While we all ranted and raved about the PS5’s unavailability at launch, tech enthusiasts tend to act like unless a product is completely sold out and being sold at a significant mark-up on reseller websites, it’s a failure.
That of course is not the case, and if a manufacturer has produced the right amount of stock to meet demand, it should be simple to walk into a shop and purchase whatever you want.
That’s certainly the situation with the PS5 Pro right now, which is largely available at most retailers around the world. (The less said about its elusive disc drive accessory, the better.)
And it means scalpers are actually losing money on the console, which is great news for all of us. VGC did the research and found, generally, around the world, the supercharged system is being sold for more or less what it retails for on reseller websites. In some cases, scalpers are trying to quickly flip the stock by knocking a little money off, ultimately losing them cash.
All of this feeds into a sentiment that, actually, the PS5 Pro may not be doing very well. But according to boss Hiroki Totoki, pre-orders are tracking ahead of its predecessor the PS4 Pro, presumably right in line with the platform holder’s expectations.
“It is a high-end product targeted at core customers, so we haven’t been eyeing a large sales plan to begin with,” he said of the system’s $700/£700 price point in a paywalled interview with Nikkei, translated from Japanese. “I’m under the impression that the product is performing slightly stronger than the pre-orders of the PS4 Pro during the same period, so I don’t think [the price] is adversely affecting the product’s sales plan.”
The PS4 Pro ended up representing around 15-20% of the overall PS4’s install base, and we’d expect the PS5 Pro to fall on the lower end of that, considering the price of the console and the current economic climate. That’ll still be a good result for Sony, though, and clearly the system is off to a strong start. Expect it to continue to sell steadily as more major titles release, including next year’s GTA 6.
[source asia.nikkei.com, via videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 68
Really surprising that pre orders are more than ps4 pro considering the games library at the half way point of the 4 was so much stronger than now.
Deserved. I hope they're forced to sit on a bunch of stock and eat a huge loss.
Poor ole scalpers 🤣🤣🤣
Lots of PROs in stock in the UK, got mine yesterday.
"But Scalpers Are Losing Money"
Love to see it
Oh, won’t someone please think of the scalpers?!
@Boxmonkey cause the ps4 pro was more sold as a 4K device and most didn't have 4K displays back then.
@Boxmonkey this is just an „impression“ and he don‘t „think“ the price will hurt
no data sadly
If only disc drives weren't sold out across Europe and going for 1.7x - 3x the cost. Cheapest on eBay is £165 incl postage for a £99 item.
@Cerny It's also translated from Japanese. I'm sure the boss of Sony knows what he's talking about.
Oh no those poor scalpers..wtf will they do?
Sorry but no scalper is losing money. Apart from one 3 hour period on PS direct it never went out of stock. For a full month it was in stock.. any scalper could see that and cancel their order
😁😁😁😁 lol scalpers. Loving the PRO so far just wish I could get a drive without the scalping too
I pre-ordered but from a glance it looks like availability has actually improved post-launch sales.
Seeing a lot of people happy with the review coverage who have just walked to a store and picked one up on a whim
@Boxmonkey was the library much stronger?
It took until 2015 to get the first killer PS4 game in bloodborne and the pro launched in 2016 with showing off Uncharted 4.
It wasn't until 2017 that the first party stuff really got going with Horizon, GT Sport, then 2018 for God of War. Spider-man, the last of us 2, Uncharted Lost legacy, Dreams, Death stranding all launched after the Pro had released.
We have already had Demon's Souls, 2 spider-man games, Horizon FW, God of War Ragnarök, GT 7, Ratchet and Clank, Sack boy, Astrobot, Returnal all before the launch of the Pro supported by the usual third party stuff.
Picked one up from a store on day one, no stock issues.
Glad scalpers are losing cash, they are scum, get a real job!
Yeah, you can’t scalp something with an RRP that already has a scalper level mark up. Who’d have thought 😂
They should have made as many ps5 slim disc drives as ps5 pros as scalpers are pre-ordering them for double on eBay .
@BlaizeV true , i didn't get a 4k tv till i bought a ps5. after getting a ps5 pro , im looking around at maybe upgrading my tv and moving my current tv to my room to upgrade that one.
@Mikey856 hope you can find one , i ordered mine at the same time i pre ordered the pro on ps direct. i'm sure if you keep checking they'll restock eventually.
Loving mine, it arrived yesterday. Glad the scalpers are taking a hit. They should really have learnt by now. We're not in a pandemic anymore and the Pro is not a console everyone is after.
