to be expected they don't die in 1minute.
The only thing I've come across so far is that changing vitaar appearance doesn't load properly, and Neve's skill points were reset at one point but it was fairly early on so no major issue. Sounds like this update targets those specifically anyway, other than that I'm loving the game.
@ThomasHL I thought the same but you're right @Uromastryx it's about speccing the right way and using the systems. Now I'm eating through most things because I'm targeting then the right way.
@JB_Whiting We don't know yet what the enhancements are for Veilguard on PS5 Pro, also am interested to know myself.
@ThomasHL As others have been saying, yeah, the game can definitely start off with enemies feeling spongey (for reference I've been playing on the second-highest difficulty) but this gets heavily offset over time. Between the skill tree, upgrades to your gear and their passive effects, and companion synergies, by the time you hit the mid-game (and with a clear-ish vision for your build) you can pretty easily melt anything outside of intentionally challenging side-bosses.
Let me reiterate my original comment, so it hopefully doesnt “bait” anyone…..
-> No patch will ever fix the horrendous writing and dialogue, so hard pass from me.
While I'm not exactly the sharpest bulb or the brightest tack, I really am not getting the hate for the writing. It seems perfectly serviceable. Words like "horrendous" get thrown about and I am just not seeing it.
Really enjoying this game love fantasy adventure with a bit of rpg.
Started playing but holding off for what I’ve named.
Pro Thursday.
They absolutey butchered Isabela in this. Awful, awful, awful writing.
Everytime someone mentions horrible writing you know they saw two clips online and didn't touch the game.
@symmetrian As someone who played through the whole game almost twice for the purposes of reviewing it, I don't think the writing is as bad as some people are making out.
Are there some particularly bad lines? Yes. Are some topics handed quite badly? Yes. But it's an 80 hour game and the vast majority of dialogue is either just fine or actually very good. The conversations with Solas, for example, are close to being peak BioWare.
But this is the internet, so everything either has to be utterly incredible or absolute dogsh*t. There's sadly no nuance to discussions like this.
@ShogunRok the dialogue is fine but the acting is kinda ass
PS5 Pro patch also drops on Thursday
@ShogunRok This is a wonderful response, and shares the same sentiment I do.
Better not nerf anything. Especially in a single player game. I want to try other classes. Warrior and rouge have been a blast.
I've watched an hour of gameplay. All the dialogue has been bad. It's ok to admit it sucks. Don't pretend that it gets better lol.
@ChimpMasta No I agree on this, Americanised dialogue often pulls me out of fantasy settings as well. I'm not against having American actors in medieval fantasy games, but there's a fine line between say, Geralt in The Witcher and some of the characters in Dragon Age.
You're right though, it's mostly about the tone and direction of the actors. And then it's hard to escape that tone if the dialogue is also written from an Americanised perspective, which I think is often the issue in The Veilguard.
But I will say, people are quick to forget that it's been a decade since Inquisition. While I don't think The Veilguard is quite as different in tone and atmosphere compared to past games as some people think, it's still a product of a different time and a mostly different team.
I think these kinds of tonal shifts were inevitable in places, although I understand why some people are disappointed.
And from my perspective, the game's writing does get better as the story goes on, and the stakes are raised. Criticisms still apply for some of it — especially when companion quests are involved — but particularly in the main story, it feels a lot like older Dragon Age.
@Cloud39472 I thought I was going to hate Solas in this game (purely because of what he did at the end of Inquisition) but I thought BioWare did a fantastic job of making him seem quite complex in his motivations and personality.
You also get a lot of meaningful dialogue options with him, which I think helps!
Honestly, it is times like these where I’m glad I ignore most of the discourse for a game and play it myself, and come to my own conclusions. I’m having a great time with the game, and it’s not as bad or “woke” as the internet makes it out to be. Is the writing perfect? No. But there are some great moments of dialogue, and great characters to be found. The gameplay is fantastic, with a wonderful skill tree, and plenty of abilities to customize your play style. The quests are great, and side quests are meaningful.
I’m not saying people can’t be critical. I have my faults with the game. But there is a fine line between critical and rational.
It’s a shame a lot of people can’t be understanding—it’s either “amazing” or “awful”; there is no in-between with some people. And it’s sad that gaming culture has become so toxic. Can you imagine if Call of Duty Black Ops 6 was bad? The discourse around it, the people who enjoy it, and those who are playing the game on Xbox (and Game Pass) would be ridiculed so bad. And for what? I don’t understand.
If you don’t like something, why associate yourself with it? I love sports, but I’m not a fan of baseball or soccer. You’ll never catch me reading articles about those particular sports, or make disparaging comments about certain players and teams. I just ignore it and focus on the things I enjoy instead of trying to make people feel bad for liking it. Sorry, I’m rambling, but I’m just disappointed by how negative the gaming culture has become in the past several years.
It's a very average game. Nothing more, nothing less. And yes the dialogue is terrible.
@ShogunRok I'd argue also that an issue with their use of some North American accents/actors is that they've handled it inconsistently here with regards to franchise at large.
Previously, they followed established rules for the accents based on culture and origin. The American accent belonged to the City Elves and the Dwarves, particularly from the underground (and later the Qunari?), English to Ferelden and the Free Marches, Welsh to the Dalish Elves, French/Spanish/German to Orlais/Antiva/Nevarra, etc. I'm sure there were slips here and there, but it mostly stuck.
For Veilguard, they've thrown the American accent in particular all over, and if you've come from the older games it feels quite jarring for it.
I’d like to see quality of life updates, most of which are minor and may be fixable in a menu:
Just started playing today and having a great time. It's giving me God of War vibes, but more fun.
@ShogunRok THIS so much. I’ve seen people arguing that they know what the writing is like because they’ve seen 2 or 3 short scenes picked from a 50+ hour game and projected the rest is the same.
Considering most video game writing is pretty dire I’m sure we could cherry pick bad examples of writing in most games. But as you said this is the internet… balance, rationality and nuance be damned. Especially when it’s apparently “woke”, critical thinking goes out the window as soon as that dog-whistle is blown.
I’m about 4 hours in. It’s been linear so far and I’m hoping it opens up a bit soon but I’m still very much enjoying it. The combat is satisfying, the skill tree looks super customisable and even though I wasn’t a fan of the art style in the reveal I think it really suits the game, it’s beautiful! I’ve always been a gameplay over story person so the acting and dialogue hasn’t bothered me all that much and it’s definitely not the worst I have seen.
Yeah, just keep putting lipstick on the corpse.
Listening to a podcast now. Guy says he likes it like an 8-8.5 but wouldnt recommend it as there are alot more of these that are way better. Also says he skips all the dialogue cause its bad. If you are giving it a 8.5 it shouldnt be a game where you say, there are tons of better similar new games out and you skips half the point of these games. Remaster the first 2 for PS
Dragon Effect: Andromeda
We all know it.
30 hours in and as an OG Dragon Age fan I'm really loving it a lot. Everything so far is great - except some Facial expressions and a couple of dialogue - but other than that the game is so polished and good.
It feels like how Dragon Age 2 should've been.
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