Shuhei Yoshida, fresh from his departure from PlayStation after an illustrious 30-plus year career, has commented on Xbox’s decision to port its first-party games to PS5.
“I suspect Microsoft is the biggest publisher on PlayStation,” he laughed, as part of an interview with Sacred Symbols+ (paywalled). “Looking at the install base of Xbox, I think it’s natural to understand what they’re doing.”
Hardware sales of the Xbox Series X|S have been plummeting over the past few years, and its unprecedented acquisitions of juggernaut third-party publishers like Bethesda and Activision have left it scrambling for fresh revenue streams.
“Microsoft looks like it’s been shifting its focus to Game Pass, which perhaps comes from the DNA of the company,” Yoshida observed. “They’re a software company; a cloud company. So, their products, like Office 365, are available everywhere – on Mac, on mobile, on Windows. They are probably hoping Game Pass will be available everywhere in the future.”
It’s unlikely Sony will ever allow Game Pass, in its current guise, on the PS5, as it would eat into its own subscription revenue and third-party game sales. However, a more curated version, similar to EA Play purely comprising Microsoft published games, could perhaps get approval from the Japanese manufacturer in the future.
“I think it’s a win for PlayStation owners,” Yoshida concluded on Microsoft’s decision to bring its games to the PS5. “They’re going to access to games they didn’t previously have access to.”
[source patreon.com]
Comments 62
I would push back, and say why would game pass eat away at PSN subs, if they both provide different games (aware that some Xbox games are/have going to PS anyway), I personally wouldn't mind having both services, but I'm just a gamer, what do I know.
Xbox just needs your games PlayStation. Can't you see all the love they showing 😆. If you can beat'em you join'em and try to beat them from the inside. 😂
@TheArt PlayStation games actually sell on PlayStation unlike Xbox games on Xbox.
@Oram77 There's actually a lot more overlap between Game Pass and PS Plus than you'd think. And not only that, Sony wants the 30% they get when a game is sold on PS Store; they don't want Microsoft wading in and giving all those games away for "free" on their own platform.
Absolute win for me. Means I never have to plug my series X in again. (I have no room under the TV for it)
Selling games to playstation helps game pass so I doubt it will ever be on playstation
@get2sammyb Microsoft be doing the Trojan horse technique out here lol
Of course it’s a win for PS gamers. As Sony’s output has been rubbish this generation. And it’s MS which has developed more first party games this generation and shown somewhat of a pipeline. And subsidized gamepass costs money to run and will get more expensive each passing year for them. But it’s not a problem as all MS has to do is increase the cost of all versions of windows by 0.01$. Since MS has shown they want to be a publisher, I think that opens the door for them to acquire more studios. The more studios MS owns then the more they will want subsidized gamepass on other platforms as they will own more IPs. But as it stands now they make way more money with the big PS and Steam base buying their games outright.
IMHO outright purchasing is better for the industry and studios in the long term. As consumers will reward games and studios that they desire. Subsidized gamepass protects studios games.
And people expecting Sony to do the same are mistaken. As Sony is a hardware company at its core. They need people to buy their hardware and software is how it is done.
Lastly, this is all happening because MS was operating from a position of weakness in the traditional console competition. So they innovated and are becoming a more indirect competitor. So team Xbox has become a hybrid courtesy of their rich parent company.
@get2sammyb I don't think gamepass on PS would be the same as on Xbox.
I imagine it would be similar to other 3rd party sub services i.e. Just their games, because there is no way they could pay third parties to put their games on other platforms - way too complex.
There might be a tier that has the PC version of gamepass though as well as the specific PS version.
@Vaako007 "Sony’s output has been rubbish this generation" - getting tired of that narrative, comparing it to the PS4 era maybe you could argue that, but to flat out say it's rubbish is just not true, ain't going to deny they have fumbled the ball with the live service push.
@Oram77 you forgot to tag @Vaako007
@Oram77 ps4 didn’t really get exclusive games until 2016. the ps5 haven’t had an exclusive game drought since the console came out. Ps5 exclusive games output is actually a little better than ps4.
I guess if you repeat a lie often enough people will start believing it without question.
