Sony XDEV Is Eager For You to Watch Today's PS5 Livestream 1
Image: Push Square

Update #2 []:

Well, this is embarrassing.

We’d assumed XDEV boss Jason Stewart was referring to the State of Play, but he was actually talking about the derby match between Everton and Liverpool scheduled to take place later tonight.

We’ll let him explain the stakes:

Of course, all of the previous comments made by XDEV were, as far as we could tell, about Sony’s broadcast today.

Update #1 []:

Sony XDEV director Jason Stewart can’t stop posting on social media about the State of Play, and has hinted there’s “lots riding on” the show.

Writing on X (or Twitter) he said: “Massive night tonight, I can't wait! would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous.”

The way Stewart and the rest of his team is talking suggests there may be more in the pipeline than just Death Stranding 2: On the Beach, but perhaps we’re reading too much into things. Either way, we’ll find out for sure in a few short hours.

Original Story: It looks like we’re getting some big updates from Sony’s XDEV division during today’s State of Play livestream.

For those who don’t know, XDEV – previously named XDEV Europe – is a British-based development unit wholly owned by Sony, which is tasked with supporting external studios to release first-party games. In the old days, we’d call this second-party, but the phrase has generally been phased out.

Some examples of its work, however, include last year’s Rise of the Ronin and Stellar Blade, two games published and promoted by Sony which were developed by teams it doesn’t own. In the past it’s also worked with the likes of Quantic Dream, Media Molecule (before it was acquired), and many more.

And it looks like it’ll have a big presence during today’s State of Play. In the aftermath of the livestream’s announcement, it immediately posted about it on its official social media accounts. Since, XDEV director Jason Stewart has urged fans to “tune in” while associate producer Carina Calvert added “something pretty cool is happening tomorrow”.

Death Stranding 2: On the Beach falls under XDEV’s remit, so it’s most likely it’s referring to Hideo Kojima’s sequel here, although Calvert’s online resume does mention she’s working on an “unannounced project”, so perhaps we’ll see even more from the studio during the show.

[source, via,]