God of War will celebrate its 20th anniversary next month, as the inaugural game in the storied series first launched on PS2 all the way back on 22nd March, 2005.
It’s almost certain Sony will mark the occasion in some way, and some fans believe ports of Kratos’ classic Greek escapades could be imminent.
Currently, only God of War 3 Remastered can be played on the PS5, with the first two PS2 releases and its PSP counterparts restricted to their original platforms and PS3 remasters.
Writing on Bluesky, connected Giant Bomb journalist Jeff Grubb said: “I think that those God of War remaster rumours just jumped the gun a little bit. That stuff will happen closer to [the 20th anniversary].”
There are a few ways Sony could approach this: it could re-release all four of the missing games as part of its PS2 and PSP emulation efforts, with upscaling and save states. That’d mean they’d likely be available as part of PS Plus Premium.
Alternatively, it could bundle all of the titles together and release them as some kind of remastered collection. While Sony has been criticised for leaning a little too heavily into re-releases of late, it does make sense to make these original games available on modern hardware.
That’s especially true when you consider that God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla, the free roguelike expansion for the latest game, bridges the gap between Kratos’ Greek and Norse sagas. There have also been some rumours that a new God of War may deal with a younger Kratos back in Greece.
The only question is: where would God of War: Ascension fit into all this? That game, and its multiplayer mode, is still only available on the PS3 as well.
While some elements of the original games have aged, they’re still extremely playable from a modern perspective, and if they do get re-released we’d whole heartedly recommend them for the right price.
But would you want to buy the original God of War games for your PS5? Pull off Helios’ head in the comments section below.
Would you buy the original God of War games on PS5? (1,152 votes)
- Yes, I'd happily play the classics again
- Definitely, I've never played them before
- Maybe, but it depends how much they cost
- No, I've played those games before
- Nuh-uh, God of War isn't for me
[source bsky.app]
Comments 75
Definitely, I prefer the original games to the new ones.
This is what Bluepoint should have been working on. Proper remasters of the original games like they did with Uncharted.
I found the original games OK, but not fantastic, wheras I thought 2018 and Ragnarok were masterpiece's.
Its a pity they cant redo the old games in the style of the new (I just think this would be too big a project).
But, for those that enjoyed the original games, a remaster Im sure is welcome.
I have the PS2 and PSP original games at home, so emulation for me. I'm onboard for remakes however.
I do hope Amazon's eventual show will cover these games and not just lazily skip to the ones everybody knows now.
The OG games are excellent and I’d actually be interested in a proper remake if that’s what happens.
those games should still feel modern from the gameplay perspective and I wanted to re-beat them once more.
if true then perfect timing.
It's weird that it was not announced at the last State of Play if the release is so close.
I'm a fan of both the original God of war games and the 2018 reboot style.
I would love a collection and would buy it day one should they do that but if they add them as playstation classics I'd play them too but hoping for proper remastered versions rather than emulated versions
The originals are great with probably the second as my favourite although the Chains of Olympus on PSP was fantastic 2. I still have them all but would definitely buy them again if they were available physically.
It is a case of I don't need them & probably didn't want them but if they come out I will buy them especially if it is a collection like the recent Tomb Raiders (all on one disc)!
I was playing the original game on PS3 a couple of weeks ago. It has definitely aged but still really good fun.
I’m actually in the midst of replaying all games. Tackled Ghost of Sparta and Chains of Olympus recently which are still amazing.
I’d definitely play them but I much prefer the newer God of War games
That’s true but they don’t have to show everything at a state of play when there’s bigger game events they could show it instead
Yes, yes, yes ,yes and uuuh oh right YEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!
What an embarrassing display of cashing in on recycled content. Sony is taking this to the extreme.
I'd be fine with the PS2/PSP originals getting re-released.
@darkswabber I played both on PSP when they came out and later on PS3. Both are superb games. Ghost of Sparta was the best looking game on PSP, looked amazing when it came out.
@KundaliniRising333 There's a whole generation of GoW fans who never played the Greek Saga because their first PS console was a PS4. I agree Sony relies too much on remasters but the GoW Greek Saga make way more sense and are more deserving.
I still have a copy of GoW Saga collection so i will skip this re-remaster. But good news for people who never played or wants to replay the Greek saga on PS5.
Removed - trolling/baiting
Just finished God of War 3 two weeks ago. Would love to play 1 and 2 again natively on PS5.
These games never were for me. I can see there’s quality in them, but I quickly get bored with the one-sided combat and all the alpha male grunting.
Yes Yes Yes! Of course
@KundaliniRising333 you are way off the mark on this one. These are awesome games and arguably a few of the most important games in sonys catalogue. They may not be your cup of tea but I'd quite happily buy the first 2 titles if they are completely remade and not just some quick port. If they are shown the respect they rightly so deserve I'm all over these day 1.
@Blacksmith1985 good to hear from you buddy. I hope all is well.
I enjoyed GoW 2018 and Ragnarok. I would be interested to catch up on the storyline and see the mechanics of the earlier games.
I played all 6 of the original greek games on psnow
I feel like I've gotten most of these over the years through Plus+ but never knew where to start, years later and I still haven't played any of them. Maybe with the remasters I'll finally jump in.
god of war
god of war 2
god of war 3
god of war accension
are all available to play on ps+ premium
@trev666 Streaming only garbage doesn't count
N.i.c.e.God of war is the reason i still play on PlayStation.been a huge fan of clash of the titans.and i l💚🖤e greek mythology.and kratos is the 🐐 👑 g.o.a.t.word up son
@Northern_munkey so far so good, thanks man. sleepless night due to largeest scale drone attack on Ukraine and Kyiv in particular, but alive and well.
