Developer Bloober Team has announced it will be working with publisher Konami on a new project following the huge success of the Silent Hill 2 remake.
Writing on its official website, the Polish studio states it's now working on "a new game based on Konami's IP", though stops short of saying which.
"The trust built upon the success of SILENT HILL 2 laid the foundation for signing another agreement for a new project," reads the statement. "The deal aligns with Bloober Team’s strategic plan to expand its internal development division within a first-party framework."
Piotr Babieno, Bloober Team CEO, says the team "can't reveal too many details at this time", but is "confident that fans will be just as excited about our collaboration as we are", calling it "something truly special".
Given the quality of Silent Hill 2 and Bloober's area of expertise, it feels like a given that this mysterious new game will be another Silent Hill.
However, the statement doesn't specify beyond Konami IP, so theoretically it could be anything within the publisher's dusty back catalogue. Anyone up for a nightmarish new take on Frogger?
Anyway, whatever it is, Bloober Team has said it's "done making sh*tty games", so hopefully it can live up to that claim in the wake of Silent Hill 2.
Are you interested in this new Bloober-Konami joint? Discuss in the comments section below.
[source blooberteam.prowly.com]
Comments 45
If they remake SH3, I can die a happy man. please note they would need to remake SH1 first, for story purposes.
Interesting. It really looks like Konami is making a full come back into the gaming space. Hopefully we get a new castlevania soon.
Metal Gear Solid?! Anyone?!
Please another SILENT HILL 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Silent Hill 1 would be amazing
Would love to see a fresh more dark take on castlevania.
New game rather than a remake again is a W
@xHHHx Konami has an internal team with plenty of Metal Gear veterans. Bloober probably aren't needed, but it would be interesting to see a more horror focused take given the past flirtations with the genre.
@Orpheus79V Bloober are already working on a new game, forget what it's called though.
@xHHHx Does it include a demo of Silent Hill?
@Oram77 Cronos: The New Dawn? Is that theirs?
@Oram77 Cronos.
@Westernwolf4 @Trapdoor That's the one, thank you both.
Sounds good to me! Silent Hill 1 or 3 remake!?
@xHHHx now you’re talking 👌
Suikoden 6 or gtfo. Yes gtfo.
It'll be more Silent Hill and I'm all for it ❤️
It would be nice if bloober could fix the Pro version of SH2 though... I completed it on base console at launch and I've been waiting to start NG+ since then 😩 if they can't improve the PSSR just remove it for god's sake! It looked and ran better as was!
@xHHHx I highly doubt they'd pivot bloober to a new genre when they have another studio working on Delta already. Bloober will be Silent Hill and the in-house Konami studio will handle more MGS.
Awesome to finally see the corpse of Konami slowly reanimate 😂
SH 1 followed by 3 would make perfect sense and they would be able to use what they currently have to get them sorted quicker than normal.
I think its gonna be:
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
But a real gritty version, is he on crack? Whats real? Hes selling his body? Down a dark path for Goemon
I think it's obvious this will be SH3.
Pretty funny after bloober complained about Konami so much as a publisher though.
I’d love to see them remake 1 and 3 into a single epic game. That said, I’d rather see something new. Either way, Bloober’s earned their shot.
Not ideal to just drop silent hill 3 without playing or having a good grasp of 1
Be like rocking up to watch Halloween 2 without seeing the first
SH1 pls, it's the only one of the first 6 I never played, I've always wanted to, would be great to enjoy with modern graphics. Plus SH3 is a direct sequel to the first, so would make most sense to go from there.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeah! BEST REMAKE EVER! Hope it’s 3 tbh
ISS? Using a head as the ball.
Yep, it's going to be SH3, which I will buy day one.
Give us castlevania!!!!
It has to either be SH1 or 4 for story purposes (3 follows 1 and 4 connects with 2). I doubt Konami will put any studio on a new game until F releases and proves a hit.
After watching castlevania nocturne I was wondering how another attempt at making a 3d castlevania would be. This time however instead of making a devil may cry style hacknslash make it more Arkham/Metroid Prime (duh)/Bloodborne.
Otherwise my biggest wish is still a remake of MSX Metal Gear 1&2, you know... the ones that actually need a remake!
Silent Hill 1, please.
silent hill 3 remake please
Given that this new game is coming to Xbox, I'm hoping that Silent Hill 2 Remake comes to Xbox too. It deserves to be on as many platforms as possible.
Silent Hill 2 2.
Vandal Hearts III confirmed.
One day I’ll read those words, one day.
@Jimmer-jammer this is exactly what I was going to say. It makes sense to do 3 from a cost perspective since some locations in 3 are in 2 (and vice versa) so they can reuse some assets/things but I’d really love for a proper 1 remake in the vein of 2.
If they could combine 1 and 3 or do some kind of interweaving stories thing like last of us part 2, that would be insanely cool and fresh.
@Anthony_Daniels Dude, SH1 has already been remade. It's time for the other SH's.
@Nem No it hasn't lol. Shattered Memories is a reimagining of 1 that changes several things. It's not reflective of the first one in really any way. The first one deserves an actual remake like 2.
@ChromaticDracula Yeah I think it could be really cool! Combining the two would give Bloober a lot more to work with from a character perspective.
SH1 has never been remade.
Perhaps you're referring to the 16 year old shattered dreams on PlayStation 2 ?
A reimagining of sorts of sh1, with a different plot, levels, gameplay . Not a remake
I'm hoping either SH1 or SH3.
@Anthony_Daniels That is literally what a remake is. 😅
Exactly the same thing they did with the SH2 remake.
What you on about , silent hill 2 remake is a straight remake. Same characters, same plot
Shattered dreams is not at all like silent hill 1. It's a totally different game, how does that not compute?
You've obviously never played it so never mind
Have a nice day 😂
Loved the remake for SH2. If this means they're now doing the remake for the first Silent Hill game, I'll pre-order straight away. as soon as it's announced. If they're doing SH3 or 4 first, then I'll wait for a sale.
@Anthony_Daniels You don't get the definition of a remake even though you just gave it.
Hey, it's not my fault you don't like it. But it exists.
SH2 remake does have changes in all those areas. Even if they are smaller. That is a creative choice. Because that SH1 remake exists is why we got a SH2 remake this time. I am sorry you don't like or don't want to recognise the remake of SH1, but it exists.
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