Team Asobi has today announced another batch of new levels for its PS5 platformer Astro Bot. All completely free, an additional five levels will be rolled out over the coming weeks, with the first going live today. PS5 Pro owners can also look forward to a patch that'll allow the game to take advantage of Sony's upgraded console, enhancing Astro Bot to be played at "a constant best resolution while still running at 60 frames per second".
Today's level is called Tick-Tock Shock, and you can catch a glimpse of it in the video above. Here's the full release schedule:
- 13th February — Tick-Tock Shock
- 20th February — Thrust or Bust
- 27th February — Cock-A-Doodle-Doom
- 6th March — Hard to Bear
- 13th March — Armored Hardcore
In a PlayStation Blog post, studio director Nicolas Doucet explains that these upcoming levels are purposefully harder than what you're used to and will challenge your jumping skills. "Each level comes with a brand-new Special Bot to rescue and, once that’s done, can be replayed in Time Attack mode with online rankings. To access these, you will need to have completed the main game. So sharpen those skills again and let’s get rescuing."
You'll access these new levels from a new galaxy on the hub screen, called Vicious Void Galaxy. Will you be returning to Astro Bot to master these fresh stages? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 68
ok, That's nice! I thought it will be postpone!
More Astro Bot is good for the soul. Great to see PS5 Pro support too!
Super strange this wasn't announced last night at the state of play...? Would have been a highlight of the show!!!
Can we call it D.I.C.E academy GOTY few hours later?!!!!! So excited
Why this wasn’t on yesterday’s SoP!? It’d have instantly become a highlight, I really don’t get Sony sometimes…
@SeanOhOgain @IOI Directors need to attend DICE academy award, it could be a hurry time to them.I think it can be a reason why they cancel to be shown on SOP.
Wait so challenge levels instead of speed run levels this time? Cause this is what I wanted so I'm gonna be super hyped. I literally kept it installed just in case
Yeah, they really should've mentioned this in the SoP.
A Bloodborne themed level to celebrate it's 10th anniversary might've been a bit too cheeky.
Would be great to wield the Saw Cleaver though.
This is the best game the ps5 has why was it not mentioned in the SoP?
Baffling this wasn’t announced at State of Play…
Common Astrobot W
I think they ran out of time for this in the SoP, I noticed it went about 45 minutes. That really just reinforces the fact Sony doesn’t care about them and is just keeping their commitments to third parties up as a marketing device, and that’s their priority(finding time for the people they have marketing commitments with)
It is like this game exists in an alternate universe, where there is almost no Sony corporate greed, and games are built for fans.
Not being in SoP proves it!
I'm always down for more of this wonderful game. I will wait for all the levels to be out before playing though.
We have once again been blessed by our lord and savior Astro Bot.
Also baffled by this not being on the SoP, but i’ll take anything i can get from Asobi. Astro bot rules!
Playstation Jesus is back
I am so happy about this and so puzzled it wasn’t announced yesterday. Though I am super happy we get more content for the excellent Lies of P and Stellar Blade
Thanks for giving me a reason to turn on my PS5!
Confused as to why this wasn't at last night's State of Play
Astro is love Astro is life saving Playstation one little bit at a time
@Splat “ I will wait for all the levels to be out before playing though.”
Some day they’ll announce they’re finished with this game and have moved on to a sequel, then I’ll play it. Unless I happen to see it on the shelf in the library, then I’ll take it out. $50 for a 12 hour game is too big of an ask for me.
Yup, definitely know what I'm playing after work tonight!
I assume I know what ability levels 3 & 5 will likely use, not sure for 2 & 4 though.
They had a state of play yesterday, but didn’t put this in there and instead ended with a CGi trailer instead 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Why wasn't this in the State of Play?? New levels AND a Pro patch would've brought the SOP from a 3/10 to an 8/10 for me.
I hope they're tough as nails the main game was way too easy for me. Even the final final challenge took me only a few attempts. I was hoping the last challenge to be more close to the difficulty Super Mario Galaxy 2 Grandmaster Galaxy where victory felt really earned.
Time to download Astro again!
Edit: A Pro patch huh? Guess I’ll wait. I have a feeling I’m going to fold and buy a Pro sometime in the next month.
Also nice they have time attack versions for these levels too I know it would be a bit janky but if they had time attack versions of some of the main stages it would be a relatively easy update and boost the replay value even more
@IOI i 100% agree, this on the show would have excited me some. I love Astro Bot. That Show was weak sauce for me. More Astro Bot is always something i would look forward to. Oh well. Maybe Sony has a June showcase this year and will focus more on in house games. Otherwise 2025 is another wasted year for me on PS5.
@ChrisDeku state of play is pretty recorded so, in theory, it can be as long as they want it to be. It's only themselves that sets the time limit.
I might have to re-buy this. Was probably a little premature selling it after the 5 time trial levels.
Maybe im misreading the article, but is the pro update due with todays level, or with one of the other 4 levels?
@rjejr for one, the game is a longer than 12 hours. Took me at least double that to do everything blind, and that was at launch before they added anything.
