Perhaps ‘Dark Souls-vania’ is a bit of an overstatement, but there’s no denying the plethora of influences, both modern and contemporary, in this gorgeously sacrilegious metroidvania. Blasphemous is dripping in grim atmosphere and stuffed full of macabre religious iconography, bloody combat, and enough lore to fill the Old Testament.
You take on the role of the Penitent One, a mute protagonist that for once has a good reason to be – he’s taken a vow of silence. The narrative for the most part keeps its rosary beads fairly close to its chest. Rare moments to catch your breath will likely be spent reading up on the lore, piecing together what sent this dystopia to hell, and what you’re meant to do about it; only the beautifully disturbing pixel art cutscenes give hints.
Blasphemous blends gameplay elements to effectively craft progression that feels earned. Combat requires you to be smart; blocking and dodging are essential to handle the horrific, highly detailed monster variants that each feel unique, both in their revolting designs and their method of assault. Fortunately, the Penitent One doesn’t just rely on his hallowed sword, as passive effect artefacts, a progression tree, and prayers (spells) allow you to personalise your playstyle. The combat is smooth and the movement is slick. The only rare source of frustration comes from some unfairly placed falls and the occasional cheap, overpowered enemy that drains your health with one tombstone to the cone shaped head.
If you’re skilled, you can speed through in a little over ten hours, though exploring every nook and cranny of the map and finding all of the collectables can take upwards of double that, especially considering there are two endings to experience. At any rate, Blasphemous is torturously fun, and one of the best the genre has to offer.
Comments 16
Nice.this game looks cool.over 10 hours nathanial.thats great.reminds me of castlevania from snes and sega genesis.word up son
Looks amazing and not blasphemous at all.
Holding out for a physical release as this looks excellent and right up my gore-filled occult street!
@Tsurii "If you’re skilled, you can speed through in a little over ten hours, though exploring every nook and cranny of the map and finding all of the collectables can take upwards of double that, especially considering there are two endings to experience."
You're welcome!
Not gonna lie, reviews overly short. It says there’s a lot of lore and the world building is stellar in the the bullet point, but the review does nothing to tell me that it’s stellar. It sounds like it’s decent at least, but it more just states the style and says the cutscenes look good. I wouldn’t know it was “stellar” without the bullet-point being there as no real examples are given. It says the atmosphere is good, but that doesn’t necessarily translate into good story or anything beyond that.
Also, it says game altering power-ups are given, to which isn’t explained in the review at all. It’s says there are progression trees/powers and gives off the vibe that you’re more or less liking it, but nothing written even suggests we have some great gameplay altering ones.
Now I’m not sure if you were asked to make it this short, but if this was site policy I would encourage it to be changed for reviews like this because this didn’t give any real detail to say why it’s a great game. I was just surprised to see the bullet-point praises in the summary that the review didn’t say those things in the first place. And it’s not something that can be solved other than by being longer. It’s as well written ad its length can allow, so props there.
@ShaiHulud yeah don't see a 3.8gb game getting a physical release but maybe??
That cone helmet creeps me out. Gonna check this out though. Looks way cool.
@Shepherd_Tallon haven't played this yet but looks amazing. I have played Ashen though, didn't hold my attention. I really wanted to like it but I just wasn't entertained by it. And this is coming from someone who's played every souls/souls like game multiple times. But I hope you enjoy it!
@Tsurii Well, the reviewer mentioned that it will take you around 20 hours if you're taking it easy, or 10 if you rush through it. Might be the NL reviewer took their time maybe?
@Maximundo82 At some point the developer said they were going to look into the possibility of a physical release after the first release, so fingers crossed!
@Jaz007 We've introduced this Mini Review format as an alternative to our longer-form ones. The reality is that there are so many games now, we need to make concessions to cover them.
We have an alternate page style for Mini Reviews to separate them from the usual ones, but we're considering making it clearer what is a Mini Review and what is a full review.
I consider myself a bit of a seasoned Metroidvania player and I dont know if I've not read something in the game but I played 35hrs of this and i'm at 37% completion. There seems to be zero direction at all in the game. No idea what all the collectibles are/do. Ive wandered about all the areas I can and have no idea where i'm supposed to go next. Zero signposting at all. Sometimes there'll be nothing in a certain screen ... then when I go back theres a major plot progression character in the same screen. Finding it quite a frustrating play.
@Jaz007 "Not gonna lie, reviews overly short."
Agreed. Such perfunctory reviews are seemingly becoming more common on PushSquare. The first time it only raised an eyebrow from me, but it's clearly becoming a trend now. Will only AAA games get the in-depth review treatment from now on?
Also, regarding your comment about the bullet points, I likewise agree that the "Pros/Cons" section really should be summarizing the content already presented in the review, not supplanting it.
EDIT: Just saw Sammy's comment - it would indeed be a good idea to indicate "mini review" status in the headline, going forward.
@get2sammyb Good choice for the short reviews.
On the other hand, a short review feels a bit too light for this game. It. Is. Just. So. Good. Looking.
... looks good! (shame about the length though) thoroughly enjoying Dead Cells myself at the moment... maybe after a break from that I'll move on to this...
The game turned out to be as great as I was hoping it to be! Those graphics look so good I love pixel art and this game is probably one of the best looking of it’s kind. But damn is that game hard lol great review and a well deserved score!
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