Update []: That’s why you take rumours with a pinch of salt sometimes. Gummy Bears – a Bungie incubated project which was brought in-house under the PS Studios umbrella – was not announced at State of Play.
Rumours had suggested that Sony was planning to reveal the title for PS5, PC, and Nintendo Switch, but it very much remains an open secret.
Obviously, the fact that it wasn’t announced doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, and we’re sure it’ll emerge when it’s good and ready.
Original Story: With the next State of Play livestream now less than 12 hours away, rumours and speculation are rampant as to what Sony will have to share during the digital showcase. The likes of Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, Lost Soul Aside, and Hell Is Us all seem like locks, but a fresh rumour suggests another game from Bungie will be announced.
More accurately, this is the internal project that Bungie moved to a new internal team in PlayStation Studios, which's been codenamed Gummy Bears. According to Spanish leaker Vandal, this new project — which is said to be a MOBA inspired by Super Smash Bros. — will be formally announced during the State of Play show this evening. It's also rumoured to be releasing for PS5, PC, and Nintendo Switch.
This would be the second Sony title ported to Nintendo Switch — the first being LEGO Horizon Adventures — and will be part of a Nintendo Direct suggested to take place later this month. This is a Nintendo Direct separate from the already confirmed Switch 2 reveal, which is taking place on 2nd April 2025.
According to recent leaks, Gummy Bears is a MOBA (DOTA 2, League of Legends) that features Attack, Defense, and Support classes, and potentially movable towers. It's said to be aimed at a younger audience of gamers, and will feature a percentage-style damage system where you'll be knocked back further depending on how high your percentage at the time is. This is, of course, similar to how Super Smash Bros. operates.
For more information on What Time Is PlayStation's State of Play for February 2025, click the link. Are you interested in Gummy Bears? Let us know in the comments below.
[source vandal.elespanol.com]
Comments 65
I still can't believe they aren't doing a Destiny 3, biggest fumble of all time.
MOBA? No thanks.
Are we taking bets on if this one will last longer than Concord?
I genuinely have zero interest in online only titles anymore.
I’ll keep an open mind for this one but doesn’t really sound like my cup of tea from what’s been described so far.
Maybe it’ll be a complete reboot of Oni as a racing game.
Makes about as much sense as their Marathon-in-name-only game.
Please don’t let this be the highlight of the event…
@Frmknst I couldn't agree more, it's a Shane it won't be coming. That game would have been amazing with the Last of us 2 gameplay.
Factions was one of the best multiplayer experiences I had along with warhawk and uncharted multiplayer.
Hope this doesn't take up much time in the State of Play later today. Haven't really been interested in Marathon
I'm genuinely curious: is there some demand from younger audiences for a MOBA that isn't LoL or Dota 2?
Also, good luck to PlayStation and their social media people if this gets revealed. A PlayStation-published MOBA with a cartoonish artstyle will go over REALLY well with their hardcore audience.
I have less than no interest in this.
Oh god. This stuff never ends.
Also, it’d be beyond ironic if this launches on Switch but not Xbox, when all Xbox games are being ported to PS5.
Bouning here and there and everywhere!
I don't think many of us here are the target market for this, which seems like kids, but if they can pitch it right it could be a success... and if not...
Always confused by people hating on things they havent seen.
But it’s probably just me, cause i have no idea what a MOBA is 😅
Also the target demographic are kids, so probably just better to ignore this and move on instead off hating on kids games. I’m sure there are plenty of games for adults that’ll be shown.
For me, i dont know if this will be good, but i’m always interested in seeing new things from Sony.
@Oram77 Isnt this developed by a seperate smaller team within Bungie? I’m pretty sure they will do a Destiny 3
@RBMango I was wondering this too. I have no idea what the MOBA world is like now. I tried DOTA many many years ago, and it was not for me, so I never kept up to date with them.
Keeping an open mind, but I dunno about this one. I have a feeling any live service Sony shows off will be roasted by the fanbase whether it deserves it or not, outside maybe Marathon.
That said, I hope we see an update on that one.
@ZeD I only ask because the MOBA genre is something I'm completely out of touch with. But I can't imagine kids who aren't already into one of the big MOBAs like League or Dota 2 going for this, especially if there isn't a recognizable IP to hook them in. What kind of demand or neglected niche is Gummy Bears satiating?
Guess I'm in the minority of people who like to see developers create new games and concepts and IP instead of milking the same old same old for years at a time. [Shrug]
"Smash Bros-meets-MOBA" sounds way more interesting to me than anything Destiny-related will ever sound.
I had more interest when I didn't know this existed.
@LogicStrikesAgain As someone who follows Bungie news all the time. When the Final shape was being launched, the community were speculating about a D3 should come out next (as a hard reset and a start of a new saga). Bungie themselves came out and flatout said they aren't working on a D3, All their time has been on Marathon (eye roll). But yes this gummy bears game is made by a small team at Bungie.
