Update #2 []:
Well, this is embarrassing.
We’d assumed XDEV boss Jason Stewart was referring to the State of Play, but he was actually talking about the derby match between Everton and Liverpool scheduled to take place later tonight.
We’ll let him explain the stakes:
Of course, all of the previous comments made by XDEV were, as far as we could tell, about Sony’s broadcast today.
Update #1 []:
Sony XDEV director Jason Stewart can’t stop posting on social media about the State of Play, and has hinted there’s “lots riding on” the show.
Writing on X (or Twitter) he said: “Massive night tonight, I can't wait! would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous.”
The way Stewart and the rest of his team is talking suggests there may be more in the pipeline than just Death Stranding 2: On the Beach, but perhaps we’re reading too much into things. Either way, we’ll find out for sure in a few short hours.
Original Story: It looks like we’re getting some big updates from Sony’s XDEV division during today’s State of Play livestream.
For those who don’t know, XDEV – previously named XDEV Europe – is a British-based development unit wholly owned by Sony, which is tasked with supporting external studios to release first-party games. In the old days, we’d call this second-party, but the phrase has generally been phased out.
Some examples of its work, however, include last year’s Rise of the Ronin and Stellar Blade, two games published and promoted by Sony which were developed by teams it doesn’t own. In the past it’s also worked with the likes of Quantic Dream, Media Molecule (before it was acquired), and many more.
And it looks like it’ll have a big presence during today’s State of Play. In the aftermath of the livestream’s announcement, it immediately posted about it on its official social media accounts. Since, XDEV director Jason Stewart has urged fans to “tune in” while associate producer Carina Calvert added “something pretty cool is happening tomorrow”.
Death Stranding 2: On the Beach falls under XDEV’s remit, so it’s most likely it’s referring to Hideo Kojima’s sequel here, although Calvert’s online resume does mention she’s working on an “unannounced project”, so perhaps we’ll see even more from the studio during the show.
[source x.com, via x.com, linkedin.com]
Comments 60
Know it can’t be for everyone but as someone who’s not totally all over the Death Stranding hype, I really hope half of tonight is not taken up by that.
@itsfoz same as that pal
Stellar Blade 2 pls 🤣
Or PC announcement for SB and/or more dlc
@itsfoz Same here. I liked the first and I'll play the second, but they've shown it before. A +- 5 minute gameplay segment would be more than enough at this point. Let's give other games a chance to shine.
@itsfoz if DS2 is there, it WILL be a 10 min trailer lol
I'd be surprised if DS2 doesn't appear today but since Kojima will host a panel at SXSW next month, maybe he's saving the trailer for that. Perhaps a short one today and an extended look next month.
Death Stranding 2, I don’t get the hype. The first game was a weird hiking simulator with an even weirder story. If this very game were not directed from Kojima and published by SIE, thr attention would be on a similar level as Baby Steps.
Im pretty hyped for Baby Steps. Looks batshit crazy.
Give me playstation all stars battle royale 2 and ill not ask for anything ever again
@Blauwe_Chimay OK, I can get that!
@Max_the_German I though that when it was released and never got round to playing it. I always had it in the back of my mind as something I wanted to try, even if I was not fully convinced. When I finally got around to playing the directors cut its hooked me pretty much instantly.
You are right in that its basically hiking simulator, with elements of MGS5, but I disagree that its only popular because its kojima and SEI. Its popular because its polished and has a simple but compelling gameplay route. Its just a very well put together game overall.
@itsfoz ditto. I genuinely hope they have something else in development aside from the failed and soon to fail live service nonsense alongside remaster/make cash grabs, mediocre pc ports, more marvel garbage and Ghost of Yotei. Knowing Sony This generation, I don't think they do at least not anything releasing this year.
You know they really went all in on the greed train and failed fans, when I'm more looking forward to news of a few Xbox title release dates on PS5, than I am anything Sony has/had cooking in the last 2 years.
@Max_the_German A game with this level of production values would've drawn a lot of attention regardless of who was behind it. It isn't for everyone, but the first game was still a remarkable achievement with a stunningly beautiful world. It's something completely different, and why not.
@Cry_Zero yes please!!!!
@Max_the_German Death Stranding is popular because it offers something unique where many AAA games are playing safe. The game also looks good and very polished.
