God of War Greece Rumour

Apparently, the next God of War game is going back to the series' Greek origins, and will star a "younger" Kratos.

That's according to reliable insider Tom Henderson, speaking on his weekly Insider Gaming podcast.

Rumours have been swirling around a new God of War title for ages, with the most recent whispers suggesting that the franchise is going to jump over to Egyptian mythology. However, Henderson mentions that he received information from an unnamed source after those rumours had taken off.

"What I've been told, [the God of War game] isn't set in Egypt, it's actually set in Greece," he reveals. "And it's gonna be a younger Kratos this time," he adds.

Henderson then speculates over what this project could actually be. He's unsure whether it has anything to do with potential remakes or remasters of the original trilogy — which have also been rumoured previously — and there's a chance that it could be some sort of reboot, or even a prequel.

Having said all of this, Henderson doesn't sound fully convinced with regards to this new rumour's legitimacy. "So yeah, that's what I'm hearing at the moment, but like I said, don't run with it," he clarifies.

Does this article count as running with it? We apologise to Tom if so — but it was just too juicy not to write about!

What do you make of this? Would you like to see God of War return to Greece? Wrap those chains around your arms in the comments section below.

Would you like to see God of War go back to Greece? (957 votes)

  1. Yes, I'd love a new God of War set in Greece again%
  2. Yeah, a prequel actually sounds cool%
  3. I'd prefer some kind of remake or reboot, I think%
  4. Just give me new remasters of the original trilogy%
  5. Nah, I'd rather the series move in a totally new direction%
  6. No, going back to Greece doesn't interest me at all%

[source youtube.com]