This week’s PS Plus Premium update announcement temporarily stopped the heart of this author – and the hearts of thousands of PlayStation fans around the world. When we saw PS3 launch title Resistance: Fall of Man and its sequel Resistance 2 listed alongside other PS1 classics like Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, we thought Sony had done the impossible.
It hasn’t, of course – the legendary Insomniac first-person shooters will only be available to stream.
But to make matters more misleading, there was no reference to that fact in Sony’s PS Blog post – in fact, we confirmed they’ll only be available via the cloud by cross-referencing the LATAM article, which doesn’t support the feature. Both Resistance games were missing there.
Still, this reaction – and, to a similar extent, the recent outpouring of love for Killzone 2 – demonstrates just how much PlayStation fans want to play their PS3 titles natively on more modern hardware. The complicated architecture of Sony’s last-last-gen console does make that difficult, but there’s an appetite to revisit the likes of inFAMOUS, Puppeteer, and MotorStorm.
We do think Sony’s done a much better job of bringing back classics to PS Plus Premium of late, but the glacial pace at which the company’s been expanding the library means we’re unlikely to see PS3 additions for eons – if at all.
We’d like to think the Japanese giant’s aware there is a market for either ports or emulated versions of some of its biggest last-last-gen hits, though. It’s a crime so many releases are stuck on the 2006 system, so let’s hope at some point Sony finds a way to allow us to revisit these games.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 43
Never played this as I never had a PS3 and don’t want Premium (or to stream my games), but would by a remastered collection of these for sure!
Don't mind streaming although native is preferred, but wish they would add trophies to the first game.
@Loamy a remaster for the remaster station 5 and remaster station 5 pro would be excellent
I just played these on a PS3 this year. Wish we would get a native version and better trophy list including the first 1
I'd wager a decent sum of cash that a sequel, remaster, remake of these and the Killzone games would bomb hard.
They have a core that love them yes but they are nowhere near as popular as the echo chamber of this site would have you believe.
I bet most people outside this sphere have never ever heard of them.
Blood Omen Legacy of Kain is a treasure
Streaming or native, I wish every new game on the service could be released with trophies. Resistance 1 never had a list but it was a great co-op experience and I wouldn’t mind some extra challenges now …
Problem is it's not much of a fan base hence why they stopped making games.
But, I still think the IP is worth a second chance, especially how Sony have handled their single player games since the PS3 gen, people have more confidence in their quality and their marketing is now on another level.
They should atleast get Bluepoint working on a Remake to see how many are interested before making a brand new entry though.
Nixxes always needs stuff to do. Maybe have mame native versions
@Medic_alert Exactly, people keep hating on Horizon yet Zero Dawn sold more than the Resistance and Killzone games combined, same can be said for Spider Man. Same happened with Japan Studio, game were selling poorly yet comments on this site would make you think they were mega beloved IP's.
Resistance, Killzone and Motorstorm are a trio of trilogies I would adore to see get remade for PS5.
I was literally playing the first Killzone and Motorstorm games today.
@UltimateOtaku91 @Medic_alert
But you see here's the thing. Not everyone is demanding a new one of those necessarily. (Even though it would be great to see but that's beside the point here)
Some of us just want access to these PS3 games in ANY capacity. It doesn't have to be a remaster or a remake. Just make them available to play on modern hardware. I don't think that's asking too much.
Both Microsoft and even Nintendo (granted they still have some console generations to do still) have native options to play at least a very large portion of their old catalog. Why is it such an unreasonable ask of Sony to figure out a way to do the same?
@Korgon I agree with that sentiment whole heartedly. Getting PS3 games running on PS5 would be amazing.
But there's a simple reason Sony won't do it.
It costs too much and makes very little money.
I loved the Xbox implementation of backwards compatibility but it was essentially MS throwing their infinite money cheat at the system to give gamers a load of stuff for free.
Fall of Man was the first game I played on my PS3 Christmas '06. Played four-player split screen with the family. I loved that game, and I especially remember the opening to the campaign being very memorable because of its disturbing yet intriguing monsters. I can still recall Cole desperately clawing the little bugs off his clothes as he and his unit were infested
This is the stuff that needs remastering! Great games that are stuck on old dead platforms.
Yeah your not wrong about why Microsoft did it but what about Nintendo? If it costs so much money to do it then why does Nintendo bother?
I mean have you seen some of the random stuff they got on their Classic catalog emulators? Like the there is some stuff that I would be willing to bet barely anyone has even heard of. Not a chance there is any real money to be made by including them on there and yet they put them up on the service anyway.
I know PS3 has the whole cell processor issue and I'm not going to act like I'm very knowledgeable on the subject of emulating but I can't believe that Sony just can't figure out some sort of way to get it working that doesn't cost a fortune.
I just want to play some freaking Infamous 2 without busting out the ol' PS3 dang it! 😄
Blood Omen games 🔥 hope they add trophy support
Never played the series but I might give it a shot
@Medic_alert They’re are also old at this point. People don’t think about PS3 games a lot, but a rerelease can drum up that interest again.
I still have Res 1 & 2 copy and not long ago i tried to replay them.
But weirdly, every time i started the game from XMB, it always gave me error code 80010514 for disc is dirty or damage despite my PS3 slim can read the disc like showing thumbnail and short clip. And the disc also clean since i always put them in their case. Anyone have the same experience?
I would love a remaster collection and with a working multiplayer too. But the question is if SIE under Hermen will greenlight the remaster?
