Announced back in the summer of last year, Captain Blood now has a 6th May release date on PS5 and PS4.

There's a mad story behind this one. Originally, Captain Blood was meant to be an Xbox title — as in the first Xbox — but an especially rough development cycle pushed it to the Xbox 360. The bad luck didn't stop there, however, as the release was cancelled when its publisher went bankrupt.

Throughout all this time, Captain Blood was always going to be a pirate-themed, hack and slash action game, complete with cartoonish characters, linear levels, and good old quick time events.

Here we are over 15 years later, and developer SeaWolf Studio has reworked the entire thing for modern consoles.

"Captain Blood is a pirate-themed action game set on the Spanish Main in the 17th century, where you step into the boots of a fearsome pirate on a quest for gold and glory," reads the trailer's official description.

It continues: "Expect wild adventures with cannon firing, pistol shooting, swashbuckling sword fights, and plenty of pirate shenanigans. This action-packed hack'n'slash features fierce hand-to-hand combat, hordes of enemies, and a classic fighting system with flashy combos and epic finishers." What's not to like?

Are you up for some PS2-era madness? Hit the high seas in the comments section below.

Is Captain Blood on your radar? (287 votes)

  1. Yes, it's exactly my kind of game%
  2. Yeah, it does look fun%
  3. Hmmm, I need to see more%
  4. No, it's just not for me%