
Topic: What PS5 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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@Ravix oh boy is it charming. Just finished the quest with the priest, and then the quest with the herbalist and 3 witches, absolute chaos.

It very much does remind me of TW3 minus all the fantasy elements, the dialogue system is very similar but somehow I enjoy being a completely inept Henry as opposed to infinitely badass Geralt. The level of detail in KCD however is unrivaled. I've only just learned to read and make potions, and the fact you have to actually pratice reading in this game is an absurd detail I never expected.

Skyrim is a game I struggle to get enjoyment out of unless I go really heavy with the roleplay, I have to make my own character background up and stuff, I suppose that's why I prefer KCD and TW3. So in Skyrim I'd usually limit myself to Leather armour, skyforge steel weapons, and the hunter's bow, only upgrading when I can make dragonscale armour and dragonbone weapons. Much for fun that way, at least for me... will say, Skyrim has better lockpicking than KCD for sure. Although Oblivion's lock picking is even better



@SlipperyFish to be fair, I fell off skyrim. I think it was just a little outdated by the time I played it, and also... Bethesda. They have a way of getting me to fall off their games somehow. But the comparison for that was more the first person combat and exploration element, more than anything else, although Skyrim is just one button combat without much risk/reward, really ๐Ÿ˜…

Just reading "the quest with the priest" will make anyone who has played it smile, guaranteed haha.

And that sunrise scene the morning after captures an indescribable feeling so perfectly ๐Ÿ˜… a pure contentedness with a side of ๐Ÿคฎ it's the little things they get so right in the game

It's a completely missable side quest too, apparently ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

Yeeeah, the actual systems in the game are superb, and it makes you actually think about things in a less gamey way, from actually having to learn and actively practice skills, to your health being 100 and not something you can level up in any way, to having to talk and listen to people to solve quests without it being made completely obvious what you have to do. I'm really glad they decided to make the game this way as it is so unique.

And yes, playing a normal, foolish young guy who is thrust into a world of chaos, politics and a world well above his lowly station leads to so many great moments, and plenty of silly dialogue choices where you can just lean in to being an idiot ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix "Bethesda" sums it up really, it lacks really any depth but was a vital game to my teenage years. And I forgot to explain why I played it like that, it just makes the game a bit more challenging and requires me to work on alchemy/enchanting/smithing a lot lot more, which otherwise are kind of useless skills to learn in the game. And yeah that's a good point about the combat. Although I've already figured you just really need to spam master strikes and stabs to the face in KCD. Combat is still bloody hard, though.

Hahaha, as soon as the preist said "let's drink to that" for the third time I thought, where the hell is this going? Feels bad to unwillingly cheat on Theresa though ๐Ÿ˜‚
I'm curious how you can even skip that quest, the scribe in Rattay glitched on me I think and wouldn't give me any info, and if you learn to read in Uzhitz I'm not sure why you'd go back to Rattay before talking to the priest..

I look forward to whatever is added in KCD2. Apparently smithing will be a thing, and it probably won't be easy considering I can't even get the hang of the grindstone yet



Dragon Dogma 2 is the game Iโ€™m mostly playing right now on PS5. Doing side missions to get more money I can spend on better armor and weapons.

Switch Friend Code- SW-7254-3677-0897
Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Mario Kart 8, Capcom Beat em Collection, SNK Heroines.

PlayStation- Shonen86
Fighting games.

Add me if ya like.

PSN: Shonen86


@Ravix I failed on my assignment this week, mostly on account of sinking all my extra hours into Dark Souls 2. ๐Ÿ˜… I did make some progress there, at least. I think starting another โ€˜fantasy knights and swordsโ€™ game concurrently is probably a bad idea, although I realize KCD and DS are nothing alike outside of a vaguely similar medieval aesthetic with castles, knights, and whatnot. Iโ€™m over halfway through DS2, I think, and so Iโ€™ll dust it off before attempting anything similar. But the sim aspect of the game certainly makes it a good candidate for a follow up, since I like to vary my game genres to keep things fresh.

โ€œWe cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.โ€


@SlipperyFish I really don't know how it is missable, but people can definitely miss it. There's even a trophy for completing the game celibate, which of course wouldn't be possible if they went drinking on that fateful night ๐Ÿ˜…

Yeah, excited to see forging/smithing, and as I am playing the DLC as Therasa, I found Henry pre Skalitz events and he was goofing around practising sword fighting and he said "I'm just practising with a wooden sword for now, one day I'll forge my own weapon" and it made me really eager to do just that.