Third best PS3-born Sony IP after inFamous and The Last of Us.
Remaster these games, Sony!!
@Korgon Nintendo are very much their own thing though. They are able to release and re-release the same nes and snes games over and again and people (including me) bite every time.
It think the difference is they are low effort emulation jobs. Where as PS3 on PS5 is much harder and potentially doesn't move the needle as most notable games from that era have already had a re-release.
My first PS3 game. When you could tell a huge leap from PS2. Good times.
I would gladly take a trilogy remaster.
Do we know if Fall of Man will have trophies?
Resistance is up there top 10 favorite video games franchises ever.word up son
Right people always say things like bring back killzone, or wipeout as if there's a massive market for it
Why are Sony doubling down on horizon? Because just 2 horizon games have sold close to 40 million copies .
Resistance 3 didn't even manage a million
@Loamy yea, jokes aside i agree . we need motorstorm too
@MasterChiefWiggum You really don't know what your missing, The game starts in middle of warzone and lot of pressure, from start to end, No tutorial to waste our time.
Its 10 years since i finished the first two games, time for second play through.
There's nothing I want more than a Resistance remastered collection along with Killzone, Infamous, Motorstorm, and Ratchet & Clank.
I feel attacked.
Unless they see fanbases talking about it enough do they really care either way what we say?
I have no PS3 streaming access but have bought 10+ one offs, duologies or trilogies the past few years for PS3/360/Wii and had a blast.
I bought the Steelbook for Resistance 3, I rebought the game standard editions when had to sell them because 'someone' said oh no 3D or like similar old racing games being outdated.
I bought up all Killzone games, working my way through getting all the Socom games or other Sony IPs I never got around to like I bought up all God of War games 2005-2013, got almost all MotorStorm games. Got a few WRCs/F1/MotoGP games for my content seeking but ok entry to annual racing games besides others I usually go for instead.
I've researched but want many of the PS1/PSP puzzle games.
I just need Resistance Burning Skies now. I have made a way through a few Socom games but the only one I've beaten the story on is the 4th game, not Bravo 1 on PSP or 1 and 2 on PS2 yet that I own so far.
I even came across Shellshock Nam 67, the Guerilla game before Killzone 1. So that was cool and I like it even if only did the first mission so far.
So just because I'm not buying them digitally and Sony doesn't see it, doesn't mean I don't have interest in them Sony.
I'd maybe buy Burning Skies/Unit 13 digital but I want them physical, same as Killzone Mercenary and I bought it physical and did the bot mode for $4 on the PS store just to get that so I can play it instead of replaying the same story missions over and over to grind. Especially as MP servers are offline right? Might as well get bot mode while can and I enjoyed prior Killzone games bot matches.
I'm buying up PS3/360/Wii shooters as a goal/curiosity/general interest of the era because the competition was great and the mechanics are engaging so to me that 7th gen trend doesn't bother me because they still were well designed and competitive in a fair way then safe ones we see of MP one nowadays to me as bad/lazy safe competition. Very few story based shooters when so many repetitive safe MP ones come out.
Same reason buying up racing/platformers from 5-7th gen is because the gameplay, track/level design, movesets, modes, mechanics were actually compelling and competitive. Unlike nowadays by Indies or AA/AAA the handful that are worth it.
No nostalgia just genuine interest and devs/pubs have different priorities and that's fine for those sales/audience but I'm barely buying new gen and am old gen games I've never heard of to now heard of, so it's not nostalgia for the era or those types of games it's seeking better presentation/content/effort in the games that current gen lacks.
i feel like resistance fall of man remake would be great it was an early ps3 games and , killzone 1 remake would be great too since it was a ps2 game. however a lot of people pointed it out , is it even worth it for sony if the sales aren't there.
@DonkeyFantasy I'm not sure if the laser needs to be replaced or it's just dirty since it can still read and played like 95% of my PS3 games & movie collection.
Love resistance, would love a proper return but this isn't it. Needed at least a trophy patch for fall of man and the servers reopening to get the attention it deserves.
@PuppetMaster the data isn't corrupted is it?
I play on my Portal, so I can't play these. Sweet.
@twitchtvpat The disc is clean so i don't think the data is corrupted...
I loved these titles. PS3 streaming is OK, and I might give them a run out for memories sake, but Id also love to see a modern evolution of these games...
@RoomWithaMoose "Third best PS3-born Sony IP after inFamous and The Last of Us."
Nathan Drake and Sackboy say 'Hi'.
Insomniac are under the thumb of their Sony overlords so won't produce anything like Killzone any time soon.
Would love to see a Motorstorm trilogy but with Evolution now part of Codemasters, not going to happen I guess. Talking of Evolution, got my disc copy of Driveclub through the other day and yes, the patches are still live on the PS4 server. That game just doesn't look or feel 10 years old.
@PuppetMaster Remember that the PS3 stores some game data on the hard drive and reads some back from the disc - could it be a worn out/corrupted hard drive? Try the safe menu rebuild database option as a first step.
Glad our Slim is still going OK - only place to play Motorstorm, Modnation Racers, LBP 1 & 2.
I just bought used copies of Motorstorm 1 & 2 (which I unfortunately got rid of years ago) in anticipation of picking up a used PS3 soon. I'd have to imagine the PS5 could approach the visuals of the Motorstorm reveal trailer if a new game, or a fancy remaster, ever happened.
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