Sony would usually make a song and dance about adding a new developer to its roster of teams at PlayStation Studios, but today we turn to an external podcast from Jeff Gerstmann. To be fair, it sounds like Dark Outlaw Games, as it's been named, is very early in the production of a new title, but we now have confirmation that Jason Blundell has been drafted in from the now-defunct Deviation Games to head up a new internal team.

When asked what he's up to nowadays at the end of the podcast (timestamped above), Blundell said: "I've had the amazing opportunity to create a new studio within PlayStation Studios for Sony. The studio is called Dark Outlaws Games." He continues to explain the team has been "working away in the shadows for a while" and "when we have something to talk about", it'll be revealed.

Blundell confirms Dark Outlaw Games is a "new first-party studio" and not an external developer that Sony has chosen to partner with, like we've seen in the past with PS5 titles such as Stellar Blade and Rise of the Ronin. The developer is currently hiring but has been going for a little while now.

As the lead of Dark Outlaw Games, Jason Blundell is best known for his work on the Call of Duty: Black Ops games, especially the Zombies modes. He first began working with Sony as part of Deviation Games, which the platform holder announced a partnership with to create a new IP with all the way back in 2021. This never materialised, but Blundell has continued to work with PlayStation, now fully in-house.
