Looking back, we might have, along with millions of others, gotten caught up in that delightful wave of Super Earth propaganda when Helldivers 2 was released at the start of the year. We certainly did our part to defend Democracy from both bug and bot, and part of the magic of Sony's surprise multiplayer hit was how loose it all felt, with new features and enemies seemingly appearing on the fly. We are so far through the looking glass now that we aren't quite sure we believe developer Arrowhead when it says they don't playtest new features in live games.
Nevertheless, in a post on Reddit, Arrowhead community manager Baskinator attests that devs don't use identifiable dev tags in-game, nor do they test features during live matches. This seemingly confirms that the early mech leak and the still yet-to-be-officially seen APC were exploits and the work of unsavoury hacksters. As always, Baskinator reminds Helldivers to report dissidents to the nearest Democracy Officer.
Are we alone in thinking that takes away some of the game's magic, unlikely as it was? Has history already been rewritten, and the truth redacted out of existence? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source reddit.com, via psu.com]
Comments 13
I mean...why wouldn't they deny such allegations?
"Are we alone in thinking that takes away some of the game's magic" Yes you are. Awesome game and I've enjoyed myself immensely with the time I've spent playing it thus far. Even if the devs did test things in a live scenario I wouldn't care as the game is one of those rare games where it dosnt matter if you are playing with friends or randoms because the banter and communication is so good mostly, that it would add to one of those WTF? moments and just make that session more memorable. At a very personal dark time in my life there were a few pushsquare subbers that I had the privilege of playing hd2 with and the distraction they provided me was and will forever be appreciated. This is how live service games should be done.
@Northern_munkey i need to boot this up again. Ive not played it for months. I bet alot has changed.
They frequently mess up what’s good for a lot of players by not testing the features and tweaks they make. I and a group of others stopped playing until they fixed that stupid DSS that kept killing us. Not really a good strategy imo.
I can't imagine a game like Helldivers II just throwing new features or assets into a live session to test them. It would be crazy.
I used to work with a dev that refused to test new features before adding them straight into the public game. Absolute nightmare.
@Kidfunkadelic83 @Northern_munkey
I've been on leave from work for a few weeks and I've been playing Helldivers pretty much nonstop.
The narrative over the last few days has been a lot of fun too. Chasing the Jump Brigade with the DSS has felt intense.
@Shepherd_Tallon i will get back on this.
The S.E.A.F. denies allegations of testing new equipment under live fire conditions.
@Kidfunkadelic83 me too but you made me buy gt7 and the rest is history..
@Northern_munkey My fault?.... 🤣🤣
@Kidfunkadelic83 indeed. I was only thinking about purchasing gt7 but you sold me on it so I did...and I appreciate that you did because it's awesome fun with the steering wheel..not so with the pad.
@Northern_munkey i love it with both pad and wheel. It even works amazingly well the motion steering but once you get a taster for using a wheel nothing else is quite the same. I really like assetto corsa competizione with the wheel. Its got more grit than GT. It feels dirtier 🤣
They're not alone in not playtesting stuff just look at modern AAA games they just get shipped in a broke now grug fix later state.
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