Here’s the games that Sony released since the start of this gen(OpenCritic score of 80+)
Demon’s Soul’s - 92
Spider-man: Miles Morales - 85
Astro’s Playroom - 84
Sackboy: A Big Adventure - 80
Returnal - 86
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart - 88
Horizon: Forbidden West - 88
Gran Turismo 7 - 87
God of War: Ragnarok - 93
Spider-man 2 - 90
Helldivers 2 - 83
Stellar Blade - 82
Astro bot - 95
Here’s the games from the first 4 years of the PS4(only 80+ games)
Resogun - 85 (small indie-like)
Infamous: Second Son - 82
Helldivers - 82 (PS Vita game with simultaneous release)
Bloodborne - 91
Ratchet & Clank - 86
Uncharted 4 - 93
Gravity Rush 2 - 81
Horizon: Zero Dawn - 89
Xbox went 2 years of the Series X/s where they released zero major titles, 2020 and 2022. Probably only FH5 and Indiana Jones can be considered great games, and the later didn’t sell well and had mediocre player numbers.
Then you can look at big third party publishers like Ubisoft, EA, ABK(before buyout) and what exactly have they been producing this gen? What do their list of great games look like? Sony’s output has been absolutely stellar for over a decade now, people are just trying their hardest to live in an alternate reality. 6 out of the last 12 years a Sony published game won the most GOTY awards.
XBOX CEO is really drinking kool aid and thinking by giving away their 1st party XBOX games to PlayStation will improve their XBOX sales. And next day when he realized the XBOX sales is going down, he just fishing attention with lamentation and wondering why people didn't buy XBOX anymore.
@Jay767 such a fan boy nonsense statement of course they sell, some better then others sure but that's true for PlayStation Concord and even the award winning Astrobot come to mind
@ChrisDeku top of my head pentiment, hi fi rush, flight sim, gears tactics, psychonaults 2, halo infinite, grounded, deathloop, starfield, age of mythology, Diablo 4 all good games reviewed over 80 on metacritic
@ChrisDeku 100% I was making this point just yesterday. Some people have it all twisted that Sony has released nothing this gen.
Of course subjectively players can be disappointed with the games, perhaps Spider-man 2, GoW:R and Horizon FW as sequels weren't quite as exciting to you individually as the first games.
Additionally the glass half empty crowd like to point out that several studios haven't released games yet on PS5. My glass half full response would be the second half of this generation is likely to slap hard when they do.
@Toot1st You listed 2 games that came out before the Xbox Series X/S was out, Flight Sim and Gears Tactics and games like. If you’re including games that ported later then the PS5 has like another 5+ games in that time GoT:Directors Cut, Death Stranding: Directors cut, The Last of US ptI, Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered, TLOU ptII Remastered etc.
Also Diablo IV was published before MS even owned that company, and a bunch of other games were 80-90% developed before they were bought by MS. That’s not exactly testament to MS’s ability to get quality out of it’s projects.
@ChrisDeku I guess I should have stated specifically current generation games only. As I don’t count cross generation PS4 games that received a little more polygons and run better on the PS5 because it’s newer hardware. And if people are being honest, people know what one means when they say the releases have been lacking. Just like I said above. I see many PS4 games on that top list since the start of the PS5 generation. Isn’t Demon souls a PS3 remaster?
PS4 had a much stronger start with new games that weren’t cross generation. PS4 had more to be excited about at launch. Despite PS3 ending so strong.
But technically you are correct Sony did release “new” MSRP priced games digitally and physically speaking with a PS5 logo. And lastly the scores of the games don’t really matter. I.e. how high Astro bot scored yet that has no bearing on mass adoption of the game. As from what I read here people were surprised it didn’t sell more.
@ChrisDeku good or rubbish is a subjective personal thing.
Me for instance the only game I play on your list from current gen is GT7. Tried many of the others but bounced of them for one reason or another.
I am at a point now that GT7 is the only reason for me to own a PS5, which I am ok with.
Just because you or many others like something it doesn't mean everyone will and that will change their view of the current gen.
And no before you say it no I do not have to look at stuff objectively and can base my thoughts on the PS5 on my own subjective opinion.
@Jay767 Do they though? Despite being game of the year, Astrobot has seen surpringly few sales.
It's more accurate to say that the bigger games for both platforms sell well, and their smaller titles don't. A good 80% or so of Xbox Series users have Gamepass, so of course some of their games don't sell as well on Console, but they also don't need to.
They do sell well on Steam, which is impressive given that PC gamepass is also a thing.
