Update []: Following the PS Store leak, Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater's release date has been officially confirmed as part of Sony's State of Play presentation. To reiterate, the game launches on 28th August, 2025.
The new trailer also confirms the return of the Snake vs. Monkey mode, featuring Ape Escape's pesky chimps.
Are you looking forward to Konami's remake of the PS2 classic?
Original Story: The release date for Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater has leaked online after appearing on Sony's PS Store.
According to PS5's digital storefront (both browser and on console), the remake of Konami's classic stealth action game will launch on 28th August, 2025:

A brand new trailer, revealing the release date for the game, is also available to watch via the PS Store on console.
The game was revealed back in 2023, and it was heavily believed to be releasing in 2024. Now we know it'll be arriving on PS5 this summer.
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater is a remake of the beloved PS2 game, built in Unreal Engine 5. It'll also be PS5 Pro Enhanced, though details on that support are yet to be revealed.
Given the rumours swirling about a State of Play happening this month, it's highly possible this could be one of the announcements made during that presentation — if it is indeed happening.
So, with the release date all but confirmed for the end of August, are you excited for MGS Delta? Tell us in the comments section below.
[source resetera.com, via eurogamer.net]
Comments 41
Was hoping it was sooner
Nice. We need more game releases in the summer months because it’s usually very barren that time of year.
I don't know why, but I can't get excited for this one. Loved the first four, got bored by Ground Zeroes, and never even played MGSV. A remake of Snake Eater should be a slam dunk, but ... eh? Kind of like the Dead Space remake, I just don't see a need for it.
If companies are willing to announce specific release dates so close to Fall 2025, that must mean that GTA6 news is imminent (likely a delay to 2026).
There's a release date trailer on the page (you can even see it in the screen cap) so it' pretty official.
Kept me waiting huh!, bout time can't wait to play.
I just really hope it’s a remake as in - like the Resident Evil 2 & 4 remakes. The gameplay of MGS3 has aged quite poorly when considered alongside MGS4 & V and it really needs more than simply a graphical-jhoosh.
Interesting date. MGS3's events take place between August 24th and September 2nd. Perhaps intentional, ala Dead Rising Deluxe's release date coinciding with the game's events.
It was at that moment , Sony knew.... they f***** up, they're their worst enemy sometimes.
Been waiting on this one. Which it was a little sooner, but glad they are taking their time also. Should be good! SNAAAAAAAKE!
@IntrepidWombat "but ... eh? Kind of like the Dead Space remake, I just don't see a need for it."
I do. MGS 1-3 were always kind of clunky to begin with, but now they are positively archaic. I cannot see your average Gen A for example having the patience to deal with that horrible inventory management system where you have to take off your gas mask to equip your key card.
Time has not been kind and the success of this series going forward really does depend on not having its fans age out.
I’m totally ok if the State of Play is a big one that covers the whole year. It’d be my dream for it to basically be able to know every game I’m going to look forward to this year minus the Switch 2.
Hearing this one is coming in August is sort of a relief. The rumors of a March release had that month beyond stacked, always happy to have my gaming schedule breathe a bit. Hope we get a lot of release dates very soon!
@graymamba It's closer to something like the Demon's Souls or Shadows of the Colossus remakes than RE. Gameplay wise it's going to remain largely the same (with some QoL improvements); with a "modern" style that is more close to the MGS 3 HD edition or even MGS V.
But yeah; level design, mission structure and voice acting is lifted from the original.
I'm not NOT excited, but as a pretty big fan of MGS3 I don't see this as being quite different enough to justify it's own existence. I hope I'm wrong, and I'm kidding myself if I say I'm not going to play it and probably love it, but as others have said: MGS3 (and, well, let's face it: ALL MGS games besides maybe 5 and arguably Peace Walker) hasn't aged well. The bones of the thing are there, begging for a complete overhaul that makes it feel as fresh and fun as when it came out 20 years ago, but this really feels like a fresh coat of paint on something where the paint job wasn't the problem in the first place.
It means a 2026 purchase for me lol
@Oram77 By giving people a concrete date for when to spend money on their ecosystem?
I cannot wait for this to release. Snake Eater is my favourite game of all time but it needs this refresh..