Who’s it’s aimed at? Oh, I dunno maybe the tens of millions of people that primarily play multiplayer focused, brightly coloured kids games on their Nintendo Switch.
Being aimed at younger people doesn’t mean it’s going to be some super boring kids only game that everyone else will hate. It means it’s more in line with things like Mario Kart, Super Smash Brothers, Splatoon, Minecraft etc.
@Oram77 Destiny 2 is getting 2 new expansions this year, it’s not done.
@Oram77 Totally agree. That would do the numbers, whereas I don’t see Marathon being the big hit that they need right now.
They haven’t even shown Marathon gameplay yet. How can they be ready to announce Gummy Bears? I know that they could do a cinematic trailer, but still…I’d imagine they’ll show Marathon before anything else. But who knows?
@Oram77 I didn't know that, thanks for clarifying. I still think they will do a sequel though, eventually.
@LogicStrikesAgain If Marathon flops (which I think it will unfortunately) they will 100% move onto D3.
@ChrisDeku I'm aware of this, like I said the majority of the community wanted a D3 after the final shape, as a hard reset.
> Smash inspired
Outside Brawlhalla, i don't think any Smash clone did well. Multiverse was a big flop, no one cares about Nickelodeon, and PSABR somewhat had cult followers.
But eh i guess let this Bungie B or C team try to dip their toes into MOBA x Smash lava pool and see if they gonna burn their fingers or not.
No interest in this but good that they're trying to go for another market in the more casual younger audience. Hopefully it's successful can't imagine they can handle another Concord disaster. Kind of suprise it would be on the switch and not the switch 2, but if it is on the switch maybe it'll get a mobile port as well.
@Oram77 I’m always curious, why do people think all these games will flop. I’m genuinely confused if i’m missing something or are people just jumping on the bandwagon of hating on Playstation live service games?
Genuine question, why do you think Marathon will flop? I’m not saying it wont, i truly have no idea. But you (and many others) seem to think it will.
@Americansamurai1 This is the thing with the most successful live service games like Fortnite, Genshin, Roblox etc, they scale across so many platforms and I think that's what kind of need.
No interest in it at all personally. Just funny that all platforms but xbox lol
@LogicStrikesAgain first of Marathon is meant to be a hero extraction shooter (yikes to me), secondly Destiny 2 community wanted a D3, don't get me wrong, we will probably play/try it, but if it doesn't live up to anything, then the community will resent Marathon for taking away dev time from a possible D3, remember Marathon will need to be supported for years to come, So I don't think bungie can juggle D2/Marathon and a D3.
@ZeD looking at the artwork it literally is concord but in neon colors.
@Oram77 Fair arguments i guess. I personally havent played any Bungie games before so i’m really not that invested and familiar with it. But its refreshing to hear some arguments behind statements of it flopping. Thanks for sharing
@LogicStrikesAgain its mostly studios having no focus on making games for gamers.
Some studios only listen critics and forget there needs to be some money made.
@LogicStrikesAgain It’s highly unlikely Marathon will be a flop. I think most people have no idea how big a deal a new Bungie game actually is, and people who play these kinds of games will almost certainly be jumping on board to give it a try. Bungie still makes absolutely incredible core gameplay.
For all the Destiny 2 hate and how much its player base has decreased it was still in the Steam Platinum game list for 2024, I.e. one of the 12 highest grossing games on Steam for the entire year. It has never not been a Steam Platinum title for a single year, despite being a late port to Steam in 2019.
@IOI Uhhh I think Xbox players will be actually happy and probably brag about not getting this POS on their console.
This has Foam Stars written all over it! LoL!!
i’m so tired of cartoony online games!!
@ChrisDeku Yeah, i personally have no reason to think it will flop, but i must admit i’m not that familiar or invested in their games so i can’t really form an opinion on it.
All i know is Bungie is a big name developer, and the trailer certainly looked interesting to me. But then again, i’m always open to anything new. Compared to most people here who pre judge games, i definitely feel like a minority in being more openminded towards new games.
@LogicStrikesAgain I will say this however, Bungie's game play is unmatched in the FPS genre, I will never bad mouth them for game play ever.
@The_ghostmen The problem is, to which part of your costumer base do you listen? I definitely remember some gamers asking for different types of genres from Sony or even focusing on more ‘kiddie’ games in stead of those “serious angry dad sims”.
I don't think them trying to diversify their portfolio is such a bad thing. They still focus on single player games.
Remember Playstation still have some of the best single player games of this generation like Demon Souls, RC: Rift Apart, GoWR, Returnal, Horizon FW, Stellar Blade, Rebirth, Spiderman 2 and Astro Bot to name a few.
Also games like Wolverine, Death Stranding 2, Ghost of Yotei, Intergalactic, Lost Soul aside and Phantom Blade Zero show that they still focus on delivering single player games that people want from them.
