Unknown 9 Awakening feels like a remastered PS3 game, and we mean that in the nicest possible way. This cross-media debut from Montreal-based studio Reflector is part of a wider push into comics, books, and more. But its largely linear level design and small-scale combat skirmishes feel like they were designed over a decade ago. That’s not a bad thing if you have a fondness for adventures of that era, like Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune et al.
You play as Haroona, a so-called Quaestor with the ability to enter a different dimension, known as the Fold. The protagonist is portrayed by Anya Chalotra of The Witcher fame, who brings a little star power to the experience – even if the cutscenes do feel very rigidly part of a bygone era, with some awkward and unwieldy animations. It is what it is, and her voice acting generally seems decent when she’s mumbling to herself throughout.
While the lore is dense, effectively you find yourself the target of a mythical faction known as the Ascendants, who want to use the Fold to do naughty things. Considering your command over the parallel universe, you have a bullseye on your back, and so you must use the power which your nemeses seek against them. This segues nicely into the combat system, which sees you embodying your foes in order to place them in disadvantageous positions.

So, you can pilot your rivals temporarily and force them to shoot at each other, or destroy generators powering motion detectors. Each combat scenario becomes a kind of puzzle: sneak into the stronghold, take command of a nearby sniper and execute his pal, snap the neck of the sniper, then lead two foes to an explosive barrel and detonate it, watching as they commit a cruel kind of suicide. It’s silly but undeniably entertaining, and new enemy types and challenges keep things varied.
If you do make a mistake, the hand-to-hand combat is cumbersome and very much a last resort, but it’s functional. Looking at the skill tree, which we’d barely scratched the surface of by the end of our two-hour demo, it does seem like these gauntlets will become more and more intricate over the course of the campaign; we’re assuming new enemy types will be sprinkled in to counteract some of the more powerful abilities you unlock, too.
Much like an Uncharted or Tomb Raider, we’re expecting plenty of globetrotting, too. In the opening exchanges of the demo, we found ourselves working our way through a sun soaked sea port, before ending up in a tropical jungle at night. We imagine there’ll be many more locations in the final game, and while the level design is very much reminiscent of that PS3 era, with one key route to follow and collectibles off the beaten path, it’s refreshing to play something a little more linear among the many open world titles already available.

Our concern for Unknown 9 Awakening is that it feels a little scrappy – like the kind of thing that could easily get lost in the shuffle. While we respect the ambition of a cross-media push, we’re yet to be convinced the fiction here is strong enough to fuel such a wide drive. Ultimately, we enjoyed the puzzle-like combat encounters here, and even the more straightforward level design – but in a holiday season absolutely bursting with blockbusters, there’s a worry that Haroona, ironically, could just get lost in the Fold.
Unknown 9 Awakening launches 17th October on PS5 and PS4. Are you attracted to the idea of a more straightforward, PS3 era adventure? Embody another person in the comments section below.
Comments 37
I mean this in the nicest way possible and not a diss towards the devs but rather a general statement.
I’d much rather we see “PS5 era adventures” on the console I was promised such experiences on back in 2020 rather than “PS3 era”.
I can just dust off the old Slim console if that’s what is on offer this generation.
@DonJorginho The article is referring to level design being reminiscent of a PS3 title. By wanting "PS5 era adventures" you're pretty much saying... "More open world games, please!"
I mean, it wasn't this developer the one who promised that.
Speaking of PS3 titles, I just want Concord back
I was looking forward to it but I guess it'll be mid-game.
@Almost_Ghostly next gen experience == open world?
Some of the best experiences in every generation have been linear, but you can still provide something new within that or push the level of said experience to deliver something next level.
The game genre doesn’t dictate that here.
@Lup “not a diss towards the devs but rather a general statement”
This game feels like the fake game Ian Beale’s kids would be playing in the background of Eastenders.
That is the most generic AI sounding title for a game ever. That alone will mean most people won't bother with it I'd bet.
This game sounds like Forspoken meets Assassin’s Creed 15 years ago with modern AA production values.
And, man, does that make me feel like I need a demo of this one to have an authentic opinion. I’d like to see more, but I also feel like this one may get lost in the rough.
Removed - off-topic
@DogPark why are all your comments about porn hub??
Removed - unconstructive
hmmm, I am not crossing that. Actually, it looks very different and I love Nathan Drake. I want something scrappy.
This seems like something I'll play at deep discount or once it's on Plus. I'm all for more linear games, though.
I'll give it a go eventually. I think I'll enjoy it the same way I liked Forspoken and Immortals of Aveum.
@DonJorginho as of a few months ago, PS4 had practically the same number of active players as PS5. I'd guess that audience split doesn't make next-gen only titles a particularly appealing prospect for developers. Especially given the sort of gangbusters numbers big publishers expect for their bottom line these days.
And given how much Sony seems focused on backwards compatibility (and Microsoft on cloud streaming), I'd expect that to become the standard.
Are we using PS3 as an exemple of how old a game design is?! Because the needles didn't move since then for game designs! Still stuck with Far Cry 3 blue print for open world and action games are still the same! We barely had anything that felt like a new concept!
Gaming problems isn't graphics or level design but mainly the way to interreact with the worlds they make and the outcome of players actions!
Seems like another title to pile onto the "I'll try to remember to pick it up when it's on a deep sale" backlog. 😋
If the reviews are good I'll buy it. I remember I was intrigued when the game was first revealed waaaay back.
Caught my eye from the presentation at Gamescom.
And after reading this preview, it seems ok, I think I'm gonna give it a go.
These are the new single-player IPs, with shorter production times that everyone has been clamouring about people, it's time to show your support.
I know exactly what you are saying, I TOO found it strange that at least one person wasn't being a misogynist. After all, Anya Chalotra is the one that ruined Yenefer for many a Hikikomori.
Removed - off-topic
@MikeOrator absolutely agree, short but sweet games that don't need to have insane budgets, but new ideas.
@Kanji-Tatsumi because he's a dog..... get it DOG.... i will see myself out.
This is actually something I will gladly buy if it turns out to be solid. I understand wanting experiences that feel new, but in an era now where tons of games are the similar open world formula, it might actually be refreshing to play something that's more of a throwback to an honestly much better time in gaming.
The Uncharted and Tomb Raider reboot series were two of my favorites from the PS3/PS4 era, so it being reminiscent of that could be a positive in my opinion. Sure, I could just go back to them since I still own them and my PS3, but something new in that formula would work too.
This is coming out for PS4 also... LoL we are going to continue to get PS4 games when the PS6 comes out!!
WTF even is that? 2024, go home, you're drunk...
I am getting this at no cost with my AMD processor purchase and I don't think it looks like my kind of game. I might give it a try at least though cause it cost me nothing extra.
I like it. I played it at Gamescom, even if the demo was pretty tough, I have good feelings about this game.
Reading those toxic comments here isn't fun. What's all your problems here? just have fun playing good games.
It appealed to me straight away , took a punt and pre-ordered
I want a new Uncharted and a new Infamous. With the original teams. The top pic made me think of the latter and the namedrop of the former made me think of that.
I was keeping an eye on this game.
Less enthusiastic after seeing gameplay vids.
Can’t say I’ve heard of this one but I’m definitely interested in a PS3-era game. The shorter games of that generation generally appeal to me more than the bloated titles we’ve seen on PS4/PS5. Will keep an eye out for the reviews!
Slitterhead has the body hopping too. Wonder how many "hoplike" games will follow those.
If it's a sweet baby game it's a automatic pass for me.
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