I imagine it will be a kind of mix between the grindstone and alchemy mechanics, but where you have to treat each part, forge in fire, hammer out the metal, shape, sand or chisel it perhaps, fire the blade, assemble the parts. Should be interesting. Especially if it then shatters or bends on someone else's blade because you messed up ๐Ÿ˜‚

I mean, you could spam master strikes and poke people in the face, or you could also take a warhammer or mace and bonk people's heads in ๐Ÿ˜… it's good though, because the cheese tactics are still logical because generally people's faces don't hold up so well to the pointy end of a sword thrust, and people's heads aren't really built to deal with heavy spiked objects crashing down on them, nor their armour and helms ๐Ÿ˜…

It is fun to try dueling though, but for that you really have to single out opponents and pick your moments, the rest of the time, efficiency and tactics is king.

I really want to lean in to alchemy and craft a bunch of poisons to coat my blades in tbh, sinply to level the playing field ๐Ÿ˜ as I didn't really experiment enough first playthrough.

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


Iโ€™m currently playing Black Myth Wukong and 3/4th of the way through chapter two. Iโ€™m looking forward to making more progress today.



@Ravix it is kind of ironic being a blacksmith apprentice and not being able to smith in the game, I heard warhorse couldn't get it to work properly though.
I wonder how all the parts will work, wether you need to collect all the necessary materials or if it'll be like alchemy, where you just collect herbs but the water/wine/oil/spirits are already there for you.
This is my first playthrough and I've really lent into the alchemy, saving 200 odd groschen per saviour schnapps or marigold concoction has really helped my money. Also the nighthawk potion is a good help

I've not even tried maces yet, really should give that a go. I mostly use the master strike/face stab cheese in crowds where I'm overwhelmed, in 1v1 duels I try to keep it more fair and do combos as such. Bandits/cumans seem to not really know how to block face stabs so I've found it a good way to get a hit in on an annoying enemy. So far finding longswords more fun than shortsword + shield.

[Edited by SlipperyFish]



@SlipperyFish if there's treasure hunts or a quest/activity that involves finding or being rewarded with sword diagrams and smithing techniques from masters I'm all in, that's for sure ๐Ÿ˜

I usually vary my weapons and armour based on mood, role play situations (like travel, being in safe areas, or going to look for a fight) or practicality. Like a skirmish i'm probably going full plate with a shield and a mix of short sword or mace/hammer depending on opposition armour. In towns I'm usually just going to be in regular dress with a fancy charisma boosting sword or mace on my hip, and for travel moderately armoured but no helm. Hunting or sneaking into camps (which I intend to do much more in KCDII, I think) light armour and bows and poisons.

But you can't beat a good longsword duel at any time of day, as it allows you to actually string combos together and combo master strikes to tie it all in to a more fluid dance ๐Ÿ˜

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


Black Myth Wukong, fun game but tough boss fights makes it less fun for a casual like me. In the meantime pc gamers get a free wemod but us ps5 casuals have to "get good"



@torquex I find this game to be quite manageable compared to other โ€œSouls-likeโ€ games. I would consider it more of a modern God of War game with a few soulsโ€™ elements. How far are you? Iโ€™m glad youโ€™re having fun with it despite the challenge. You got this!




Kraven wrote:

How far are you?

Whiteclad Noble second phase no joy also still not beat big head Wandering Wight, shockwave wrecks me everytime, also went too far outside arena and big heads healthbar reset lol. Gonna check out some help guides.



It's been a while since I've been active,

Been working through the backlog

Assassin's Creed Valhalla - 7/10
Very much what we've seen and I enjoyed it for the most part, this was a game which was too big, if that's even a thing, way to much to do and most of it's pointless but the main game/story I enjoyed.

Hogwarts Legacy - 6/10
Big Harry Potter fan and for the first 10-15 hours I actually really enjoyed the game, thought the combat was great and the graphics are easily some of the best to date, as the game went on I felt it got stale, story became predictable and I actually got bored that everyone you interacted with was just a goodie-toe-shoes and overly nice, it also had alot of pointless side stuff and I basically ran through the story towards the end.