And it's not really a "hiking sims" when there's stealth, actions, and even building infrastructures from highway / bridges / cargo store / timefall shelter etc that not just help your mission but other players as well.
Obviously Death Stranding isn't for everyone but i reccomend it for people who wants to try something fresh beside their usual CoD, FF, AssCreed, FIFA, etc.
Is it called "WipEout 2097 Remake with the old physics and modern graphics"?
As a guy who did a lot of mountain hiking as a Boy Scout and really messed up the first time I did so by overloading with water (when we stopped my Sciutmaster examined my pack, laughed and redistributed the weight to the rest of the troop 😅) I appreciated how well Death Stranding nailed mountain traversal and packing for said traversal. I played through DS twice when it came out. I never got around to the revised edition but I am interested in the sequel,
@PuppetMaster Ditto. To reduce Death Stranding to a “hiking sim” is being reductive. It’s less of a hiking sim than COD is a “gun shooting sim”, or FIFA is a “running and kicking sim”, or Stellar Blade a “sword slashing sim”, etc. It’s like people forget Death Stranding has gun and third person shooting, crafting, vehicles and driving, an online multiplayer aspect, deep strategy and puzzle solving, and so forth.
I’m not saying people have to like it (or any game for that matter — we all have our preferences), it’s perfectly fine not to, but it’s honestly has one of the most varied and unique sets of gameplay in recent times.
@MrPeanutbutterz I would love the return of Wipeout especially if it was on PSVR2 (bows to PSVR1’s Omega collection).
I had to click through 4 websites/links to reach the youtube streams, wtf. Here's a direct link: https://www.youtube.com/@PlayStation/streams
My predictions
Bloodborne lazy 60 FPS port. $69.99, no upgrade for current owners.
@Max_the_German I thought those things too until I sat down and actually played Death Stranding.
The mechanics are satisfying, the world is desolate but beautiful, it's got a goofy sense of humour, by the end of the game it's a bit more involved than just hiking places, the asymmetrical multiplayer elements add to the world.
It's popular because in a sea of identikit open world AAA "collect 100 McGuffins to save the princess" titles, it's actually original and for an AAA game took a big risk.
@Carnage Hoo-wee yes indeed. I'd probably buy a PSVR2 if they released some proper Wipeout content on it.
@MrPeanutbutterz I played it for some 5 hours and was thinking „What am I doing here?“. The 15 EUR I’ve spent on this didn’t hurt though.
@Max_the_German Yeah that's fair. After 2 hours I was thinking "this is nonsense". After 80 hours I was thinking "this is still nonsense, but I'm also still playing it".
I'll also mention that actual walking simulators are probably my least favourite genre, and my favourites are high intensity games like Bayonetta, Sekiro, Devil May Cry, Vanquish, Soulsbourne, etc., so for DS to hook me for 80 hours it must have done something right.
@MrPeanutbutterz I would love a new HD refresh of WipEout 2097, one of the best racing games ever
@MrPeanutbutterz And an announcement of a Wipeout movie directed by the Gran Turismo movie director. So it gets the the advertising backing it needs. We can dream...
There's that sludge game. Maybe we see some announcement
PS/SIE should realise they have a pretty easy path to success with their single player games. Returnal was probably the biggest risk they've taken financially and idea wise and I think it did really well. Astro Bot IMO was not much of a risk as the IP was developed and platformers do quite well on PS.
Just allow your single player studios to make games with either a compelling story and good gameplay or focus on the gameplay and allow the story to be fun or simply there to service the gameplay. And for the love of God, don't put single player studios on live service titles. They don't like it and we don't either.
Live service is much more complex but allow your live service studios to make live service games that are not in an over-saturated genre. Reason why HD2 did so well IMO. That doesn't guarantee success though, look at Destruction All Stars.
@itsfoz i doubt it because death stranding 2 is getting a thing at sxsw in march that will have a lot of updates for it. if it does show up today maybe a new trailer with a new character a release date would be cool too.
i'm guessing we'll hear something about the days gone ps5 upgrade , not sure if this is xdev's thing or not. the only two guesses i could have is either they are working on the rumored god of war collection or they are helping out with corey's new game and that finally gets revealed.
