Konami has released a new patch for Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1, implementing new options to enhance the image resolution — depending on your setup. You can view the full breakdown through the link, and while it's somewhat complicated, it basically means you can fire up the latter two games with sharper quality than before.

While MGS1 remains as it was before the update, MGS2 and MGS3 have had new settings introduced that allow for better resolution depending on your console. There are now two presets you can choose from — Original Mode presents the two titles in 1080p, as before, while Adjusted Mode allows you to increase the resolution to 4K if you're using a PS5 or PS4 Pro. Those rocking a standard PS4 sadly can't take things higher than full HD, but the image should still look a little better thanks to the new internal upscaling.
As well as the two presets, you can choose Custom Mode, which lets you choose from various upscaling and resolution settings to suit your console and display. Whichever option you go for, it looks like the resulting image quality is a fair bit sharper, going by these comparison shots.
Will you be making use of these new options in MGS Master Collection Vol. 1? Let us know in the comments section below.
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[source konami.com]
Comments 22
This is how the game should have been at launch... I won't buy the physical edition but may get the digital versions on sale down the line.
So, MGS gets MGS gets MGS?
Translation: Metal Gear Solid gets More Graphics per Screen which gets More Gold for Steve (the CEO of Konami).
Oh neat, still need to continue MGS 2, I'm still in the beginning taking photos
I really need to pick this up at some point as MGS is a gap in my gaming history (shame on me).
I did try the 2nd which I think started out on an oil rig but I didn't know what was going and ended up stuck somewhere probably because I was trying to action my way through instead of stealth! So will start from the 1st and take it from there, decent price for 3 games too!
Oh damn. I hope we get the next collection for 4K MGS4 and PW!
@Vivi-Gamer they have been in a sale many times already, I think even now they are in the sale
I did a comparison btw for MGS2 and 3 (normal and max setting)
Finished MGS1 yesterday. Perfect timing
Hhnnnghhhh…looks good— DAMN good —I want some more!
That looks so crisp
Wow. Didn't even "require" a Pro...
Are they 4k 60 fps now then ?
I love how excited we get over basic emulation options that have existed for 15 years. Shows how dire official PS2 emulation has been.
@Mostik Enjoy the ride. Best series of all time.
Why couldn’t anything have been done to improve MGS1 or might that come with time?
Missing 60fps on mgs1 like on PC to be complete imo
Hope we'll hear about Vol. 2 soon. They did a decent job with this one.
Hell yeah! Finally the official versions are catching up to the quality you could get with an unofficial emulator. Playing MGS: The Twin Snakes on my Mac through a GC emulator really opened my eyes to how good upscaled old games could look. This is the perfect excuse to finish my MGS2 save and start MGS3 over the holidays!
PS anyone looking for a better looking version of MGS1 should definitely try The Twin Snakes with cranked up graphics settings. As my knowledge of game history pretty much ended at the PS1 when I went off to college, I had never heard of this game before, and really enjoyed it. For those who don't know, it's the story of MGS1 ported onto the 3D engine of MGS2, released on the Gamecube a few years after MGS1. So it gives you some of the added abilities of MGS2, like shooting in first person mode and hanging from ledges. Also the cutscenes are redone with even more over the top action like MGS2 or "The Matrix" movies, with lots of cartwheels and crazy stunts. I found it very entertaining and fun to play, as a big fan of MGS1 on PS1 back in the day. Anyway playing MGS:TTS on a modern emulator lets you crank up the graphics resolution quite a bit, and l thought it looked really great for an old game. Check it out, for a laugh if nothing else!
@LikelySatan So strange that decades old games don't need a pro.
@Flaming_Kaiser Welp, 2 was 60 fps on PS2, so I guess the march of times cut it's frames in half on a more powerful platform.
Anyway, I won't have them twisting my arm. Especially since PS4 performance improvements were such a big selling point for the OG PS5. If trailers are anything to go by, they are now trying to sell me a console on that same promise. No.
It's all performative anyway. There's unofficial patches out there for a bunch of other games that improve performance or get them up to 60fps. I'll be watching closely to see how much the "new" performance improvements on the Pro mirror games that already have unofficial 60fp patches. One thing's for sure, Push will tell me every one that is released.
What’s the difference between Max 4K on PS5 and just 4K on Xbox Series X. Does that mean PS5 doesn’t always hit 4K resolution while XSX does?
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