@Luna-Harmony that's a recipe for having a tonne of stock left over that you can't shift.
Sony clearly haven't got the numbers right here but they would rather be a bit short and make more than make a load they can't shift.
It is important to consider the context of this as people move further from physical media year on year and that it benefits Sony to have more people buying digital, it is entirely understandable that they wouldn't want to make loads of the drives.
Wish there was way to guarantee a pro with the foxconn fan, the pro i got (and returned) had a horrendously loud fan and coil whine compared to my launch model, seems the further into the gen we go the cheaper the components they use get, who knows they maybe even just overclocked the existing ps5 gpu on the pro.
Good, and great!
Are you really expecting Totoki to say anything else?
A win all round then.
Eat a bag of dicks scalpers!
@twitchtvpat yeah I might go hunting around the stores, Curry’s etc to see if I can find one. Someone on the site mentioned it to me the other day and said they managed to find one 👊
@Medic_alert Heaps of Pre-Orders for disc drives on eBay for the end of nov or early December that makes me think they are all gone before hit the online shops with pre-orders.
They sony should have many disc drives as made ps5-pro's how are we spotted to watch are 4k or blu ray discs or pop in a ps4 game or a music cd lol
As someone who is still trying to find a disc drive, I have nothing but contempt that they are losing money.
@Medic_alert I honestly believe that the physical option is still a huge benefit to console makers. It's the reason many people stick with consoles instead of moving to pc.
Also a drive allows you to watch blu rays and dvds. Something many people still do, even if they have a streaming service as well.
Though I believe that Sony probably realise this, it's more likely underestimating rather than some sneaky push for digital. Also we don't know how many drives scalpers out there are sitting on. They are obviously a lot easier to stockpile than a console because of their price and size.
Of course they are. And they will get stronger in holliday season.
Alao, scalpers loosing money is always a good news.
Scalpers are scum so I'm well happy to read it may have backfired on them
@ChimpMasta I dont think a lot of folk were or still are prepared to pay £700 for a console with marginal gains.
GTA alone will shift millions of these things.
The PS5 Pro has had any availability issues so "Scalpers" aren't buying them to begin with
Regarding scalpers, I prefer the Palpatine approach to the situation.
”Wipe them out. All of them.”
The sad part is that scalpers are often from rich families, hence the wave of videos after the initial launch of them basically demolishing unsold consoles. They’re rich brats that can afford it. That being said, the value of peace of mind cannot be overstated. So if they’re that frustrated about not being able to profit, I’m definitely content. It’s clear console manufacturers are aware of this fact, and are taking precautions. My opinion of Sony as of late is obviously low, but credit where credit is due. Scalpers are pigs. Let them starve.
This is pure revisionist history. The PS4 pro launched after 3 years and the PS4 catalogue was significantly worse than the current PS5 library at that point. In the first 3 years it was yet to get big games like Horizon: Zero Dawn, God of War(2018) and Spider-man. It’s big hitter was uncharted 4, and it’s launch year was anchored by the weakest titles in their respective series KIllzone:Shadowfall and Infamous: Second Son.
@Balosi the problem is the numbers don't support you on that.
With physical movies, there are a small dedicated group of people who are buying more than ever but most people aren't. The same is true of games.
I don't believe it has anything to do with people's choice not to play on PC.
The only reason I think it sticks around is because the first company to out and out come out and say 'no more discs' is going to incur the ire of the enthusiast gamer gang and ultimately they are the ones that buy early and kick start a generation. From that point of view you don't want to be the one to tear off that band aid first.
@Boxmonkey the game library is in a pretty decent place now, sure its not as strong as we'd like, we also have the whole catalogue of PS4 games, and while the filter the pro puts on them is hit and miss, its definitely still nice.
Scalpers are losing money?, wish I'd bought one off a scalper now.
GOOD. Serve em right.
Scalpers Are Losing Money
Now THAT is good news!
Best of losses to them!
I ordered mine after much deliberating,should come in the next couple of days, I have enough digital games to put me through until the disc drive restock, I wasn't gonna bother, but after seeing a demo in a local shop , to me the clarity of the image is so much better, I had to fold.
I've said it many times, and I'll say it again, I'll never pay $700 for a "premium" console that requires me to buy additional (and out of stock) peripherals just to have all the features that my old, base-level console had. It's left such a bad taste in my mouth that I haven't touched my PS5 in over 2 months and just been playing PC.
