If you've been keeping up with Crimson Desert — the open world action game from Korean developer Pearl Abyss — you may remember seeing a bunch of gameplay videos a few months back.

There were boss fights, and then there was a crazy 50-minute walkthrough. It's fair to say that the project's been wowing audiences for quite some time.

And now we've been given another gameplay demonstration: a seven-minute boss battle against some kind of powerful sorceress. The game still looks impressive and packed with potential — and the fact that we've now seen so much of it suggests that Pearl Abyss is very confident in its creation.

Crimson Desert doesn't have a confirmed release date, but rumours suggest that it'll be shown off at The Game Awards next week. We could certainly see it locking down a date there and then.

What do you make of Crimson Desert? Is this going to be one to watch in 2025? Keep your shield raised in the comments section below.

Will Crimson Desert get a release date at The Game Awards? (353 votes)

  1. Yes, it's definitely happening80%
  2. No, I can't see it20%