All of this is to say. You can't compare the two platforms one to one any more, at least if you want to get any form of useful insights. Sony is doing what it's always done, and outside of it's live service and PSVR2 stumbles it's doing it very very well. Xbox are doing something different. It's not getting them back in the old school game of console market share, but they're making a lot of money too, which is all either company cares about.
@RiverGenie GT7 was built for the PS4. I’d be surprised if we got a bespoke GT built for the PS5. I suspect the next one will be cross generation again but with the PS6.
@Vaako007 So if Sony had cancelled all the PS4 versions then they'd count as PS5 games but since they released them they don't count?
What a ridiculous comment. That's Sonys output during this generation. You can't just delete them because they allowed them to also be released on PS4. As if that somehow invalidates them as creative output that people can enjoy.
You're effectively saying that Breath of the Wild or MK8 don't count as switch games, or that Xbox never released a game on the series X/S for 2.5 years after it's release.
@RiverGenie your opinion is irrelevant in deciding how good the output of the PS5 is, if it's based on subjective opinions then people can just say any old nonsense. Like I can say the Switch has zero good games and I'm not interested in objective opinions so I can't possibly be proven wrong.
Thats not how the real world works.
@Anti-Matter it will improve Xbox games sales and that's what matters currently. Hardware is now something they do on the side.
@AndyKazama I unplugged mine a few weeks ago just deciding to whether to sell or box it up and store it away. Who am I kidding? I will keep it.
“Looking at the install base of Xbox, I think it’s natural to understand what they’re doing.”
“I think it’s a win for PlayStation owners,”
This man knows what he’s talking about
Also people arguing that PS lineup of games suck this generation after having been presented with a long list of OpenCritic scores and being pointed out to the fact that there were more high scoring games this gen than last gen at the 4 yr mark, are just salty af.
And i’m not saying that to defend Sony, idc what box you prefer, but it just bugs me when logic and truth is twisted so far just to align with personal subjective views.
Some people just desperately want to hate on Playstation by creating narratives that some games in their lineup “don't count”, whatever that means
@ChrisDeku people say any old nonsense regardless.
Take you for instance, if something reviews well I just ignore my own personal preference, likes & dislikes? I am not a reviewer I have no obligation to be objective I am just a gamer who likes what I like.
My opinion isn't irrelevant to me and I can decide for myself what I think of anything including Sony's output. I don't expect you or anyone else to agree with me I ain't that arrogant and I don't need other people to validate it either.
If you think different great good for you. I respect that you can come to your own conclusions and think for yourself. Though I don't necessarily agree with you and your thoughts process but that is fine too. The world would be extremely dull if we all looked at stuff the same way.
Well I have games to play enjoy the rest of your day my dude.
Yes, being able to consolidate systems is a win
@RiverGenie Dude, this wasn’t about your subjective take on the PS lineup. He presented a list of OpenCritic scores showing how there are more games scoring higher so far this gen than last gen. Arguing against people saying this gen sucks.
Of course you can say you didn't like it, you’re free to, but as he also explains very well in his last comment is that your subjective opinion doesn't mean this gen objectively sucks. He even gives an example of him hypothetically not liking switch games, would not mean the switch lineup sucks.
Thats why he doesn't add his subjective opinion, but provides an objective standpoint by showing a list of scores from a website that aggregates critic scores.
@Vaako007 By your logic of removing cross-platform or remake titles from @ChrisDeku 's list, you'd only remove 5 titles from PS5's releases, leaving 8, which coincidentally is the same amount that was listed for PS4; however, using that same ruleset, you'd have to remove 3 titles from the PS4 list (Resogun also released on PS3, Helldivers on Vita, and Ratchet & Clank was a remake), leaving 5 titles.
Even by your own logic, PS5 is still doing better.
@themightyant It's truly saddening how many people come to this site just to post negative comments. I've certainly posted negative takes, here and there, but it's definitely not the breadth of what I say. Some folks really only see the worst in things/people.
@Jay767 Ah, Xbox games sell on Xbox. Game Pass is only 10-15% of the game content revenue for Xbox.
All i want is Starfield on PS5, can i have that game please? They can keep the rest
@LogicStrikesAgain. Fine I understand the logic but there is more to life than logic.
Let me try to explain why something reviewing well doesn't mean it's going to resonate with people .