Would be nice if they did the same how tomb raider have been done recently
@Blacksmith1985 great to hear..stay lucky👍
I think Sony‘s going here the easy way: Taking GoW 3 Remastered and porting it from PS4 to PS5, with support for 4k/60, VRR, 120 fps, higher draw distance, better texture filtering, higher res shadows, instant loading, DualSense rumbling, 3D sound, …
And selling it for 40 bucks.
I love god of war, one of the main series that kept me on PlayStation back in the day, but I don’t think I would play remasters of the first one again. Although it was a great game, after playing it not too long ago, it’s really showing its age now and I definitely think it would have benefited from a full on Remake! It would have everything in place to just get a graphical overhaul, the DLC for Ragnarok gave a taste how it would look and I’d be all over that. Would definitely replay 2 however. I think that’s my favourite game in the whole series.
GOW2 is still pretty far and away my favorite of the series so I'd definitely be interested in playing that one again. 2018 and Ragnarok are cool but I do prefer the old style personally so this would be great!
It's cute to think that people still believe Sony is going to release anything this year.
Just finished God Of War: Ragnarok yesterday. Absolutely love it but still prefer the older play style. I’d gladly welcome remasters and play these all over again!
While it would be nice to happen, I can't say I believe the rumour considering Sony hasn't remastered/remade a game that wasn't already playable on PS5 via backwards compatibility since the Demon's Souls remake back at PS5's launch in November 2020.
A 2018 remaster and maybe GoW 3 gets a re-remaster while the PS2 games, PSP games and Ascension end up in the PS+ Premium classics line would be more believable.
Please, continue bring PS1 and PS2 classics to modern hardware in any form deemed viable.
i dont want to play ps2 and psp classics the ps3 remasters would be better
@B_Lindz Do you really think Sony’s not going to release another game this year?
I’ve been waiting years for this.
@Rich33 "Its a pity they cant redo the old games in the style of the new (I just think this would be too big a project)."
And I want the opposite, the new games with the gameplay of the old ones 🤩
Ye the 1st 2 are OK be remastered great games but for me might as well just release them on ps plus as downloads and upscale the resolution and concentrate on new games
@get2sammyb Due to all the cancelation, I genuinely believe that Days Gone Remastered is going to be their only game release in 2025. I think Marathon with get delayed to next year.
Yes, please bring the OG to PS5 so that we can forget the fiasco that was Ragnarok...
@B_Lindz I feel like you’re speaking through emotion rather than rationale.
@B0udoir yes, everyone wants to forget that POS game that apparently no one likes 🙄
My dream bundle would have to be an EA Big Collection (SSX3,Tricky, NBA Street,NFL Street and Shox) 😉
Removed - flaming/arguing; user is banned
@AhmadSumadi I'm just being realistic. Sony canceled 9 of their 14 upcoming games, Fairgame$ got delayed to next year, and Marathon was a no-show during the State of Play (and it doesn't help that Bungie is a complete mess behind the scenes). That's why I think the only Days Gone is the only first-party Sony game coming out this year.
I loved the originals, probably even more than the two new ones, so I'd happily buy and play these all again. I've never played the PSP games, so that'd be a nice bonus too.
I would immediately buy this collection and play through all the games.
I might play thru them all again if they were remade in the current PS4 engine but don’t think I need to bother otherwise. Though if the remasters had the option to turn off the QTEs I’d consider it.
Another remaster of an old existing game? From Sony? Really? Wow, I never saw this coming. Creativity really is a dying skillset at PlayStation studios…
There's a big difference between them remastering PS4 games and remastering PS2/PS3 games. PS4 games look as good as anything new on PS5. These games long as it's not another polish job and they actually bring the graphics up to modern standards I could get behind.
@B_Lindz ghosts sequel is this year
@B_Lindz be crazy (and would suck) if you’re right.
Id rather have them remake them all with graphics closer to ascension
@B_Lindz You doesn't sound realistic at all
I’m not gonna listen to these rumours, don’t wanna get burned again lol. But yeah, i’m totally on board with this trilogy. Hope it’ll be remakes though
Great games of their time, but I'm done with overly aggro Kratos. Have no interest in revisiting those games again.
That would be great. But I really really hope they don’t lock it behind ps premium or plus. Just let me buy the games
@KilloWertz ghost of sparta is a gem. i have the collection on ps3 & it has better gameplay than both GoW1 & 2.
@Jrs1 hell yeah , throw in def jam fight for ny too
@Bionic-Spencer what did you replay gow1 on? was it the ps2 or ps3 version?
Just thinking about the spike wall makes me cringe, but will happily play through them again. Especially killing Perseus in GOW 2 as I was a huge fan of the original Clash of the Titans when I was a kid....they even had the same actor play him.
Are Sony aware they own other IP besides God Of War & Horizon?
Id hope they've remastered the first two then maybe id buy the collection
I want the PSP ones, never played them. They could include the mobile one too hehe
If this ever happened i wouldn't be interested in this on modern hardware. I already own the physical PS2 & PS3 games. For me personally it's pointless, but for those who haven't played the original God Of War games you'll be in for a wee treat.
I wonder if they remove the option to bang your aunt?
The PS5 is nothing but a machine for chartering remasters and remakes to!!!!! Screw originality!
When gamers come back to look at history and gaming's declining fall, it will start with the PS5/Xbox S
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