Doom 2016 - 7/10
Enjoyed it, mabye I just needed some mindless running and gunning after the last few games but it was simple and the last few boss fights where quite challenging.

Remant 2 & DLC's 8/10
I absolutely adored this game and really went all in, I am actually close to the plat and will probably grab it when I return for the 3rd DLC. A Soul's like shooter with plenty of enemies and boss fights and a great atmosphere, never played the first one so can't compare but this was a treat.

Diablo 4 - 7/10
I actually enjoyed the story and played abit of season 4 but ultimately wanted to move on, definitely worth picking up for the campaign though and the builds are quite good, I know it's had its controversy but I had fun with it.

Ratchet and clank a rift apart- 8/10
Great game with good fun gunplay, plenty of weapons to try out. Rivet was a good character to add in the game and the graphics and colours really showed off what the ps5 is capable of.



@Ravix the smithing in KCDII is going to be immensely indepth, no doubt about it. The witcher had cool side quests for the special armours and I imagine it'll be similar for the really special gear.

The thing about KCD is if you're bad at the combat, how good your weapons or armour are doesn't really matter much haha. At the moment I find bandits and cumans well balanced, I have to use my full set of skills to defeat them but it's not frustratingly difficult. I'm still no where near good enough to final the Rattay tourney (which I've definitely rage quit a few times). Definitely need to train axes and maces with Bernard before trying the tourney again.

I try and layer my clothes so that I carry the least amount of extras as possible. So base layers are all dark and quiet, good defense on the middle layers, and then high charisma on the outerlayer. Keeping spare leather gloves for hunting/sneaking.

Honestly I love a lot of the boring stuff in the game, just riding my horse, trading, picking herbs, etc, it's just such a nice environment it makes boring tasks in other games, a really relaxing experience in this one. The atmosphere and charm of KCD is unparalleled

[Edited by SlipperyFish]



@torquex I love souls games but I think there's a time and place for it, too many action games are soulslikes now. Would you say Wukong is worth full price or should I wait for a little discount on it?



@SlipperyFish Hey, Lad! Don't you want to put a little wager on the Rattay Tourney?

Yep, they really nailed the feels and tone of even the simplest of things. Similar to RDR2 I'd just get lost for ages wandering and admiring the world. If the next game had a legit sim element where you could just go and grind flour, skin animals, smith etc instead of going to war. I mean, maybe there is the potential to one day use the world and mechanics for KCD Online where people can just chill and sell flowers or become bandits ๐Ÿซจ๐Ÿซจ๐Ÿซจ

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix what's more annoying, Peshek or that quest popping up all the time?

Skinning animals needs to change in KCD2, unlocking a perk just for skins to be a random chance event was a very lazy way to do it, especially when there's bloody tanneries already in the game. It would be great if KCD2 is basically medieval life simulator. It's funny isn't it, all these games about killing each other but the best elements are arguably when there's little fighting. Maybe it's a metaphor, I dunno, I just wanna wander around Kuttenburg already!



@MaulTsir Nice work, buddy! Looks like a quality diverse set of recent games. Too bad that Hogwarts fell a little short for you, but I can understand your sentiment. I continued to enjoy it through to the end and it was my GOTY last year, but a lot of the open world tasks do get a bit samey. In the end I also gave up on clearing all the Merlin trials, balloons, etc before it became too rote, and still ended up sinking 80 hrs or so into it. The story was middling, but I enjoyed the HP lore so much that it made up for it.

I also agree with your Rift Apart and Doom comments. Both solid games for when their respective mood strikes.

A couple of your other games pique my interest, namely Remnant II. Iโ€™m playing Dark Souls 2 right now and getting my Souls fix for a while, but Remnant II recently dropped onto PS+ Extra so it caught my eye. I actually have the first game in my library also from PS+. The first game was fairly well received but the second one really received some very high praise, so I think skipping straight to it might be the way to go. How was the difficulty? Are there ways to grind levels and farm for experience if youโ€™re struggling, like the Souls games? And do you think youโ€™ll go back and try the first game now?

โ€œWe cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.โ€


@Th3solution I mean, it's hardly fantasy, it's historical fiction and medieval life sim, like you say, so it should suit you nicely anyway ๐Ÿ˜ and if you don't try it soon, Henry will come to see you ๐Ÿ‘บ


[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


SlipperyFish wrote:

should I wait for a little discount on it?

If you're not in a rush 100% yes.


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