I guess that they have to kick into high gear since actual first party studios have been farting around and wasting time with GAAS titles.
@Max_the_German This isn’t true at all. Even if you hate the story of Death Stranding(and I certainly don’t think it’s any kind of masterpiece) a lot of the scenes are just incredible, in how they are shot and presented. You can watch a lot of the scenes as short vignettes with no context and they are quite arresting. The cinematography is exceptional.
If a lot of those scenes were released as previews from a random developer for a new game then people would be losing their mind over it, it would be a big deal on video game websites. Regardless of the final quality of the product there is something quite captivating about a lot of things Kojima makes.
@ChrisDeku I say that I had no good time with Death Stranding. You say that this isn’t true at all. Do you want to say that I am not telling the truth of my feelings, and I actually enjoyed my time playing it???
That’s what you actually said. You didn’t like the game, that’s fine. Saying it would have no attention if it were made by someone else is categorically untrue. There is an insane quality to the entire production that shines through every single second of those cutscenes that the game has shown so far.
@Carnage This is probably the 4th or 5th time for me to hear people with mountain hiking experiences gave their positive reviews for Death Stranding.
@Th3solution Fully agreed my fellow porter 🤝
@MrPeanutbutterz Looks like we have the same taste when comes to character action games.
And i also spent more than 80+ hours with Death Stranding and the gameplay loop really hook me. From:
All of them are just fun, somehow relaxing, and quite memorable. And the story also interesting although not batsh*it crazy as MGS.
@ChrisDeku Yes, DS1 is polished, which would have drawn attention to it regardless of the studio and publisher behind it. But this is polished as well:
Knack Remastered. In all honesty though hope it is a Bloodborne remaster so folk can finally shut up about it.
Know a lot of people enjoy his games, but Death Stranding is just not a game for me. Though had stopped playing metal gear solid as well towards then end.
Bloodborne fans may eat good tonight according to some folks, take with a grain of salt of course
Let’s not forget though, last week Sony sent a cease and desist to the 60FPS mod creator
I'd take a God of War collection over Bloodbourne or Days Gone Remaster
Motorstorm I guess?
Grant us eyes, Grant us eyes...
@UltimateOtaku91 I think we’ll get both a ps5 upgrade of days gone and god of war collection
@Blauwe_Chimay Please don't bud, It seems no one is interested in Arcade Racers anymore, such a shame. It's rpg's or nothing nowadays 😮💨
That is so disappointing haha. I was even beginning to dream of something new being announced on top of Death Stranding... Oh well. I feel silly lol
They had me at lots of riding. Turns out it's a freakin football game.
What an idiot, smh.
Would be huge if whatever it is shadow drops tonight and into Playstation Plus Extra, it's strange they are saving their next line up of Plus games for the state of play.
Haha, that's great. We all had a good laugh.
Brilliant. A* reporting, lads 👍
Take a breath Push Square, your excitement levels canna take no more.
@Blauwe_Chimay Hahaha superb, whole site hoodwinked 😀
Fill the whole 30 mins with Death Stranding 2.
My predictions...
1.death stranding 2
2. Crap
6.gta 6 hahahahahahahahahahah
Let's all write essay's for Max_the_German! Leave the guy alone you bunch of fruits
@PuppetMaster Agree there. There's something quite meditative about gearing up and doing a delivery.
I think there's a bit of a hidden overlap with the character action games we both enjoy - DS operates at a much slower (and "lower consequence") pace, but like those other games you have to willingly engage with the gameplay mechanics in order to progress.
My expectations are always low because most games aren't for me.
Then again with how weird advertising was for Eternights I bought it cheap and went wow this is different then I expected or remember from the PS event prior.
Then again I mostly play hack n slashes/tactics games these days as most action adventure ones or RPGs aren't my thing. Shooters are too multiplayer these days and story ones are few and far between or ok of quality these days.
But I like South of Midnight on the Xbox side I think it looks good like Lena/Ratchet so whatever third parties here.
I have seen enough MH Wilds ads at this point.
Third parties need to step up I find many of the big ones really who cares.
@Machine_T What's nuts is I bought the WipEout Futurism book there when it launched and being reminded of the sort of marketing they used to throw at these games. Sigh...
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