And would you prefer 100 hours of running around looking around for McGuffins or 24 hours of pure, unadulterated fun for your 50 quid?
They should have announced it during the state of play would have help the reception
just played through it, the same level that was shown recently on that competition. took a few mins to get back into the swing of Astro Bot! So these are time attack levels where you just have to finish to get the bot and the trophy.
Haha, just yesterday I finally decided to do the Christmas level after being irked that my trophy completion wasn't 100% (yes, I'm slightly OCD) and now there's more again... I'm not complaining 😊
Removed - trolling/baiting
The special bot is a Tekken representative! Also the level is sadly short :/
Yay for more Astro!
Short but most enjoyable, an excuse to jump again into this game is always welcome
As much as I love Astrobot, this new level was "meh". It's a time trial level without a timer (or the two little birds). It is free, but still... meh.
Is there a date for the pro patch?
I honestly didn't even know the game wasn't running at 4K already. I will probably not even notice a difference.
Incredible game and I love the developers of this game they deserve all the sucess that's come there way
Bizarre not to be in the SoP last night. Guess they had to include all those incredibly similar third person action games.
I think I saw somewhere where the director Said they had 10 challenges levels ready so expect another 5 after these.
Who’s gonna complain about free DLC?
Now they come with a Pro patch? But I already finished this game :'(
@MrPeanutbutterz Same here this is a game that is fun to try to find it all yourself. And you have a ingame help if you cant find it. But i tried everything alone and that took me back to a time were games were fun to play. Only with one or two level i used the help.
This game is the gift that keeps on giving. Love it.
@rjejr I think 12 hours if rush and dont complete everything its a easy double if you want to complete everything probably even more if you have fun and when you are admiring the love that is put in the game. A game made to have fun.
Anyone else wish Team Asobi would remaster Astro Bot Rescue Mission so it works on PSVR2? Can’t play the game since I gave my son my PSVR.
Wow! Really getting our moneys worth frowning m team Asobi …. They could have easily bundled the time trials and new levels charged £10 and players would have lapped it up…so yea thanks Team Asobi 👏🏻
It's a decent game, don't get me wrong, but the way some people act like this is the greatest platform game ever really annoys me. It's not even the greatest platform game to release in the last 6 months.
@SMJ I'm curious what other platformers in the last 6 months that has better receptions than Astro Bot...
@PuppetMaster Better "receptions"? That doesn't make sense. Did you mean "reception"?
As for the better game - Donkey Kong Country Returns HD. By far the better game. And it's a remake! 😂
@SMJ Why that game doesn't win GotY? 🤣🤣🤣
@SMJ @PuppetMaster tbh DKC wasn’t goty material even the year it released on Wii. Not calling it bad by any means but I would not even consider it in the same league as Astro Bot.
@MrPeanutbutterz @Flaming_Kaiser "A game made to have fun"
I'm perfectly fine with a short fun game. I like variety. I'm currently playing Fortnite, Infinity Nikki and GoW:R and enjoying all 3. But I grew up poor and always place a money value on things, and $50 for 12 hours is just too much for me. And it wasn't made by Nintendo, so it will be half price soon enough. Or on a PS+ tier.
I haven't seen too many people say it's 24 hours. These type of platformers I usually play through once, never getting anything. Talk about "running around looking around for McGuffins". isn't that exactly how they get you to paly this 12 hour game for 24 hours? Making you repeatedly play each level for that 1 bolt you missed? I don't know, haven't played it, just a guess. 🤷♂️
This is my go to for game times. I'm guessing 15ish hours for me knowing how I play. So more than 12, but less than 24.
@rjejr Not so hard just look and enjoy all the little details. Play a game without the internet a guide. Speedrunning the special levels.
I did get more fun out this then long games a Assassins Creed where you get your moneys worth while you do the same thing 30 times.
But atleast you did get your moneys worth. At the end you know with most of these games this could have been in less then half of the time and it would even be better.
I still remember the ending of Heavenly Sword a 6/7 hour game and the stort in Assassins Creed wel that left the minuten i stopped playing.
@Flaming_Kaiser I remember Heavenly Sword, seems like no one else does though. How did that game not get a sequel, weird.
I haven't thought about that one in awhile. I'm going to assume I played it as a rental from Gamefly, did quite a bit of that back then, seemed cheaper than buying.
Hey you were right about it being short. I couldn't recall b/c it was 18 years ago. Glad I didn't buy it.
@rjejr Its owned by MS now Sony could still use the IP with one of the cooler Sony Mascotts.
@Flaming_Kaiser "Its owned by MS now"
What isn't. 😩
@rjejr But Sony owka the IP but they seem to be allergic to great characters.
@Flaming_Kaiser Sony is allergic to making games, they only seem to care about making expensive hardware that they can sell to rich people and rent to poor people. I mean renting a controller? Come on, man.🤑
@rjejr Just save up and buy your Stuff Black Friday deals its doable to buy your stuff.
@Flaming_Kaiser Well I buy all of our hardware, rent or borrow a lot of our software, but I was just pointing out Sony seems focused more on putting out hardware these days than software.
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