The Shawshank Redemption, The Fight Club many others films we now consider classics bombed in the box office despite receiving critical acclaim on their release. Going further back films such as The Wizard of Oz and Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory all initially bombed in the box office despite being considered classics & well loved these days.
Did the audiences look at those reviews objectively and think well those folks know what they are talking about then go in their droves to watch them. Nope not at all quite the opposite at the time (many of those films didn't find an audience until much later or when they released on a different format.)
You will find many examples of this in most creative endeavours including games
Which is why I find using reviews scores as your benchmark for the success of something to be narrow & myopic view point. and why I try to push back against that bludgeon when folks use it
If you don't like that feel free to put me on your ignore list (& that applies to everyone else). I can live with that but I will still keep passing on my thoughts as I see fit.
Hope you all enjoy the rest of your day
@Toot1st Hi-fi Rush, Deathloop, Starfield, and Diablo IV were "published" by Microsoft at the combined cost of around 75 billion through the acquisition of two huge publishers.
@Vaako007 Lot of hot takes there. Sony had plenty of games for the first few years of the generation while Microsoft did not (the Series consoles had no exclusives at launch day - a first for any console). The lack of Sony games in 2024 is due to their pivot to and then away from live service. Yet they still made sure of exclusives like Helldivers 2, Rise of the Ronin, Stellar Blade, FF7 Rebirth. Microsoft only have decent looking output now because of the massive buyouts they engaged in.
If subsidised GamePass protects studios, then explain Tango? Arkane Austin?
And the line about Sony being a hardware company is hilarious. PlayStation is the most profitable part of Sony, and it isn't from just selling the consoles (which are frequently loss leaders early in their life).
@RiverGenie No, i’m not saying review scores are the most important thing. But in a discussion about whether or not this gens output sucks, it is a more objective metric to look at than sales or personal subjective views thats all.
Also using your logic, are you saying that because those films bombed at the box office, that those films suck? I’m guessing not. You are actually making my point that review scores in those cases were a more accurate indicator of their quality than the box office sales.
Sometimes people just don't buy good movies or games, i dont think sales always represent whether a game sucks or not. If that were the case then CoD games can be crowned objectively the best games ever.
You know what is a better metric than sales to gauge if games are good though? Critics and user scores.
No need to ignore you bro, i ain’t mad at ya for having an opinion 👊🏼 just sharing mine.
Oh yes all those games coming to the ps5 is definitely a win.x box games on PlayStation.😄.word up son
@LogicStrikesAgain Bro actually said ignore logic I can't lol
@wildcat_kickz For sure. We can all get out the bed the wrong side some days, or have an issue we are more irrational about, but seeing some people in here day in and day on with the negativity is tiring. How do y'all live like that?
Problem is that Microsoft depends too much on its Gamepass to push the Xbox brand. Many Xbox gamers, quite a large percentage, will only use Gamepass to play games and won’t buy games at full price. On PlayStation, gamers will spend more cause PS+ doesn’t offer big titles on day one, like Gamepass, so there’s a whole “fear of missing out” going and those who want to play the newest titles are more willing to spend money on them. On Xbox, the mentality is focused on using Gamepass first and spending money years later when a game is on a big discount, thus affecting sales and affecting developers revenue. Microsoft make money with Gamepass no matter what, but a game at full price at launch, especially now as more and more people don’t preorder, is indicating that gamers will prefer using the limited catalog of Gamepass instead of paying more for a brand new game, even if that game isn’t on Gamepass. I often see comments like: “I’ll wait till it’s on Gamepass…”
It’ll ultimately affect launch revenues for some studios and they often need to step back when a game isn’t commercially successful at launch, but it’s not always indicative of the game quality as a game like Star Wars Outlaws found its fans nevertheless, for example.
Microsoft will need something really special, like a branded Xbox gaming computer to distinguish themselves in the next generation. It could works, their Surface line of products is doing well and a Xbox Gaming system that support PC games while offering the same easy to use interface that make consoles appealing would be a big hit for some out there.
@Rog-X All the games he listed are first party games though? He is arguing against someone calling this generations output by Sony rubbish. I think he clearly showed that its not rubbish, even when compared to the very successful previous generation
@Rog-X I don’t even know what you’re talking about honestly
@Rog-X sony just announced two big first party games from naughty dog and housemarque , not to mention lost soul aside and phantom blade are both sony funded console exclusives. and those games are 2025/2026 releases. they still have a lot or projects that are currently being worked on that haven't been announced yet. that being said gears and halo have been some of my favorite games , if those collections ( when they do) hit the ps5 i'd gladly replay them again.
