Not everyone knows this, but Until Dawn was originally intended to release as a PS Move game for the PS3. There’s a great story from our friends Time Extension about the project through here, including design documents and more.

The game was eventually retooled as the memorable PS4 exclusive you’re familiar with today, and it was remade for the PS5 and PC late last year. (A movie is also on the way in April.)

But have you ever wondered what that original PS Move game looked like, beyond the brief clips and promotional materials released by Sony at the time?

Well, here’s a full four-hour playthrough of a prototype build. This is wildly unfinished, and features placeholder voice acting, incomplete visuals, and more – but it gives you an idea of what the team was going for.

Perhaps most interesting of all here is how you can see the foundations for the game we’d eventually get. Despite being presented from a first-person perspective, the teen horror vibes remain, as do many of the characters from the final game.

It’s rare we get a snapshot of an incomplete project like this, so really savour the footage and admire what could have been.

Personally, we reckon Sony made the right decision to stick with this game but retool it as a non-motion controlled narrative adventure. While we were big fans of PS Move at the time, and feel like it could have done with some meatier experiences like this, retooling the title for PS4 allowed it to find a much bigger audience.

Put it this way: we doubt Until Dawn would be getting a movie in 2025 if it had originally launched for PS Move.
