Well, this is looking good, isn’t it? Many would argue Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is Hideo Kojima’s finest work, and while he’s not involved in Konami’s remake of the PS2 classic, this is a beat-for-beat recreation of the original on PS5 hardware. Remember, this game will also be upgraded to take advantage of the PS5 Pro.

In this new trailer, we get to see a ton of familiar cinematics, all upgraded and enhanced with modern technology. We also get to see new renders for key characters, including EVA who appears right at the very end of the clip.

We got a chance to play the game on PS5 recently, and described it as a “fiercely loyal remake” in our hands-on report: “This Delta version is designed to make Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater a world-beater all over again,” we wrote. “Without the need for gameplay or story changes, what Konami and Virtuos are doing is tweaking near-perfection.”

[source youtube.com]