The whole thing of cross gen is here to stay, and will probably be even more common / last longer next generation.
With game budgets how they are, unless every PS5 owner upgrades to PS6 on launch day, there will be no way to do without the additional sales of also launching on PS5.
I wouldn't even expect Sony to limit themselves to just PS6, and as long as the games are good, and look/perform better on PS6 I wouldn't really care.
This will further be exacerbated if PS6 launches at a higher price, as a lot think it will do, as uptake will slower.
Nice list - and a pretty respectable output, even if it has felt a little bit lacking just recently due to the live service push / cancellation. Some real classics this gen so far, imo.
@Absymbel haha same. Cannot bring myself to sell it. 😅
@ChrisDeku I looked at the credits for Helldivers 2, Returnal, Sackboy and Sony involvement outside of finance and marketing in those games was nigh non existent so I'm not counting those
List of games 80+ from Microsoft this gen where they were directly involved (and actually owned the studios)
Halo Infinite
Psychonauts 2 (confirmed by DF)
Age of Empires 4
Age of Mythology
Hi Fi Rush
Indiana Jones
Forza Horizon 5
Forza Motorsport 2023
Black Ops 6 (Technical assistance confirmed by Matt Scronce who is the associate director at Treyarch)
They also released a ton of updates and expansions (Sea of Thieves and Grounded, Forza Horizon 5, Elder Scrolls Online, Fallout 76, AOE2, AOE4 and Mythology) and have about 5 more coming out this year (Fable, Outer Worlds 2, Doom Dark Age, South Midnight, new COD) vs the 2 Sony have coming out this year
Which games you like more is irrelevant, that's subjective, their content outtput is absolutely blowing Sony out of the water and this is mostly without ABK, there's the rumored Tony Hawk 3+4 remakes, the Oblivion remake potentially coming out.
Yeah this is obviously because Microsoft purchased 2 publishers but now they're responsible for maintaining and footing the bill for all the development of these games, so objectively speaking you're wrong
@batosaims The list of games was a reply to someone saying that Playstations output sucks this generation. He was just showing how that is not true.
But did you really not count Helldivers 2, Sackboy and Returnal? Even after saying they were financed, marketed and published by Sony? Not to mention they are all console exclusives and they owned the IP of 2 of those games before development.
And what do you mean by “they don’t count”? That they are not part of Playstations output this generation?
@LogicStrikesAgain Exactly! @batosaims Xbox's output this generation is great. PlayStation's output this generation is also great. Both can be true.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@ChrisDeku We have actual developers crediting Microsoft where we have nothing for Sony, because Sony isn't a tech company and don't have much to offer where Microsoft has actual engineers and tools (Azure for Flight Sim or the ATG) what's Sony going to do contribute to a studio or a game? They have a port studio with Nixess (who actually does good work) and the Visual Arts Group (who did nothing for Helldivers 2 o r Returnal via the credits)
I'll what the actual developers say, sorry
Maybe Jim Ryan and Hermen Hulst should have taken some coding classes and went down to the studios to help make the games themselves 😂
@batosaims Does Phil help code games? food for thought....
@Oram77 Fun fact: He did, he worked on more games than Hermen and Jim did lol
But obviously he doesn't now but that's not his job just it wasn't Jims jobs either or Hermens now, the studios are the ones who cook and its Microsoft/Sony job to give them what they need. Both do this and both market their games, Sony marketed Stellar Blade well and Microsoft gave both Indy and Doom solo segments at developer directs.
As long as Sony and Microsoft are signing the checks and giving the studios what they need that's all they have to do.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@batosaims https://www.mobygames.com/game/217251/helldivers-ii/credits/playstation-5/?autoplatform=true
I'm not counting how many employees are listed from Sony but it's literly hundreds across SIE and Creative arts. Nixes employees are also credited and SNSystems(make Sony development tools).
Also half a dozen outsource studios are listed, ones that commonly work with Sony and have direct relations with them, based all around the world, and Arrowhead would never have the resources or connections for this kind of support.