@themightyant I agree that Gummy Bears seems like it's being made for kids. Don't really know why they'd spend time putting in a State of Play, since those seem more geared towards adult enthusiasts. I feel like they should just get Gummy Bears into the hands of a bunch of kid-friendly influencers if they want it to pop off.
@Oram77 I haven't played D2 in years, but it seems to me that only a skeleton crew is still supporting it with most devs on Marathon. If they did start work on D3, I don't know that D2 would impact it that much, since they would probably just pivot hard and, as soon as D3 is announced, they'd probably put some events in D2 to hype it, but would ultimately sunset the game entirely.
Even with all the layoffs, Bungie has hundreds of employees and is probably still the largest developer, by head count, that Sony owns. With all those folks, I would hope they have enough to have full dev on Marathon, preproduction on D3, and a small support team on D2 for minor content drops and bug support.
That said, it's Bungie, so the possibility of complete mismanagement of assets is pretty high.
Well I want them to succeed for the fact that I don’t want to see anymore layoffs from Bungie..
I might get this game for me and my daughter and see how it is. I try to be optimistic like I mentioned earlier..
It’s something different. How many MOBA do you see released in a year? Hardly any.
What makes SSB so fun is that its characters that we know and love on Nintendo..
This obviously isn’t apples to apples, but I do try to remain optimistic.
Concord 2.0? I could careless about this game.
@IOI its from bungie, it was meant to be on xbox until sony took over
Gross, I would rather have Concord. This game looks like the biggest joke in all of gaming.
Sony playing their silly console wars again, live multiplayer games need to be released to the biggest audience as possible to stand a chance. Im sure bungie love sony has now taken over, im sure they will be grateful when they start laying off the team.
Oh Sony/Bungie... This just makes me sad. After all of the recent failures, industry shrinking and lay-offs, you're now pushing a MOBA? There's a reason MOBA's haven't broken in on console, but they remain popular on PC, and it has something to do with the control scheme...
Please don't do this. Have Bungie drop this and just focus on Marathon and making Destiny better...
@ZeroSum It’s actually being made by a small separate team, so it doesn't affect development of Marathon or other games.
As i understand it, it’s not something Sony is pushing, but something Bungie internally have been wanting to develop for a while.
@T-Bone09 This. Having played Astro Bot and Sackboy with my kids, i’m definitely more open for some ‘kiddie’ games from Sony.
Not sure about this game though, but will reserve judgement until i see something. Not being a big Nintendo guy i haven’t played a lot of Super Smash Bros, but what i’ve played was fun.
But yeah, a big part of what makes SSB cool is the fact that it’s all Nintendo characters, so i’m curious to see how the lack of relatable character will impact this game.
Anyone who understands online gaming knows that a ‘kiddie’ MOBA is a gigantic disaster waiting to happen. Either it’s completely uncoordinated teamwork due to chats being disabled or they leave chats enabled and it automatically becomes not a ‘kiddie’ game and rife with nonces and bigots.
I’m like you.. it’s a cool bond when you can play together with your kids.. Sackboy was quite fun too. To me it makes games more enjoyable when you can play with them..
I grew up playing couch co-op with my friends.. there isn’t a whole lot of that anymore. But my daughter is 8 and she loves Astrobot, and It Takes Two.
I don’t know much about the game either.. if it was to be played with split screen co-op I would like to play it.
Super Smash Brothers is super fun.. I played it since the N64.. SSB Melee on GameCube was probably my favorite with Ultimate close behind..
Sony did come out with PlayStation All Stars Battle Royal on the PS3 and it was ok. So there is room for these type of games without being flooding one type of genre.
That thumbnail alone already looks like something I don't want to play. Another win for Sony, eh?
@AdamNovice yeah has to be available to the most amount of players as possible. Wouldn't be superior see Helldivers 2 ported to switch 2 and or mobile one day.
@Toot1st Live multiplayer games like Redfall which Xbox cancelled on PS mid development when they bought Bethesda before laying off a ton of staff and closing the studio? The hypocrisy is wild 😂
lol Sony. PlayStation's audience is mostly adult hardcore gamers so I don't see it being a win there. It probably won't be a win on Switch either because the only MOBA kids care about is Pokemon Unite. Meanwhile, everyone else is playing League or Dota 2.
3 billion well spent
@T-Bone09 no love for ssbb huh?
It struck me as way to early to announce this game if it was only coming out of incubation. We'll probably see it in 2027 tbf
@Oram77 Given how much they've butchered D2 for the last 6 or so years, I'm glad they aren't. I have no faith we would get a great game. I think most of the talent that gave us a fun exciting game have left.
I think it's too early if they just .over it to a in house team it might be a while before it's show.
Lol Brawl was great.. I was stoked that Solid Snake was on it.
Melee was had me at the fast paced fighting, Ultimate is basically the best of melee and brawl. IMO
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