Knock Off has just been revealed with the above trailer, and it leaves a strong first impression.

It's a one-on-one, 2D fighting game, only it features action figures duking it out in toy-sized arenas. The animation looks to be all stop-motion, too, and the effect is brilliant.

The playable toys themselves appear to be, well, knock offs of beloved action figure franchises, such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, He-Man, and Gundam. It seems the stages will also be similarly adorned with references and easter eggs.

It looks like the gameplay is geared around stringing together combos and pulling off special moves, putting us in mind of Street Fighter.

If the actual fighting can match up to the aesthetic, this could be a great alternative fighter, and probably a big hit in local multiplayer.

There's no date on the game's release yet, but it is slated for PS5.

Are you interested in Knock Off? Open the packaging in the comments section below.