"Also half a dozen outsource studios are listed, ones that commonly work with Sony and have direct relations with them, based all around the world, and Arrowhead would never have the resources or connections for this kind of support."
Yeah I looked at those studios and pretty much all of them have worked on a ton of non Sony titles (surprisingly several of which even worked on Suicide Squad) so I don't know what you mean by "direct relationship" because any of these studios would work for any company if they're willing to throw them the bag,
None of these companies are "BFFs" with Sony and would gladly work for EA or WB or any other publisher, there are no "connections" or special relationship, its Sony paying them for work, and even then there are literally hundreds if not thousands of support studios/developers out there lmao you act like these are some mythic support developers that only Sony has access to....yeah they had no issue working Suicide Squad though 😂
This is like trying to say Microsoft has a special relationship/connections with Splash Damage or People can Fly....they don't...they just pay them for work...you can say they have a good "business relationship" but that basically comes down MS (or Sony or anyone else) paying them
I think you have some really strange hero worship (in regards to Sony) do you know why Visual Arts helps support games? Because they're employees who get paid to do so, if certain employees (like Visual Arts) are going to assist on a game its because it's their job and if they don't they get fired.
There is no company (including MS/Sony/Nintendo) who do things for altruistic purposes. When it comes down to it, games get made because someone is footing the bill for it. I give Sony 100% credit for footing the bill for Helldivers 2, Returnal, Stellar Blade and that's all they need to do, same exact thing with Microsoft/Nintendo. I give the actual developers credit for actually making the game.
@MrPeanutbutterz yes Sony had plenty of PS4 ports to ps5 I’m not denying that. And yes it’s a fact that Microsoft acquired so many studios to get to where they are. But at this point we just have to accept that. I’m tracking Sonys push for live service games which they wanted to be the future during the cough era when the decisions were made.
MS closing those studios was MS just doing their usual corporate thing. No reason for them to shutter a game studio that made profit.
And it’s true Sony is a hardware company at its core. From TVs, walkmans, stereo equipment, and speakers. The PlayStation is hardware. And Sony won’t be liberal with its IPs like MS since they need people to buy into their system. Consoles do sell at a launch at first. But the PS4 and PS5 lowered the usual margin. As the SOCs were cheaper as well as the overall design.
@ChrisDeku not a ridiculous comment from the standpoint if one was on the fence about buying a PS5. Up until very recently in this generation, I could not sell anyone on personally on getting at PS5 despite me owning one if they have a PS4.
@Rich33 I expect cross generation is here to stay. I don’t have any delusions about this. Especially since they went to the cheaper SOC designs. As we have seen this generation IMHO they let it go too far into the generation. We are nearly at the halfway point of the console generation. Obviously the cough era and the suits wanting live service messed things up.
My problem with cross generation stems from the fact that developers will be limiting their visions for games. Sure at a consoles launch that cross generation is fine but I’d like to see first party be the justification for one getting the new hardware.
Yes the PS6 will be more expensive on the surface. The reality is that gaming hasn’t kept up with inflation and the gaming industry like all other industries has bills to pay. I’ll get roasted for this but personally I’d like to see a very expensive PS6 to build that is a powerhouse at launch that has a very strong CPU.
"The reality is that gaming hasn’t kept up with inflation and the gaming industry like all other industries has bills to pay. I’ll get roasted for this but personally I’d like to see a very expensive PS6 to build that is a powerhouse at launch that has a very strong CPU."
I agree with this, mostly.
I think a similar, but slightly better way to go about it is a £600 PS6, and a £1000+ Pro, both launched at the same time (with no mid gen upgrade).
Price not including Disc Drive, and sold as optional extra - though they will need stock!!
The Pro would sound a lot, but launched on day 1 means that you dont have the situation of buying a base, and upgrading when the Pro comes out. I would also note that the type of people to buy a Pro, are probably those that would buy at launch.
Major boosts to CPU, and RAM / data transfer, with more modest boost to GPU. Then for Pro a further boost to CPU and RAM / data transfer, and a further major boost to GPU. I know theres a little more to it than that.
If I were Sony, I would also produce the same number of units of Base / Pro, so Pro availability becomes higher as it will likely be less sought after due to the high price.
Sounds rough, but it would deter scalpers - why buy an £800 scalped PS6 when a £1000 PS6 Pro is on a shelf!
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