Unpacking must have proven so popular that it’s getting a kinda unrelated pseudo-sequel from a different developer, where your goal is to actually move house. Described as a first-person puzzle game, you need to stack up your worldly belongings as you embark on a new chapter in your life in One Move Away.

“Whether you’re the type to stack boxes with care or toss things in any which way, One Move Away lets you pack your way,” the blurb reads. “Neat or messy, it’s all good – just make sure the boot closes.”

The game will play out from three different perspectives, and the belongings in question will all provide sentimental value, fleshing out the narrative.

The summary continues: “In One Move Away, you’ll experience three interwoven storylines. Every move and the items you pack bring you closer to understanding the stories behind three extraordinary lives.”

There’s no specific release date just yet, but the title’s due out in 2025.

[source youtube.com]