Smite 2, sequel to the popular MOBA from Hi-Rez Studios, is now free-to-play for all PS5 users as it transitions from closed alpha to open beta.

The game sees teams of players duking it out to win matches and achieve objectives using a wide range of characters, all based on gods and other legendary entities.

The most recent update adds five more characters to the roster, including the all-new hero Aladdin as well as returning combatants Geb, Mulan, Agni, and Ullr.

The 3v3 mode Joust also makes its return for the open beta, and a new Arthurian-themed map has been introduced. Alongside some other improvements, it's quite a big moment for the game as it broadens out to support more players.

Will you be checking out Smite 2 on PS5? Tell us in the comments section below.