If it was $700 with a drive and a stand, there would be one in my living room right now.
@Medic_alert Just looking at the pedigree of the games that came out in the latter half of the PS4 generation, makes me excited about what we might get from Playstation the next 4 years!
*Replying on ur comment where u listed games that came out after the Pro4 launched.
I had no issues preordering even like 2 weeks after the announcement. Came to me day one and been a great console so far. Much smaller, sexier and no more whirling noise.
@LogicStrikesAgain well that's kind of how I feel to be honest and I think that if you look at this gen as a whole and not just first party there have already been some bangers!
But my main feeling is that the extended cross-gen period has somehow devalued the games we are playing in people's minds and so in some weird sense they don't count.
And the reality is that we have probably seen the back of huge generational leaps in graphics and the potential size of games and the experiences that are possible.
It is incremental upgrades all the way.
@Medic_alert Couldn't have said it better myself!
@Medic_alert what is wrong with providing for a minority, their money is as good as anybody else's.
And physical is very much my personal reason for not moving to pc. Unless I am a very special human being, I doubt that I am alone.
@Balosi nothing wrong with it if you are in the business of niche products. Sony aren't. They will do it for as long as it benefits them.
But you, just by virtue of being someone who comes on a website like this to discuss gaming very likely makes you an outlier. The enthusiasts probably make up less than 1% of the total market, they just happen to be the most vocal.
I would put money on the fact that technical ability and cost factor far higher than physical games in not going to pc. Especially seeing as 75% of all games sold are digital now anyway.
At the risk of sounding like a real a-hole capitalist here, I must say. I have only 1 problem with scalping. The fact that they corner the market and make it hard for others to get the console. Hate that. But when they upsell and some clown wants to pay double. That’s on the clown, not the scalper.
Let’s all collectively hope scalpers die in a fire.
@AhmadSumadi yeah but this rarely if ever happens. It always hinges on the console being scarce.
Love to see scalpers losing. May they plunge into financial debt. Parasites.
@PorkChopExpress I see your point, but you can't compare a carton of milk (food, everyday needs) with a high end gaming console. Not defending the scalpers here but, let's be honest. a Playstation 5 (pro or not) is a 1st world luxury
In emperor palpatine's voice:...."gooooood"
When scalpers lose, we all win.
"Scalpers arr losing money"
This pleases me far more than it should.
I hope everybody refuses to buy from them even if they discount it slightly. Buy from shops or direct from Sony and leave the vultures sitting on expensive stock they cannot shift. This is the only way to defeat scalpers.
@Boxmonkey I agree about the library not being at the same level as Ps4 but I'm still struggling to play everything I want to play. There's at least 4 or 5 games from this year alone that I really want to play. Although for the record, I'm not likely to get a PS5 Pro. Still think there's plenty of games for those that want one though
That means nothing for long term sales though. It will sell significantly less than PS4 Pro
Sounds like a win win situation. Yes is hate scalpers and the more money they lose the better.
I doubt these are selling more than the PS4 pro
This is exactly what should happen. I don't personally believe that scalpers are doing anything wrong but, if a product is stocked well enough or people refuse to buy from them, then scalpers don't exist.
Scalpees and Sony are the only ones who can get rid of scalping.
Playing a small PSSR enhanced violin for the scalpers lol
Even the scalpers are regretting that purchase.
@Boxmonkey I find it very hard to believe that PS5 Pro has higher pre-orders than PS4 Pro... especially given the 4Pro came out the same price as the PS4, and provided a qualitatively different experience. This kind of sounds like marketting mis-direction... case in point... the quote from Totoki-san was "I'm under the impression that the product is performing slightly stronger than the pre-orders of the PS4 Pro during the same period, so I don’t think it is adversely affecting the product’s sales plan...
Well I had the impression I weighed 10kg less... this is ridiculously meaningless statement. How could the CFO be working of impressions of pre-orders?
The Pro is not just about selling more consoles. It's about having an option with the "world's most powerful console" stick on it. Even if a buyer ends up getting the standard model, the halo product strongly influences that decision by virtue of brand image alone.
It's a similar situation to PSVR2. Having a VR headset accessory ends up weighing in a person's decision to buy a PlayStation rather than an Xbox, simply because it's nice to have the option down the road. The machines are too similar this generation, so any bullet point in the box can sway people in either direction.
Microsoft only has Game Pass to show for it, and even though the value proposition is sound, it's just not sexy enough.
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