Would've been better if it shadow dropped at The Game Awards.
Im looking forward to it, can't wait to get back into it.
This should be interesting.we will see.word up son
@LifeGirl We'll have to agree to disagree. I see the inventory system as a quirk of the series that adds some challenge. I feel like the earlier games have aged fine for what they are, but I understand where others would disagree.
@Thelegend159 ‘Dun Dun Da Da Dun Dun’
@MrPeanutbutterz *By accident
This accident seems like it's supposed to be a SoP announcement but Sony messed up.
But beyond that,
Snake vs Monkey is back! Though I feel like this is going to be a PS exclusive content.
And we're even getting the Ape Escape crossover as well
I'm really excited
Not really that excited about this for some reason… 🤔
@IntrepidWombat I thought a Dead Space remake wasn't needed until I played it. It was the perfect remake. No reason to ever play the original.
MGS 3 is my favourite game so I'll definitely be pre-ordering it.
MGS3 blew my mind back in 2004. I've beat it on PS2, PS3, PS Vita, and PS5. I'll be happy as a pig in poop when this comes out so I can beat it again. If the snake vs monkey rumors are true I think this all but confirms an ape escape come back in the next year. That series is getting too much love for their not to be a new game.
Don't think it was a mistake the trailer is online today
i'm guessing it was supposed to be after the trailer released but it went ahead of time, but i can't wait for this! we need a full come back for metal gear
Excited for this but there’s nothing out now, why are there no new games releasing now. Current gen sucks IMO and I much preferred the PSOne and Ps2 era. You could pick up a new game every month, plenary of choice and something for everyone. Always something exciting on the horizon.
I’ve been gaming ever since late 80s/early 90s so I know games are more complex and expensive to make etc.
But instead of this silliness with live service we could have had smaller remakes of things like:
Cool Boarders, Killzone, resistance
G police, Motor storm, Destruction Derby
Loaded, The Getaway, wipeout
Legend of Dragoon, Ace combat, parappa
Twisted metal, Socom, X squad etc
These are just some of many old Sony IPs or IPs associated with PlayStation.
Smaller re releases/modern ports with a high res graphics or smaller sequels would not take long to make. Why aren’t games like Killzone 1 up on PSN yet?!
The next game I’m looking forward to is Doom in May. 😕
Instead it’s a boring wait for the next game. Gutted MGS isn’t coming out until later in the year. We needed snake in March or April at the latest. Sssssssnnnnnaaaaakkkkeee
@LordFunkalot "Excited for this but there’s nothing out now, why are there no new games releasing now"
Kingdom Come Deliverence 2 just released with next week followed by Civilization 7, Yakuza: Pirate in Hawaii, and Monster Hunter Wilds.
Here's the schedule for this month:
And last month notable released:
The full list for January release
@PuppetMaster I get your point but for me who mainly plays on ps5 only from that list the PlayStation games are
I picked up 1 of them and I have been looking at upcoming games on this site and others.
I did look at dynasty warriors and sniper elite but they are not something I want to drop the money on. I’m thinking of picking up black myth or silent hill to tide me over. Again not super excited for those on release but I can appreciate they are good games.
It would be nice for Sony to be releasing a bit more is what I’m saying. They’ve scrapped so many projects which could have been really cool. They could even salvage some of the scrapped projects into something simple or a budget release like really basic twisted metal with 6 online maps for 15/20 with no further support or content but we’ll probably never see them.
I just wish Indiana Jones or something big like MGS was out sooner. It just seems like ages until it’s coming out and there’s nothing much im personally excited about at the moment.
@IntrepidWombat Never played the game that is why its here there are other people that may have not played this game yet. I know its a strange concept there are more people in the world then you.
@Flaming_Kaiser If you haven't played the game, then play the game. Konami very recently re-released it. Don't mistake my satisfaction for the current state of the game for whatever it is you're inexplicably accusing me of. Grow up.
Genuinely annoys me how bad Ocelot looks.
The price is now showing in the PS store… I really really want to play this, but $93 CAD?! No.
@IntrepidWombat You asked why they released i answered im probably not the only one. And some even want to replay it.
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